3.25.0d Patch Notes (restartless)

Great, my lvl 8 map runner that I hadn't managed to pick up is gone now.

Also, can anyone look at the gold rewards from league mechanics?
In 5-t8 maps, Incursion, even full blue mob rooms, grants less than 300 gold on average for what's close to 200 mobs killed.
I'm not saying that leagues like Blight, where mobs spawn and are killed by towers should get gold buff, even though blight runners might want that too, since for time invested, they certainly drop less gold than even normal white maps, but even giving incursion just about half of the gold drops from act10 mobs would feel like somewhat less of a spit in the general direction of the people still bothering with the mechanic.
Why are much, much more difficult content than the map, which has all the difficulty modifiers of the map, having NEGATIVE loot multiplier?
Loot when?
still no gold changes, should we wait until poe 3?

the dervishes didn’t correct it for the tenth time?

katepilar wrote:
Is any chance to fix Bloodscent passive skill from Large Cluster Jewel which grants 2 rage per hit(sword or axe) but only works with two handed sword or axe. Do not generate rage with one handed sword. Cluster has no specific information about one or two handed weapon. Thank you in advance

It works with some one handed axes/swords and not work with other. Any sense. Please fix that.
is the mining rng???
cause it is terrible to keep your town going if you dont find the mining deposits
pls a little bit more nodes would be great
So when is the update that will fix this league? It feels worse then any other league. It seems pretty dead already due to no updates to things that are most important this league. ( Good league if changes where made.. ) Such as the gold issue. We dont want to be farming 200 maps for enough gold just to have some upkeep.
Drops, where did they go?!?!
t17 nerf when???
t16 buff when???

and more.. if ya'll read a bit here and there.
Fix loot pls , i have 170k kill mobs and have droped 35 chaos and 16 vaal
Fix loot pls, stop killing fun

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