3.25.0d Patch Notes (restartless)

Bl00dyMerY wrote:
nerdstomperx wrote:
CheezyMcGhee wrote:
please buff the loot, this really feels horrible and stop being so limiting on everything like you're going against every unique you ever created at this point.. STOP BEING LIMITING! this is poe 1, get your poe 2 stuff outta here

loot is perfectly fine, the game is in a good state and fun to play, no matter what you do you are able to generate currency fairly quickly
unique items are affordable besides original sin (surprise)
well rolled rare items are common thanks to recombinator and shipments providing high affix items regularly to play around with

idk i feel like some people here are not playing the game

Idk man, strongboxes and abyss hoards drop more loot than mobs and is not even close. Oh and there is the boss pinata strat xdd

the guy complaining plays a character worth 100's of divines yet he screams for more loot, like what is he trying to farm for or accomplish if he already has a character as good as it can be pre mirrored items? and then this person tries to tell you there is no loot and the game is shit when he farmed everything already, are you trolling or is affliction the state of the game we want to go back to?
Bl00dyMerY wrote:

Idk man, strongboxes and abyss hoards drop more loot than mobs and is not even close. Oh and there is the boss pinata strat xdd

and here is another big problem of the community, the only strats you can come up with are random ones posted by youtubers or streamers and you wait to copy them and wonder why scarabs cost so much for this specific farm when everyone is just waiting to copy
you can do fracture farming, essences, ultimatum, sanctum and a lot more instead of following only popular "content creator" strats blindly
Please fix the maven bug. It's a literally endgame defining fight and drops a voidstone. This kind of fight should never bug out.
Bakudan wrote:
Making money is real fine, its just different, but the 70% less currency-loot in maps in largely compensate by a lot of other ways.

I really don't understand people screaming for "no loot".

I prefer less loot with more QoL and better gear acquisition anyway.

As an average player, I have not reached the map runners yet (almost there)
I can confirm that gearing is much easier, this was the cleanest league where I could progress on my gear alone from kitava to yellow maps without currency pressure. But I do see that if I wanted to copy a build and follow the pace of my friends, I would need more currency than what the league provides.. After a week I may be able to invest into one big upgrade and would have almost barely enough currency to craft color and socket it myself.

Though I may have also went wrong with Ritual as a starter. It is just awful with the orbs of death swarm.. and abysmal return of investment.

I guess the chicken where the #1 problem all along.
I will explain. GGG added T17 map with new fragments to not giving players feeling that they are loosing profits when running non-uber bosses.
They said that "we removed MF to not force people playing on a certain amount of builds with unique items".
What we see now?
1. To improve your character you couldn't just run with alch and go because there is no loot on the ground
2. You forced to farm meta mechanics such as T17 scarabs/sanctum/heist because you get more profits and if you don't farm them you feeling like you wasting your time
3. Not all builds could farm T 17 scarabs/sanctum/heist and to farm you need play on a certain builds or improve your own
4. You couldn't improve your own non-meta builds because of 1

So, T17 map and MF remove didn't change anything. You still need to play on a certain builds to farm but now for casual players it's harder than before

In previous league you could just run low-investment MF and create a lot of different builds because of high amount of currency even from ground. But now it's not.
ForsesGIT wrote:
I will explain. GGG added T17 map with new fragments to not giving players feeling that they are loosing profits when running non-uber bosses.
They said that "we removed MF to not force people playing on a certain amount of builds with unique items".
What we see now?
1. To improve your character you couldn't just run with alch and go because there is no loot on the ground
2. You forced to farm meta mechanics such as T17 scarabs/sanctum/heist because you get more profits and if you don't farm them you feeling like you wasting your time
3. Not all builds could farm T 17 scarabs/sanctum/heist and to farm you need play on a certain builds or improve your own
4. You couldn't improve your own non-meta builds because of 1

So, T17 map and MF remove didn't change anything. You still need to play on a certain builds to farm but now for casual players it's harder than before

In previous league you could just run low-investment MF and create a lot of different builds because of high amount of currency even from ground. But now it's not.

I completely agree, T16 farming feels like running T1 and adding scarabs to it feels like loosing money. Good ideas but done as always. I've finished playing so early like never before, only hoping for some big patch fixing this league.
Fixed a client crash caused by the chickens in Kingsmarch.


might want to check if they are eating my gold....
Last edited by xonedl on Aug 6, 2024, 7:35:46 AM
i rather lose ships and mappers entirely if it means I get my good t16 loot back. those things are not really playing the game, and if it means we'll get less loot from maps, I rather it gone.

idc if combining both = same amount of loot as before, I want the tinks, i want the loot to drop and hear the sound effects, not just be a paycheck you pick up every 30 minutes to an hour...what is this game turning into at the 11th hour just before poe2? this doesn't bolster confidence in the next games balance...there shouldn't have been any changes. the games old, just add more content, thats it, why alter the fundamentals?
I cant seem to get pass the loading screens sometimes after this patch, doesnt matter what area i go to...just randomly sits at loading screens but doesnt load me in :'(

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