3.25.0d Patch Notes (restartless)

its not fun to have as a second job run thousand maps to one hour of city run, and in the final get 1 chaos from the boats
i think can nerf the wages in like 50%
and the recruit price a bit
cause 40k/hour is too much need a lot of gold to go sleep in peace i think this system was to be more casual friendly
Last edited by Mokurp on Aug 6, 2024, 7:46:48 PM
Loot improvements where?


Also, gold drops are too small in none t17 content and/or wages for town workers are too high.
as of right now the chickens are still crashing the instance on steam at least that is.
Hi ggg great league so far im loving it; only thing im not so in love with is always out of ore maybe if you can make it so its always 2-3 ores per map would feel better :)
More gold pls :C
Can we get more drops. I know the league is 4 months long, but I only want to play 2 weeks and be done.
I want to log in do 1 map and have enough gold for the week.
Also, I haven't got my mageblood drop yet? Whats up with that?

Serious question though - could gold perhaps go directly to my pocket? Many skills have delayed activation, which requires you to double back to pick up the gold drops. Gold is unlike regular drops where you might choose to pick it up or not.
Even reduce the overall gold drop amount by x% if you're worried that 100% of gold would be picked up rather than say 80%.
Last edited by XyiC0re on Aug 6, 2024, 9:54:24 PM
I need to work during the day and continue working for gold coins after work at night
wtf my wand went poof. it was 1c and all i had. whatever you did in the patch, my gear has gone missing
still alot small bugs
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