Selling Large Bags of Tart Green Apples!

DaveSW wrote:
It's been a year, but I feel this thread needs to be necrobumped, as the point of it is still very relevant.

A year old, but damn funny, and true. Not sure how I missed this thread a year ago.
Still so true to this day...

You should never necro dead threads, however, you cannot necro that which hasn't died!

this thread should be bumped to infinity and beyond
IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
Considering all the negative threads that involve people demanding the game be changed, I figured it would be good to bring back this thread. The OP used a great analogy.

I love the tart green apples that PoE provides, and it is perfectly fine if other don't. What isn't fine is that they demand some other apples. I love the loot in this game, I love the lack of easy respecs, I love the currency items and how they function. I love the way the game plays. I don't love desync, but I understand why it exists, and I realize that it is getting better.

I love environment, I love the lore, I love the creatures and the boss fights. I love the quests, especially the bandit quest. I love hardcore, I love softcore. I love this game. It is amazing. I'm not blind, not all the balance is perfect, but PoE is 99% awesome, and it keeps getting better.
Bullshit, you get the game for free.


still true
Check our recruitment thread if curious

Twitch: PoE_Vincam
DaveSW wrote:
Considering all the negative threads that involve people demanding the game be changed, I figured it would be good to bring back this thread. The OP used a great analogy.

I love the tart green apples that PoE provides, and it is perfectly fine if other don't. What isn't fine is that they demand some other apples. I love the loot in this game, I love the lack of easy respecs, I love the currency items and how they function. I love the way the game plays. I don't love desync, but I understand why it exists, and I realize that it is getting better.

I love environment, I love the lore, I love the creatures and the boss fights. I love the quests, especially the bandit quest. I love hardcore, I love softcore. I love this game. It is amazing. I'm not blind, not all the balance is perfect, but PoE is 99% awesome, and it keeps getting better.
[Removed by Support]
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Last edited by Connor_GGG on Jan 30, 2014, 5:52:09 PM
yup not sure how i missed this one but it is very true.

~SotW HC Guild~

DaveSW wrote:
I love environment, I love the lore, I love the creatures and the boss fights. I love the quests, especially the bandit quest. I love hardcore, I love softcore. I love this game. It is amazing. I'm not blind, not all the balance is perfect, but PoE is 99% awesome, and it keeps getting better.

I think the best part is how the genre, the lore, the setting, the story, the game play, the progression, the content, the challenge all complement each other.

Like you are a character in an aRPG, exiled to this wild continent. You kill beasties, slowly progressing, finding awesome items and getting stronger yet still struggling against the challenges ahead. Finding awesome items and making new builds and new characters. Stripped of everything you ever had, you have but your determination and the strange magical gems you keep coming across. You find orbs that can be used to improve old discarded armour and weaponry to powerful tools. The only thing standing between you, character A and nasty-pasty monster Z is the simple fact that monsters B through Y will kick your butt.

Oh wait, did I say compliment? I meant contradict.

Like you are a character in an aRPG, exiled to this wild continent. You land with nothing and transform into a businessman, climbing your way up the tight economical infrastructure of this abandoned continent (wtf?) buying gear and weapons to trivialise content, flipping and scamming your way into wealth, then paying with your wealth for the opportunity to face nasty-pasty baddie. Who, just might drop an awesome powerful loot that will prompt the thought "how much can I get for this?"

Casually casual.

Last edited by TheAnuhart on Jan 30, 2014, 5:37:34 PM
You: Hey, there. I see the apples you're selling are even bigger and juicier.

Chris: Glad you noticed. We've worked hard to grow our Tart, Green Apples, the kind you'll eat for hours & hours, out of Large Bags, or sometimes baked into these Tart, Green Apple Pies we sell for a while each season. They're our own recipe.

You: Those pies are a little too tart. And the apples in the bags are hard to bite into. Could you sell me some sweet red apples, made into applesauce? Even for a little while?

Chris: I'm sorry, I'm selling Large Bags of Tart, Green Apples, and sometimes Tart, Green Apple Pies.

Supporter: Hey Chris, here's more money, keep making these apples, I've been waiting 12 years for these! God they're great! Love the Tart, Green Apple Pies, too! They add some nice variety.

You: Actually, I want sweet applesauce. I'll go talk to some people, see how they feel about it.

Chris: Ummm, okay, but I'm selling Large Bags of Tart, Green Apples, and sometimes Tart, Green Apple Pies.


You: Okay... All my friends have voted, and they want sweet applesauce, too. Could you make some for us, now?

Chris: Well, you see, the sign says "Large Bags of Tart Green Apples (and Tart, Green Apple Pies, seasonally)."

Supporter: Here's more money Chris, I'm enjoying these so much!

You: Maybe If my friends and I pony up some money, you can sweeten them up a little, and make some applesauce?

Chris: I'm sorry but we don't change the composition of the apples for money, and we occasionally bake pies, not make applesauce.

You: I know, I would really prefer oranges... could you change these apples into oranges?

Chris: No.

=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
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