Is this what an action RPG should look like?
Some good points scrotie. However, framing it with "this is the problem cause most people see it that way" is what threw me.
It very much is an ARPG. I don't think any one person can decide what is or what isn't. What do these categories mean anyway other than a point of reference to new players wondering what the game is like? E: FWIW I watch movies while I play PoE and usually smoke AND drink. I wouldn't have it any other way. That's a part of ARPGs ive loved since D1. They are much more passive than playing say a shooter. ( I still crushed the Lab, so im not saying it needs nerfing seemed just right to me) Don't forget to drink your milk 👌 Last edited by TheWretch#7848 on Mar 9, 2016, 3:49:21 PM
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" TIL ignoring traps/face tanking boss = positioning |
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"For the same of simplicity, I'm just going to say that I disagree with all of this. Maybe I could find some truth in a clause or two, but it's a whole lot of wrong. "The answer to your implied question is daily leaderboards. "Agree here. Lab's a Good Thing™. Trials? Not so much. "Ideas to fix that which isn't broken, which would break things if attempted. Strongly disagree with all. Well, *maybe* random Lab if character hasn't Ascended yet. But if they have, nonrandom for daily leaderboards. "The biggest problem with the Trials is that they are tutorials you have to complete three times instead of just once. Your suggestion doesn't fix this, it just benefits those who deal with the brokenness. Like seeing a car broken down by the side of the road with a flat tire, and "fixing" the situation by giving the stranded driver a cold beverage and a delicious cookie, then driving off. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 9, 2016, 4:00:27 PM
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" This ones for you Mark!! BOOM!! FeelsBetterMan? :) :) :) SUPPORT TAGS LIMIT REACHED!!?? - Fine then.... Last edited by AmityXIII#4838 on Mar 9, 2016, 3:58:48 PM
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No, like every other white knight out there you are wrong. The lab is easy. It's just another tedious addition to an already tedious levelling experience. Make it optional and it will be great. I will never set foot in it again. Because it's not at all what i play this game for.
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PoE gives you all the tools to be lazy, and some of the best builds are. "Cast on x" skills exist, automate your ability to recover from harm, bolster your damage, and make the game easier.
The big thing is, you have to plan all this. The laziest builds had at least a little bit of breakthrough with how the game works and how you can make that build work. If the builders and the players like to play the game this way, all the power to them. Ease of use goes hand in hand with ease of play. If you want to see almost the exact opposite of this consensus of play, look up "Phantasy Star Online 2." The metagame over thattaway is the polar opposite: Everyone is a glass cannon, and tanking is strongly frowned upon because 'the best defense is a dead enemy'. If you're tanking, you aren't contributing. The reason being, there is a button you can press to dodge attacks. Focus is far less around making a creative build, and more about bolstering how much damage you do. Either way though, it's an abuse of the game itself and how it works. You can't stop players from doing this without changing the game, and possibly removing the reason they play at all. I agree with the consensus of the labyrinth bypassing this. I lost a beefcake tank in HC just the other night, and I wasn't even mad -- a trap got me, and it was my own fault. It wasn't a fault of my build, my gear, or the labyrinth itself, it was the fault of how I played the game. And I think that's a little more liberating than just saying "my build didn't work" or "the labyrinth sucks." Being able to say "it was my fault I died." And on that front, I agree it would be nice to see more content like this, where how you play is tested and your build itself doesn't matter. Of course, Izaro himself sort of kicks this idea to the curb by his own stats simply wrecking your build. His fight has a little bit of dynamic to how you fight him, but still falls back on arpg logic, since he is a boss in an arpg. I don't think there's a realistic way around this. It would be neat if there were a broader number of ways to screw Izaro over in the labyrinth itself, like devices to apply a permanent curse to him or aura to you. Things that can be bypassed by arpg logic, but abused by non-arpg logic to follow the similar consensus of "your build doesn't matter" as the rest of the labyrinth trys to. But outside the labyrinth, embracing and abusing the arpg logic is the only way to play. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, but like I said, some of the best builds are the laziest. If you don't like those builds... Don't play those builds? |
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"Lol, thanks! Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class |
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Power fantasy is the heart of ARPGs, man.
But even with that, Malachai and Labryinths are enjoyable to me, because they add more dimensions to the experience while still allowing me to continue my quest to acquire enough power to roflstomp everything. Last edited by MadRabbitPoE#3590 on Mar 9, 2016, 5:12:14 PM
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" I will say it one time. One. I want a ScrotieMCB supporter pack. Get back to lab guys! Stop QQ ! This is all except a gated content / hard content for once ... Hf :)
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Spam nation, is that like a breakfast club parody?
Anyway, guess i take this shit for granted, so obligatory "Duh" The lab feedback is atrocious considering it's suppose to come from "gamers". Did that "rise to the challenge" mentality die of somewhere in the early 90's? /GetRektTryAgainGitGud Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes