3.25.0d Patch Notes (restartless)

Bl00dyMerY wrote:
nerdstomperx wrote:
Bl00dyMerY wrote:

Idk man, strongboxes and abyss hoards drop more loot than mobs and is not even close. Oh and there is the boss pinata strat xdd

and here is another big problem of the community, the only strats you can come up with are random ones posted by youtubers or streamers and you wait to copy them and wonder why scarabs cost so much for this specific farm when everyone is just waiting to copy
you can do fracture farming, essences, ultimatum, sanctum and a lot more instead of following only popular "content creator" strats blindly

fracture without negative rarity and tawm is just boring, if you want to ID items all day go for it, "essences and ultimatum" xdd (this is the same shit with guaranteed drops, its not about the monsters dropping loot) and sanctum is not in game map mechanic its like saying people should farm heist when they enjoy mapping lmao. I've tried already a lot of stuff, what I mentioned in my comment is the most profitable but I guess you cant see we did an 360 and are back in strongbox meta :). My main issue is: loot tiles are dropping more loot and are more rewarding than mobs themselves (essence,boss pinata,ultimatum,strongbox,abyss hords) and is not as fun as blasting a map full of mobs and dropping the same loot.

cloak is 20c XD! you get an insane amount of fractures even in t16 and it is still a highly competitive strat if your build can handle rogue exiles
but when was there ever a strategy that did not revolve around adding additional monster packs through whatever mechanic to your map and making them most rewarding?
the game has ALWAYS been like that, it is not any different now
hey I can't download the new patch. It always reports errors when I download half of the patch, what happened.
When will you fix the endgame? (eg. T17, loot, gold drop/cost of workers). Simply no reason to play PoE at all knowing the end game is accessible only for streamers.
Last edited by yesname on Aug 6, 2024, 12:23:55 PM
Here we go again, looks like another dead league after 1 mounth....
Why i need farm gold, to make currency/items on city if i dont have a reasion to play maps? Maps drop 0 ground loot, like ppls say before me ,, actual situation on t16 is same feel like t1-t6 ,,

So if city give me Mageblood? What i can farm? Farm gold on t17? Because T16 and T17 have almost 0 ground loot? On ARPG?

This is joke, and this is reasion why i stop buy supporter pack on every league start like my every one another friend.

It's really time to start listening to the community because it looks like
Torchlight is a more fun ARPG game because the developers care about what kind of game the players want, not the developers.


Btw we have 103 different ones scarabs and ppls use 10? GGG removed MF with talkong about specific builds, strats etc.

What we have? Lightning strike, Strongbox league with 93 useless scarabs with no potencial.
I dont know, more i think about it, less like i want to play.
Last edited by polikoly on Aug 6, 2024, 3:53:02 PM
So I guess this means no buffs to the league mechanic...It's FUN but not rewarding...Ya'll said you would tweak the rewards, but it's been nearly 2 weeks and you haven't even made a single comment about it..
Boxxerz wrote:
Fixed a bug where pressing the League Interface keybind in Kingsmarch (V by default) could fail to bring up the Town Map for some players.

Okay, thats cool, but what about fixing Johan so I can manage Kingsmarch from my hideout!?


Also, fix the Incursion Scarab of Timelines. It's been broken for 5+ months and is generating ilvl 1 temples.
I don't know how you do it GGG, so many ungratefuls.
Last edited by Piousqd on Aug 6, 2024, 3:33:52 PM
"Fixed a client crash caused by the chickens in Kingsmarch."

Who let the chickens out?
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
nerdstomperx wrote:

cloak is 20c XD! you get an insane amount of fractures even in t16 and it is still a highly competitive strat if your build can handle rogue exiles
but when was there ever a strategy that did not revolve around adding additional monster packs through whatever mechanic to your map and making them most rewarding?
the game has ALWAYS been like that, it is not any different now

maybe you should read again what I wrote, fracture farminmg is B O R I N G and it really gets competitive in t17. Having to use tawm+reduced rarity rings is no different from MF, sacrifing char power for currency. My point is mobs should drop more loot than strongboxes,loot tiles, etc. I dont even think we are playing the same game so w/e
Last edited by Bl00dyMerY on Aug 6, 2024, 4:03:12 PM
Can we get more gold drop?
Farming gold just to run city starting to feel like 2nd job and it is not fun at all.

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