Making two separate games out of your live service game is making me want to play neither.


That contains no logic which i can discern.

Look we don't have to agree, Are you happy that things are like this? If so then I'm happy for you, Just don't tell me i have to be happy about it too or that i have to accept the fact that my favorite developer lied to me and so many others.

Indeed, we don't have to agree, but please don't tell me what I can do or what I can't, where I can comment and where I cannot, also was it a right choice for my entertainment, to give me options or no options because some company changed their plans and made a right decision.

This is also a nice inquiry about my account like I have no right to have different opinion.

I'm glad I have a choice between PoE1 and PoE2.
PoE player: "I do not condone of profile shaming but if you have a private profile its also considered disrespectful" - I am disrespectful because I want privacy, I value it higher -_-
Last edited by Mendujo on Aug 2, 2023, 11:34:06 AM
Mendujo wrote:

That contains no logic which i can discern.

Look we don't have to agree, Are you happy that things are like this? If so then I'm happy for you, Just don't tell me i have to be happy about it too or that i have to accept the fact that my favorite developer lied to me and so many others.

Indeed, we don't have to agree, but please don't tell me what I can do or what I can't, where I can comment and where I cannot, also was it a right choice for my entertainment, to give me options or no options because some company changed their plans and made a right decision.

This is also a nice inquiry about my account like I have no right to have different opinion.

I'm glad I have a choice between PoE1 and PoE2.

Never did i tell you what you can or can't do in any context which i was not allowed ex:
You can't tell me how i feel.

I do not condone of profile shaming but if you have a private profile its also considered disrespectful to some here for people to speak out without showing their experience behind the curtain.

There's logic to that but a newer player is also no less entitled to have an opinion here than anyone else, I would just hope that both side can have enough empathy to communicate and at the very least come to an understanding of why both sides feel the way they do.

Maybe things would be different had GGG went all in on a sequel instead of merging them, I'd be a lot less upset because that's what they decided not what they changed their mind on without telling me for years!.

For real, I definitely would not have quit the game if that were the case.. I wouldn't be screaming YEAHHHHHHH POEEE 2222 OMGGGG but i'd probably be playing still.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 2, 2023, 11:41:14 AM
It isn't really disrespectful everyone just ignores private accounts :p for obvious reasons. Doubly so for private no supporter no challenges.

anti4z500 asked the question in a much more polite manner than usual anyway don't need to get defensive about it

I do not condone of profile shaming but if you have a private profile its also considered disrespectful to some here for people to speak out without showing their experience behind the curtain.

There's logic to that but a newer player is also no less entitled to have an opinion here than anyone else, I would just hope that both side can have enough empathy to communicate and at the very least come to an understanding of why both sides feel the way they do.

Wow, so wanting privacy is disrespectful?! Shaming me for it is logical for you?! Just because I have different opinion?! WoW. What else I need to link to be allowed to have my own opinion and choose what I want to enjoy? Show how many hours I played or how many level 100 I got?! I was rarely commenting because I know how forums can be, but didin't expect this level. Where is the empathy you speak of?!
PoE player: "I do not condone of profile shaming but if you have a private profile its also considered disrespectful" - I am disrespectful because I want privacy, I value it higher -_-
Mendujo wrote:

I do not condone of profile shaming but if you have a private profile its also considered disrespectful to some here for people to speak out without showing their experience behind the curtain.

There's logic to that but a newer player is also no less entitled to have an opinion here than anyone else, I would just hope that both side can have enough empathy to communicate and at the very least come to an understanding of why both sides feel the way they do.

Wow, so wanting privacy is disrespectful?! Shaming me for it is logical for you?! Just because I have different opinion?! WoW. What else I need to link to be allowed to have my own opinion and choose what I want to enjoy? Show how many hours I played or how many level 100 I got?! I was rarely commenting because I know how forums can be, but didin't expect this level. Where is the empathy you speak of?!

I said it could be considered disrespectful just for context as an avid poster here i like to share helpful information :D

May Innocence watch over your journey!

Draegnarrr wrote:
It isn't really disrespectful everyone just ignores private accounts :p for obvious reasons. Doubly so for private no supporter no challenges.

anti4z500 asked the question in a much more polite manner than usual anyway don't need to get defensive about it

Yeah but its usually harmless.. like show ur prof so i know who im talkin to.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 2, 2023, 11:52:05 AM
I have my own reasons for keep my profile private, but I can usually suss out a poster's "seasoning" by looking at their posting history. It's not guaranteed that someone with few posts is a noob; they could be an alt account, or just not that into the forum.

What really gets me is when "You're just a Standard player" is leveled as some kind of insult, usually by a HC player with a chip on his shoulder. Who cares what game mode you play, so long as you enjoy it? There's too much "us vs. them" going on already to engage in such pointless conflict. Throw in the deliberate trolls, or those who delight in displays of sneering contempt, or who simply haunt the forum to remind people of "who they are," as if anyone on a game forum should care enough to stroke their ego, and it's enough to make you wanna wipe your feet after you log out. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Mendujo wrote:

I do not condone of profile shaming but if you have a private profile its also considered disrespectful to some here for people to speak out without showing their experience behind the curtain.

There's logic to that but a newer player is also no less entitled to have an opinion here than anyone else, I would just hope that both side can have enough empathy to communicate and at the very least come to an understanding of why both sides feel the way they do.

Wow, so wanting privacy is disrespectful?! Shaming me for it is logical for you?! Just because I have different opinion?! WoW. What else I need to link to be allowed to have my own opinion and choose what I want to enjoy? Show how many hours I played or how many level 100 I got?! I was rarely commenting because I know how forums can be, but didin't expect this level. Where is the empathy you speak of?!

jeez why mad at this dude. :D i asked you question not him chill :D

just wanted to know thats all . and seeing how hurt you got with that question. shows all i needed to know :D stay sane random interned dude
Last edited by anti4z500 on Aug 2, 2023, 11:53:18 AM

I said it could be considered disrespectful just for context as an avid poster here i like to share helpful information :D

May Innocence watch over your journey!

Insults are not considered as helpful information. I guess it is too much for some if others have different opinion and would rather have choice between PoE 1 and 2. I don't see a place here for a discussion.

May Karma catch up with you on your journey.
PoE player: "I do not condone of profile shaming but if you have a private profile its also considered disrespectful" - I am disrespectful because I want privacy, I value it higher -_-
Mendujo wrote:

That contains no logic which i can discern.

Look we don't have to agree, Are you happy that things are like this? If so then I'm happy for you, Just don't tell me i have to be happy about it too or that i have to accept the fact that my favorite developer lied to me and so many others.

Indeed, we don't have to agree, but please don't tell me what I can do or what I can't, where I can comment and where I cannot, also was it a right choice for my entertainment, to give me options or no options because some company changed their plans and made a right decision.

This is also a nice inquiry about my account like I have no right to have different opinion.

I'm glad I have a choice between PoE1 and PoE2.

You would have a choice if PoE2 was made by some other developer. The fact it's the same developer means support for PoE1 could be dropped at any point it makes financial sense. Hell, if PoE2 turns out to be a flop and people play PoE1 like OSRS, it could be the one put on life support instead.

I love you people that are just blindly acting like "oh, two games is more than one, more choice is better" while ignoring the facts of reality that the same company will have to develop leagues for both games and maintain both games without putting priority on one over the other.

Which PoE2 already has hurt PoE1 and left it with 20 developers apparently. We all know a lot of the recent leagues didn't really have as much development time as they could have and most of us were okay with that because PoE2 was supposed to be an update for PoE that would be worth waiting for.
Coconutdoggy wrote:
You weren't promised a thing.


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