ScrotieMcB wrote:
No, this isn't a Labyrinth QQ thread. Far from it.
Check out this video.
ZiggyD showing off Zerphi's Last Breath
"I like that you actually have to think about using this as well," quoth the Ziggy. But obviously he didn't have to think about where he's standing, or even which direction he's aiming. Seriously, check out the moment where Dominus is right it front of him and he completely misses with Spark.
This is what some of you people think this game is. What ARPGs are. Stand anywhere, spam skill, facetank all the things, bodies hit the floor around you. The items which let you achieve this are the good items; the skills which let you achieve this are the good skills.
This mentality is a cancer upon action role-playing games.
Why is there so much Labyrinth QQ? This is why: Positioning matters, and no amount of spam will ever kill a trap. The path is not linear but requires navigation. The boss requires you to actually pay attention and do specific things during the fight, or he comes back stronger.
The Labyrinth is the most anti-spam, anti-facetank, pro-positioning, pro-thinking content GGG has ever released. So Spam Nation despises it.
I hope you all you one-handed Netflix-watching beverage holders never get your Ascendancy points. And to those who play PoE with both hands primed and full attention, I salute you; your enchantments are well earned.
Good day, sirs.
"Dude he fucking said hotdog racist.
Like I can't even make this shit up." - gj
1.0.0 Forum Posters now have 50% less Critical Thinking skill per Patch
ScrotieMcB wrote:
No, this isn't a Labyrinth QQ thread. Far from it.
Check out this video.
ZiggyD showing off Zerphi's Last Breath
"I like that you actually have to think about using this as well," quoth the Ziggy. But obviously he didn't have to think about where he's standing, or even which direction he's aiming. Seriously, check out the moment where Dominus is right it front of him and he completely misses with Spark.
This is what some of you people think this game is. What ARPGs are. Stand anywhere, spam skill, facetank all the things, bodies hit the floor around you. The items which let you achieve this are the good items; the skills which let you achieve this are the good skills.
This mentality is a cancer upon action role-playing games.
Why is there so much Labyrinth QQ? This is why: Positioning matters, and no amount of spam will ever kill a trap. The path is not linear but requires navigation. The boss requires you to actually pay attention and do specific things during the fight, or he comes back stronger.
The Labyrinth is the most anti-spam, anti-facetank, pro-positioning, pro-thinking content GGG has ever released. So Spam Nation despises it.
I hope you all you one-handed Netflix-watching beverage holders never get your Ascendancy points. And to those who play PoE with both hands primed and full attention, I salute you; your enchantments are well earned.
Good day, sirs.
+1. Too many complaints on not being able to facetank everything with no risk. Keep labyrinth the same and possibly increase trap damage etc.
Posted byuniversal777#1001on Mar 10, 2016, 1:05:19 AM
tbf I can still watch netflix in the labyrinth.
Posted byladish#6213on Mar 10, 2016, 1:14:18 AM
Heli0nix wrote:
I don't get what you mean. Hack and slash ARPG has always been slaughtering masses of enemies in crazy hectic combat. ARPG is never hard to begin.
Yeah and some MMORPG didn't had any plateform mini games and now most of them have.
Fighting Arcade games doesn't had any weapons / sword a while ago and then this has been added to the genre aswell.
I can continue for a while but i'm pretty sure you see where i want to go :)
The genre is defined by game's authors.
GGG made a decision to try to make it evolving a bit more with PoE going in many directions this is risky but someone had to do it one day at all ^^ I wouldn't be surprised if they astonish us with some more than that in a near futur honestly :)
Little note: Back in d2 days i would like to point out the fact ARPG was like the last of room comparing to other game genre. Guess why ? Press stated many times it was always becoming boring after some points and redundant content. Maybe the reason there are SO MANY ( ironic ) ARPG at this moment :)
Now i respect your opinion regarding if it's fit or not with the genre i'm just kinda disapointed each time i see the lab hated while it's a free and easy reward to get.
We all know why players hate labyrinth. Same reason than Uber or Core hasn't been done by more than 5% of userbase ( probably less ).
I never say you can't have them. You can have multi-genre and cross-genre. But mazes, traps and puzzles aren't the defining elements of Hack and slash ARPG. If you add guns and aiming, you have a shooter RPG. If you tries to frighten players and instill their primal fears, you have horror genre. The developers is mixing genre, if you continue adding them, you are moving from one genre to another.
You are right. Games are evolving. ARPG is now more open, dynamic, involving. I thought ARPG are quick pick 'em up games. Back in the days, you didn't need to dodge traps in Diablo like POE.
Heli0nix wrote:
Little note: Back in d2 days i would like to point out the fact ARPG was like the last of room comparing to other game genre.
It resemblance a dungeon, or the dungeon crawling aspect of it. It is a property of Roguelike, not ARPG. Diablo 1 is full of dungeons. Diablo 2 has more wide open areas. It is much more similar to Diablo 1, well the dungeon crawling aspect of it.
Last edited by deathflower#0444 on Mar 10, 2016, 2:41:21 PM
Posted bydeathflower#0444on Mar 10, 2016, 1:24:51 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
No, this isn't a Labyrinth QQ thread. Far from it.
Check out this video.
ZiggyD showing off Zerphi's Last Breath
"I like that you actually have to think about using this as well," quoth the Ziggy. But obviously he didn't have to think about where he's standing, or even which direction he's aiming. Seriously, check out the moment where Dominus is right it front of him and he completely misses with Spark.
This is what some of you people think this game is. What ARPGs are. Stand anywhere, spam skill, facetank all the things, bodies hit the floor around you. The items which let you achieve this are the good items; the skills which let you achieve this are the good skills.
This mentality is a cancer upon action role-playing games.
Why is there so much Labyrinth QQ? This is why: Positioning matters, and no amount of spam will ever kill a trap. The path is not linear but requires navigation. The boss requires you to actually pay attention and do specific things during the fight, or he comes back stronger.
The Labyrinth is the most anti-spam, anti-facetank, pro-positioning, pro-thinking content GGG has ever released. So Spam Nation despises it.
I hope you all you one-handed Netflix-watching beverage holders never get your Ascendancy points. And to those who play PoE with both hands primed and full attention, I salute you; your enchantments are well earned.
Good day, sirs.
Good day! Truth be told.
I still like Ziggy, tho. :P
And you can still facetank Emperor Pizgaro, tho. :P With broken-as-fuck Guardian Auras, friend of mine gets 65k armor. 125k Flasked. :V
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Posted byPerq#4049on Mar 10, 2016, 2:29:42 AM
I almost want to edit the OP to point out that you can't leech off traps, either. Vaal Pact is not so mighty against invulnerable threats.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Posted byScrotieMcB#2697on Mar 10, 2016, 3:35:26 AM
Heli0nix wrote:
I want a ScrotieMCB supporter pack.
+1 would buy.
Posted byAntaiseito#1203on Mar 10, 2016, 4:13:17 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
No, this isn't a Labyrinth QQ thread. Far from it.
Check out this video.
ZiggyD showing off Zerphi's Last Breath
"I like that you actually have to think about using this as well," quoth the Ziggy. But obviously he didn't have to think about where he's standing, or even which direction he's aiming. Seriously, check out the moment where Dominus is right it front of him and he completely misses with Spark.
This is what some of you people think this game is. What ARPGs are. Stand anywhere, spam skill, facetank all the things, bodies hit the floor around you. The items which let you achieve this are the good items; the skills which let you achieve this are the good skills.
This mentality is a cancer upon action role-playing games.
Why is there so much Labyrinth QQ? This is why: Positioning matters, and no amount of spam will ever kill a trap. The path is not linear but requires navigation. The boss requires you to actually pay attention and do specific things during the fight, or he comes back stronger.
The Labyrinth is the most anti-spam, anti-facetank, pro-positioning, pro-thinking content GGG has ever released. So Spam Nation despises it.
I hope you all you one-handed Netflix-watching beverage holders never get your Ascendancy points. And to those who play PoE with both hands primed and full attention, I salute you; your enchantments are well earned.
Good day, sirs.
"Wah wah wah wah, other people don't like the same things as me, so they are bad and I am good, Wah wah wah!!!"
Posted byivkoto77777#0822on Mar 10, 2016, 5:17:50 AM
knac84 wrote:
Scrotie I feel your pain, and that's why we can't have nice things.
GGG has been increasingly spoon feeding players to draw more players to play the game. The game is WAAAAY too fast nowadays so there is no danger 99% of the time cause you just destroy everything with brain switch off.
PoE WASN'T like this when the player base was smaller and gearing wasn't so easy, and the power level of characters was also lower in general. But is how it is and I'm afrai d it's not going to change, now we are stuck with it,
No one is forcing you to equip strong gear and make your character powerful. Why the fuck should other people play with gimped characters, because you like to? Just delete your gear and stop whining.
Posted byivkoto77777#0822on Mar 10, 2016, 5:22:12 AM
Nice read and totally agree.
To make the cry even larger, they should standardize every char. If you enter the Labyrinth in A3 Merci:
Capped at 4k HP and 75% Res
Can only use 4L items.
That would be hilarious.
Then we don't have to read this "I have 50 Ex gear and im lvl 95 and cant finish" shit ever again.
Welcome to the greatest of arenas, Duelist. God is watching you.
Last edited by Astarte911#6271 on Mar 10, 2016, 5:36:58 AM
Posted byAstarte911#6271on Mar 10, 2016, 5:36:00 AM