Is this what an action RPG should look like?

ScrotieMcB wrote:
No, this isn't a Labyrinth QQ thread. Far from it.

Check out this video.
ZiggyD showing off Zerphi's Last Breath

"I like that you actually have to think about using this as well," quoth the Ziggy. But obviously he didn't have to think about where he's standing, or even which direction he's aiming. Seriously, check out the moment where Dominus is right it front of him and he completely misses with Spark.

This is what some of you people think this game is. What ARPGs are. Stand anywhere, spam skill, facetank all the things, bodies hit the floor around you. The items which let you achieve this are the good items; the skills which let you achieve this are the good skills.

This mentality is a cancer upon action role-playing games.

Why is there so much Labyrinth QQ? This is why: Positioning matters, and no amount of spam will ever kill a trap. The path is not linear but requires navigation. The boss requires you to actually pay attention and do specific things during the fight, or he comes back stronger.

The Labyrinth is the most anti-spam, anti-facetank, pro-positioning, pro-thinking content GGG has ever released. So Spam Nation despises it.


I hope you all you one-handed Netflix-watching beverage holders never get your Ascendancy points. And to those who play PoE with both hands primed and full attention, I salute you; your enchantments are well earned.

Good day, sirs.

I don't get what you mean. Hack and slash ARPG has always been slaughtering masses of enemies in crazy hectic combat. ARPG is never hard to begin.

Labyrinth doesn't resemblance APRG genre. It is platform genre elements, mazes, traps and puzzles.
first day on the forums since ascendency dropped and i think its hilarious people are complaining about labyrinth content.

but then i consider the types of people who are commonly posting on here and realize its probably just a vocal minority, so its slightly less funny.
Every Saturday = National Booze n Poe Day
RagnarokChu wrote:
I don't know who you are preaching too since people just overlevel the labs and walk through them.

Such skill at not doing content at appropriate levels.

Also "one-handed Netflix-watching beverage holders" wouldn't be playing this game anyway since it naturally wards them off ;V

This. If not split phase would 1shot boss :S
IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant -
[3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg
[2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder [Retired]
I always play poe while watching something or at least something running in the background.

It's kinda sad that a game that takes less buttons to play than D3, and that's saying a lot.

Sure I can take off cwdt and dont play trigger skills and don't use curse on hit... but then GGG intended us to play this game on auto-pilot so might as well.
The real hardcore PoE players and the elites sit in town and zoning in and out of their hideouts trading items. Noobs that don't know how to play PoE correctly, kill monsters for items. It's pure fact, it will never change.

Welcome to PoE.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
No, this isn't a Labyrinth QQ thread. Far from it.

Check out this video.
ZiggyD showing off Zerphi's Last Breath

"I like that you actually have to think about using this as well," quoth the Ziggy. But obviously he didn't have to think about where he's standing, or even which direction he's aiming. Seriously, check out the moment where Dominus is right it front of him and he completely misses with Spark.

This is what some of you people think this game is. What ARPGs are. Stand anywhere, spam skill, facetank all the things, bodies hit the floor around you. The items which let you achieve this are the good items; the skills which let you achieve this are the good skills.

This mentality is a cancer upon action role-playing games.

Why is there so much Labyrinth QQ? This is why: Positioning matters, and no amount of spam will ever kill a trap. The path is not linear but requires navigation. The boss requires you to actually pay attention and do specific things during the fight, or he comes back stronger.

The Labyrinth is the most anti-spam, anti-facetank, pro-positioning, pro-thinking content GGG has ever released. So Spam Nation despises it.


I hope you all you one-handed Netflix-watching beverage holders never get your Ascendancy points. And to those who play PoE with both hands primed and full attention, I salute you; your enchantments are well earned.

Good day, sirs.

Really now?! Pretty sure I can just carry speed flask and speed run through ignore all traps and side area's, as well at nuke the boss into neutral in 1sec flat using one button wherever I decide to stop and stand! All in under 8 mins per run! Pretty sure even with 5% on armour, 18% evasion and 5k life I can just let him hit me and not die! I watch netflix while I do runs, and smoke, and drink my beer as well...the place is a fucking joke!

The only reason people are having problems is because they are attempting to do it while they are going through the leveling process, with iffy gear, little to no sockets and links, and low to mid gem levels instead of doing the smart thing and just waiting till around map level and then just kicking the bosses fucking face in! Not saying people can't do it while going through the leveling process, but if you don't have the build/skill/gear too then just wait, and if you still can do it then you don't deserve the rewards, nor the title of a gamer in my eyes!

As for the labyrinth as a whole, the boss altho challenging during the leveling process is pathetic once your affairs are in order, I would of rather seen the first 2 boss encounters for the points, and the final fight behind a buffed version similar to the difficulty level of atziri, with less rng for the enchantments! Still limiting their availability, only by different means, instead of full on rng as a limiter, it limits them by moving them to those actually worthy of wielding them to begin with! They are powerful, they should come with a some sort of skill-wall to climb over, not just handed out to whomever wants to commit to the grind!

Last edited by justinmm1988#6504 on Mar 9, 2016, 8:43:44 PM
I have less of an issue with the labyrinth and the traps, if you have a modicum of hand-eye coordination and a bit of practice anyone can get past them.

Thats a good philosophy. Something that requires player skill and coordination, a test of skill. Decent design there, props to GGG.

But the Izaro fight is stupid. Its a gear and character power check that gates.. more character power. Not only that, but the power check is totally level inapropriate and the fight is unfair to a variety of builds (golems and melee... who had that glorious idea).

And the trials are just annoying. More tedium to the leveling process is exactly what we didnt need.

So as a player who has no issue completing the lab on hardcore (even though i ripped two 80ies in PHC on maps, showing i am not stellar), i will still have to agree to the majority of players saying "Tone down Izaro and get rid of the tirals, what the fuck GGG."

Because "better overgear like crazy for that fight, even though you can handle all level apropriate content so that level apropriate content gets easier" is very much the dumbest fucking thing anyone has ever done.

Seperate ladder Labyrinth and ascendency Labyrinth for all i care, because as is, its design is incredibly counter intuitive and bad for the game. (and to stress again, i have no problem completing the lab on any of the builds i made thus far)
I don't get what you mean. Hack and slash ARPG has always been slaughtering masses of enemies in crazy hectic combat. ARPG is never hard to begin.

Yeah and some MMORPG didn't had any plateform mini games and now most of them have.
Fighting Arcade games doesn't had any weapons / sword a while ago and then this has been added to the genre aswell.

I can continue for a while but i'm pretty sure you see where i want to go :)

The genre is defined by game's authors.
GGG made a decision to try to make it evolving a bit more with PoE going in many directions this is risky but someone had to do it one day at all ^^ I wouldn't be surprised if they astonish us with some more than that in a near futur honestly :)

Little note: Back in d2 days i would like to point out the fact ARPG was like the last of room comparing to other game genre. Guess why ? Press stated many times it was always becoming boring after some points and redundant content. Maybe the reason there are SO MANY ( ironic ) ARPG at this moment :)

Now i respect your opinion regarding if it's fit or not with the genre i'm just kinda disapointed each time i see the lab hated while it's a free and easy reward to get.

We all know why players hate labyrinth. Same reason than Uber or Core hasn't been done by more than 5% of userbase ( probably less ).

Hf :)
Last edited by Heli0nix#0378 on Mar 9, 2016, 9:12:38 PM
Ocylix wrote:
Assfinder wrote:
Spam nation rejoice! Whirling blades + crit + life to the rescue! (again)

even faster

even with these speed runners (which is the reason for the daily lab ladder), Scrotie's point still stands: positioning is key

meanwhile in blink arrow land *tic-toc*
Last edited by awave#0377 on Mar 9, 2016, 11:05:07 PM
ITT: butthurt "hardcore" players complaining about people complaining.

Oh the exquisite irony.

Also, incoming patch 2.2.1 notes:

* Emperor Izaro has been made easier in Normal difficulty.
* Many minor fixes to blockages and impassable paths in Labyrinth have been made.

So get rekt.
To the OP:

Guess the rest of the "normal POE" game isn't for you anymore. Boring clickfest indeed. Have fun running the lab 24/7.

I laugh at all these posts, very similar in nature, that sing the praises of the lab and the glorious, excalibur-wielding exiles with the pro gaming skills to run the lab... (while simultaneously insulting the entire rest of the game as a clickfest).

Might as well quit POE, or run for helm enchants all day long. Good luck.

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