Oh well wucha going to do. I think I'm just a masochist because I love the ffa loot system. I've been outclicked on a windforce, an oculus, tals armor and countless unique unid rings but I still keep coming back for more. It's just so satisfying when you are the one who snags the drop and everyone's like "oh my god oh my god" ;)
That said I've gotten the drop on a ber rune, another windforce much later in my d2 career, many low level uniques and set items. =) |
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" Yes, it just shows they know what they are doing. I've shown 2 simple solutions for those 2 disadvantages the system brings. I'm pretty sure they can come with solutions too :) He who fights with monsters
might take care lest he thereby become a monster. |
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Let it be FFA. It goes hand in hand with merciless world. And in groups, kick the looter who don't go by group agreements. Exile him on his own path.
And since everyone is referring to D2, don't you ever play it alone? You know, lvl up in publics until in hell, where all the goodies drop, then grind pits, travi, CS and WSK. Not saying you should play this game alone, but I know I will, at times, in order to develope my character in my own pace. While assuming PoE = D2. |
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" Personally I love the concept of reading other players and taking my chances with them. The funny thing is that in D2 it never took me more than a minute to determine the competence and trustworthiness of another player and I was never wronged or scammed even once. Interacting with other players and making the most out of it is a skill in its own right. Capping that skill with a feature such as shared loot is extremely detrimental to a game aimed at players that loved Diablo 2. Frankly, I think the majority of players enjoy the gameplay element of won/lost items even if they are not aware of it. It gives them excitement, disappointments, triumphs and a shitload of stories to tell. It keeps them coming back for more. Without risk, how could there be reward? That being said, you could always play in your own private instances if you want to be in 100% control. The cut-throat thing could of course be made optional too. |
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Its looking more and more like GGG should fork out the funding for 2 seperate servers, a cut-throat one and a normal PVE one (aka fluffy-clouds-carebare-unicorns and rainbows one).
The cut-throat one obviously has FFA loot forced as well as instance-invading PK-ing. The other one has shared/"you only see your own" loot and no PK-ing. I'd be happy if they did this, mind you I would much prefer just the "cut-throat" server. But I don't want to see GGG try to expand their target audience by sacrificing or diluting cut-throat like features. So yea .. if there MUST be both, please keep them completely seperate on different servers. |
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They better spend those resources on the actual game itself.
These people better deal with FFA loot because this is not a cartoony dumbed down RPG. He who fights with monsters
might take care lest he thereby become a monster. |
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" without those people this wont be a rpg for very long at all. really need to think about it. its a free game, it will only last if they can convince people to buy the extra stuff. if not the game folds and you have nothing |
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" Yeah, the stories part is certainly true. I've had lots of clickfests that I've lost (and a few won) on high-end items. Exciting as it is, when you don't show it in your inventory it's enough to make someone scream. The thing I was wondering about is with players from around the world, issues with ping can really pose an unfair advantage to the individual closest to the server (i think they said the current ping from NZ to the US servers was around 250) And you're right, I could always run instances by myself, but then my drop %'s aren't as good for those high-end items (and I want to have as good of a shot as possible) In since 0.8.0
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/kungfooe |
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FFA looting is definitely a hot topic. In Diablo 2 days I had a very high end computer when it came out so I would spam firewalls on Baal to specifically lag other folks and then snatch all the loot myself. Worked 99% of the time.
That being said, I eventually got to the point where I solo'd or played with friends. Even playing with friends we got into loot fights when two people could use the same item. You'd have to deal with ninjas, people would get a bad rep, etc. Of course then they'd pay for a name change or server transfer. Good for the company, bad for the players. The other side is how are they going to handle PvP? Could it be an answer to FFA woes? If I could kill the person who stole my loot and then loot them it might be ok. But I doubt there will be PvP looting. And if I am fighting something what is to prevent someone from killing me and then doing the final blow to the monster? Overall I think FFA has too many issues and I have yet to see solutions to those issues. Players will be jerks. Or players will be your best buddy til something awesome drops and then steal it even if they only plan on trading it for something useful to their character. |
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i assume that all those in favor of the ffa loot are the ones who constantly try to take every single item that drops so of course they want ffa and no other choice. everyone in favor is ffa is trying their best to insult those that are not for some reason which is just adding to fruitlords point that players will just be jerks cause they can. call it carebear and watered down or whatever else you wanna use to insult those interested in self loot but my question is where does the line get drawn. i have seen posts saying you can offer a duel if someone gets an item you want. why bother? why not just have open pvp all the time? by that i mean at any time you can hurt anyone (FF) without the need for a pvp switch. what if i want to group with you for 2 solid hours then right before i log off i feel like throwing a fireball at your head while you are in the middle of tanking a mob?
at what point do you stop your "its a cut throat game" attitude? can we kill each other in town? should we be able to loot each other? make every char hardcore no matter? at what point does the game lose interest to people? some of the options above i would actually enjoy on a seperate server. this whole elitist attitude that those in favor of ffa have makes no sense to me. i keep hearing "dont like it dont play it" but if everyone against ffa didnt play it then you are left with nothing really. actually you would be left with the same thing seperate servers would provide except a much greater potential for the company to actually make money which is good for everyone involved |
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