Selling Large Bags of Tart Green Apples!

You: Heya there. I see your selling apples

Chris: You bet. There one of a kind. Tart Green Apples, the kind you'll eat for hours & hours

You: They cost anything?

Chris: Every 5 mins I give one away, but if you want i'll sell you some and I'll put the money toward making more of these apples.

Supporter: Hey Chris, here's more money, keep making these apples, I've been waiting 12 years for these! God there great!

You: Actually I have heard that you may be giving these apples away for free soon so I'll wait.

**January 23 Arrives**

You: Hey Chris, can I get a bag of those apples everyone is raving about?

Chris: Sure thing, been working on them for 5 years, enjoy!

Supporter: I'm so happy!!!

You: Ummm, yea there nice, but I'm having a difficult time eating all of them, could I get a small bag?

Chris: Ummm, I'm selling large bags of tart green apples

You: Ok...but there a little too tart...could you maybe sweeten them up a bit?

Chris: Well, you see, the sign says "Large Bags of Tart Green Apples"

Supporter: Heres more money Chris, I'm having so much fun!

You: Maybe If I give you my moms credit card you can sweeten them up a little?

Chris: I'm sorry but we don't change the composition of the apples for money

Supporter: **SWIPE**

You: Hey!!! what the hell was that? A guy with a kiwi just stole MY apples

Chris: Well, you should have been eating them rather then talking here

You: I know, I would really prefer oranges...could you change these apples into oranges

Chris: No

Path of Exile, the tart apple in my heart
Last edited by Smaggletooth on Jan 30, 2013, 8:23:35 PM
Last bumped on May 17, 2016, 11:35:23 PM
Bump. Never Change the Difficulty. Never change the loot. We have all been waiting for this game for a decade, it hasn't even made it to official release. Lets not be too hasty.
would read again
Boulder bros
Meczor wrote:
would read again


The game is acting as designed by the developers. They are not required to bend to your needs or whim based upon what you like and/or want as an individual player. If you want a game that fits your needs and wants, do what GGG did and make their own.
I laughed but it is so true.
You expect me to act as something I'm not? I picked this name for a reason.
You: Hey!!! what the hell was that? A guy with a kiwi just stole MY apples!

Never, ever trust a man with a Kiwi. >_>;
I'm not a n00b- I'm a Online Game Floor Examination Expert.
Nice story. Sell it to Readers Digest. (hidden reference here)

I lold.
GGG - Why you no?
Ask yourself...are you a supporter? you? or maybe your Chris
Neat post.
United States Army Corps of Engineers
Uggg, bump cause judging by the forum still, our new friends still need to read this story

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