Making two separate games out of your live service game is making me want to play neither.

Obligatory Quote for page flip:
albert2006xp wrote:
Mendujo wrote:

That contains no logic which i can discern.

Look we don't have to agree, Are you happy that things are like this? If so then I'm happy for you, Just don't tell me i have to be happy about it too or that i have to accept the fact that my favorite developer lied to me and so many others.

Indeed, we don't have to agree, but please don't tell me what I can do or what I can't, where I can comment and where I cannot, also was it a right choice for my entertainment, to give me options or no options because some company changed their plans and made a right decision.

This is also a nice inquiry about my account like I have no right to have different opinion.

I'm glad I have a choice between PoE1 and PoE2.

You would have a choice if PoE2 was made by some other developer. The fact it's the same developer means support for PoE1 could be dropped at any point it makes financial sense. Hell, if PoE2 turns out to be a flop and people play PoE1 like OSRS, it could be the one put on life support instead.

I love you people that are just blindly acting like "oh, two games is more than one, more choice is better" while ignoring the facts of reality that the same company will have to develop leagues for both games and maintain both games without putting priority on one over the other.

Which PoE2 already has hurt PoE1 and left it with 20 developers apparently. We all know a lot of the recent leagues didn't really have as much development time as they could have and most of us were okay with that because PoE2 was supposed to be an update for PoE that would be worth waiting for.


mentos1308 wrote:
Coconutdoggy wrote:
You weren't promised a thing.


Depends on which definition of promise you are leveraging.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 2, 2023, 12:22:06 PM
reading these topics kinda makes me tired.

i m obviously on the "ggg betrayed us" train. but regardless of all the evidence and all the angles covered. people tend to either willfully ignore the points, refuse to concede or play some mental gymnastics just to "win the argument".

[Removed by Support]


mentos1308 wrote:
Coconutdoggy wrote:
You weren't promised a thing.


Depends on which definition of promise you are leveraging.[/quote]

We were promised a huge awesome update, we were all so excited to watch the stream, and now I've just been pissed off for 6 hours straight just because of that first sentence.

I don't trust you to maintain good PoE1 leagues in parallel and I don't like that you've made a replacement of what should've been a huge expansion update we were supposed to get.

There should not be two PoEs. There should just be PoE. What PoE is. With all the content that PoE has gained over all the years we've been here. With all our old characters in it. With all our challenge totems in our hideout.

Online game continuity is important. Having your whole history with a game in one place is important. Not losing content is important. You might be the only big online game that thinks splitting into two is a good idea.

I do not care for whatever you put in PoE2 if it's not PoE. It doesn't have the continuity of PoE and it clearly changes enough to warrant being a different game. I did not ask for a different game. I was promised an update. I was promised ascendancies. Will the ascendancies come to the real game or just your new toy I don't want?

I meant this post
I think everything has been said on the matter in this topic.

To conclude:

If GGG cares, they will do a manifesto where they will give explanations as of why one thing was said in 2019 and another thing was done since 2020 onwards, also they will need to tell us why they kept this a secret until now. Also they should include what their true longterm goals are with POE 1.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Reinhart wrote:
I think everything has been said on the matter in this topic.

To conclude:

If GGG cares, they will do a manifesto where they will give explanations as of why one thing was said in 2019 and another thing was done since 2020 onwards, also they will need to tell us why they kept this a secret until now. Also they should include what their true longterm goals are with POE 1.

It'll all still be sus. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
I was rubbed wrong by how they shat all over PoE 1 so much at Exilecon. It almost made me feel like they think I'm an idiot for daring to enjoy the game they made and they're also creating an unfillable expectation that PoE 2 is going to fix everything. I'm still hyped, but I feel like they didn't show enough of PoE 2 to make me have complete faith in it. I still don't even know what the game really is outside of the emphasis on bossing and the devs outright hatred towards PoE 1 gameplay. Also Jonathan's answer about the flask well was D4 dev-tier and frankly unacceptable. Don't put tedious stuff in the game and pretend it's fun. Listening to Chris speak, he clearly knows this already. I hope he talks to Jonathan on behalf of this community. Immersion should not get in the way of fun, it should add to it.

The way the games are so different is just going to fracture(if it already hasn't) the community. Based on the way you spoke about the games, PoE 1 players are going to be called "braindead idiots" who want auto-pilot gameplay while PoE 2 players will pretend they are enlightened individuals playing le epic, hard game where heckin every action matters. I already see this on streams. If you have any reservation about PoE 2, you get mocked and told to stick with 1.

I said I was worried about spirit nerfing auras and trigger skills on Ziggy's stream last night for example and he paused the stream and went on a diatribe about how they are completely different games and I could never judge 2 based on 1 and all of this stuff while his chat told me to stick to poe 1. It just felt bizarre to me. Thankfully someone in that chat brought up Herald of Ash reserving almost of all your spirit in the demo. Why couldn't I compare something I already experienced in 1 to 2? Why should things feel worse in a newer game? I get we have new systems interacting with one another, but if certain aspects of the game simply feel worse to play, is the game really better? Are we not allowed to criticize that? The gatekeeping for 2 has already begun before anyone has even really played the actual endgame.

I could be totally wrong and spirit could be a buff for these things, but do you really believe that? I think my skepticism here is 100% justified yet someone like Ziggy will just brush it aside as if I'm saying the earth is flat or something. We will see this mentality repeatedly and I'm already sick of it until I can play PoE 2 and judge for myself.
Last edited by jrv209 on Aug 2, 2023, 3:49:20 PM
Raycheetah wrote:
vio wrote:
please stand up if you really believed poe2, which ggg spent millions of dollars creating, would just end up as a new campaign which many players just see as a neccessary evil to go through and would skip it if it were possible?

I believed what Chris Wilson stood up on that stage in 2019 and said with his own mouth.

Was I wrong to believe him then? Because I'll never believe anything he says again. ='[.]'=

i understand your anger.

but from my background as a programmer i find it kind of weird that this is about the producer changing his announced product, it's usually the customer who want's the opposite of what was agreed upon in the specification sheet :)


software in the planning state or early production never ends up released with the same spec.

nowadays, the general inability to make a detailed plan of a software in advance even changed the overal principle how software is being developed.

google "waterfall model" and "agile programming" for more.

edit: above looks like a apology but my opinion is that they should have ditched poe1 and converted everything.
imho poe1 deserves a quick death instead of a long and painful one and standard league in poe1 and 2 will look the same after 2 temp leagues.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio on Aug 2, 2023, 4:26:32 PM
I am happy they made this decision.

1. If PoE2 fails to impress me I can play PoE1. If they had continued PoE1 as we know it would have been gone forever since they would have had to adjust the tempo/end game to merge with poe2 etc. Would have been a mess.

2. No borked PoE1 standard items. There is 0 chance they would have managed to make standard work properly with all those changes.

3. If the PoE1 league sucks it is only 1.5 months until next poe2 expansion (after release).

4. Zoomers get to keep zooming.
vio wrote:

edit: above looks like a apology but my opinion is that they should have ditched poe1 and converted everything.
imho poe1 deserves a quick death instead of a long and painful one and standard league in poe1 and 2 will look the same after 2 temp leagues.

PoE 1 deserves...? What about the players who prefer it? Because, as presented PoE II is NOT to the liking of rather quite a few Exiles. Are we to be shuffled off because we don't play the game GGG created correctly? I think if that's the plan, then GGG are counting on catching lightning in a bottle twice, the passion of a new batch of players. But the players they're planning to court may not be as passionate as we dedicated Exiles who have stuck with this one game for a decade.

I'll play PoE 1 until I no longer want to... Or until GGG shuts it down, if that comes first. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
I'm pretty excited for PoE2 and i'm glad they separated them

but PoE1 deserves better support than it gets already when you consider that its the generator for all the resources they pour into PoE2. Especially for how long they are going to drag it out for it all seems a little.. misdirected?

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