Making two separate games out of your live service game is making me want to play neither.

We were promised a huge awesome update, we were all so excited to watch the stream, and now I've just been pissed off for 6 hours straight just because of that first sentence.

I don't trust you to maintain good PoE1 leagues in parallel and I don't like that you've made a replacement of what should've been a huge expansion update we were supposed to get.

There should not be two PoEs. There should just be PoE. What PoE is. With all the content that PoE has gained over all the years we've been here. With all our old characters in it. With all our challenge totems in our hideout.

Online game continuity is important. Having your whole history with a game in one place is important. Not losing content is important. You might be the only big online game that thinks splitting into two is a good idea.

I do not care for whatever you put in PoE2 if it's not PoE. It doesn't have the continuity of PoE and it clearly changes enough to warrant being a different game. I did not ask for a different game. I was promised an update. I was promised ascendancies. Will the ascendancies come to the real game or just your new toy I don't want?
Last bumped on Aug 4, 2023, 4:10:04 PM
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We need to accept that PoE is bigger than GGG.

They dont know what made the game good. They dont know how to keep the game good. They dont know how to upgrade the game to a next gen version.

We loved PoE but we need to accept that everyting has an end.

Someday another good similar game will appear.
albert2006xp wrote:
I was promised an update. I was promised ascendancies.
Taking a company's current plans for a project years from completion as an inviolable personal commitment to you is really not a great idea.
You weren't promised a thing.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Promised or not, dude has a point.
yes, and if you support them long and hard enough they will make another installment that is completely different from poe 1 or 2.

and thats a good thing.
"PoE will be designed to play forever", but you won't want to.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Do you want more of the stuff they have been releasing?

It's been rough. They don't know how to deal with player dps so they slap on huge damage resist.

Reducing player damage may be the big thing about poe2. New engine changes the way everything works.

If this is true, it is a shame they don't really balance poe1 instead of nerfing casuals.
feral_nature wrote:
yes, and if you support them long and hard enough they will make another installment that is completely different from poe 1 or 2.

and thats a good thing.

It is not. I invested my time into Path of Exile. I expected Path of Exile to be the thing GGG focused on. Not a whole entire new ARPG. Why would I invest my time into a big online game that's willing to do sequels that might hurt their game's playerbase and have already hurt the game's development.

That's like if WoW decides next expansion is WoW2 and all continents are missing from it, all your characters are missing, all your achievements are gone. Why would I ever trust them again with my time investment into a big online game that's about collecting things you've done, things you've played, collecting symbols of a journey, of achievements.
You didn't invest your time, you spent it. Your time is not a downpayment for future benefits (in this case, the developers making what you want them to make).

Your characters aren't going missing, your achievements aren't going away. They're right there, where you expect them to be, where they've always been.

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