3.25.0d Patch Notes (restartless)

3.25.0d Patch Notes

This patch contains a change to the Sap of Seasons Tincture mentioned in our recent news post, a few other changes and bug fixes, as well as a fix for a client crash related to chickens.

General Improvements and Changes

  • The Sap of the Seasons Unique Tincture now causes Melee Weapon Damage to penetrate a percentage of Elemental Resistances per Mana Burn, up to a maximum of 200% (previously had no maximum). This change applies to existing items.
  • Holding Alt while hovering over the Currency Exchange Market Ratio (or using the Controller equivalent keybind) now displays information about competing trades on the market.
  • Improved the quality of recruits presented when rerolling with high quality recruits. Your current recruits available for hire will be rerolled with this patch.
  • Improved the behaviour of additional scorches and shocks from Warden's Oath of Summer and Oath of Spring to avoid a case where the first ailment applied would never be overwritten when applying new ailments in excess of the limit. We're still investigating reports of Scorch values on the UI being inaccurate.
  • The Crystal Resonance Atlas Passive Skill now causes the final Map Boss to heal to full when they are granted a random Essence Modifier from a slain Imprisoned Monster.
  • The Divination Scarab of Pilfering now causes the final Map Boss to heal to full when they steal a Divination Card that has dropped in an area.
  • Vivid Sapsuckers and Carrion Burrowers no longer deal damage when they emerge from their burrow skill.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the Smelting Information did not clearly display when workers had begun smelting other ore due to the reserves of the ore they're currently assigned to being empty.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing the League Interface keybind in Kingsmarch (V by default) could fail to bring up the Town Map for some players.
  • Fixed a bug where assigned Atlas Runners did not decrement if one of them had died until a new Map was opened.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent access to the Starfall Crater.
  • Fixed a bug where the Defiled Forces Notable Passive Skill was not functioning correctly with the Warden's Oath of Spring Ascendancy Passive Skill.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Contains Additional Map Currency Items" Strongbox modifier was not functional.
  • Fixed a bug where Nameless Rituals were missing their rewards in Ruthless.
  • Fixed a visual bug with the Ocean Octoparasite Pet microtransaction.
  • Fixed a client crash caused by the chickens in Kingsmarch.
  • Fixed an instance crash.

This patch has been deployed without restarting the servers. You will need to restart your client to receive the client changes in this patch.
Has any exile really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Last edited by Timothy_GGG on Aug 6, 2024, 1:45:16 AM
Last bumped on Aug 15, 2024, 8:53:15 PM
fubgun xdd
Awesome, still no loot changes. Thanks GGG
Yet another unpaid Path of Exile 2 Alpha Tester.
please buff the loot, this really feels horrible and stop being so limiting on everything like you're going against every unique you ever created at this point.. STOP BEING LIMITING! this is poe 1, get your poe 2 stuff outta here
Blightspawn atlas passive needs to let us know what lane will spawn only bosses.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
"Fixed a client crash caused by the chickens in Kingsmarch."

These damn chickens!

Ghosttown now fully upgraded, but there is small problem: to function fully it needs min 50k/h, but not generating any gold at all.

The result is predetermined!

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