PoE 2 becoming a totally seperate game from PoE 1 is absolutely brilliant!

I'm fine with it, even glad that's the case. When they first said it'll be the same game with two campaigns and a shared endgame I simply couldn't see how that fit. I mean, the timelines are different, and forcing both to the mapping we have now with the current pinnacle bosses would feel forced.
Sure, most people don't care about lore, timelines and similar things, so to them it would have been OK to just skip to mpas and done.

With two games we have more PoE to play, and that;s a win.
lupasvasile wrote:
I'm fine with it, even glad that's the case. When they first said it'll be the same game with two campaigns and a shared endgame I simply couldn't see how that fit. I mean, the timelines are different, and forcing both to the mapping we have now with the current pinnacle bosses would feel forced.
Sure, most people don't care about lore, timelines and similar things, so to them it would have been OK to just skip to mpas and done.

With two games we have more PoE to play, and that;s a win.

So exactly before Exilecon I couldn't imagine how they could pack two different gameplay ideas into one game

I really think it will be a good decision, but I would have to play to be 100% sure that it will be
Nubatron wrote:
I'm worried mostly because I like a 4-month cycles to recharge and for the health of the releases. Now I feel like I'm going to need to pick one or go full tilt to play both constantly. This isn't a POE problem, it's a me problem. I know that.

But it doesn't change how I feel about it.

I'm happy for the group that only plays 4-6 weeks. They'll be getting new content constantly.

You do not really understand this group of players. This players play for 4-6 weeks not because they're starving for a new content but because they need this 2-3 months to take a rest from POE gameplay loop and check out updates in other games. This is how most of my friends play, and there's a lot of them. This people physically can't play POE more, and giving them more frequent content forcing them to play would just raise their fatigue, not interest. This part of playerbase NEEDS rests between leagues and I'm worried of FOMO taking over leading to throwing both POE 1 and POE 2, just because people have not enough energy to take part in everything going on in both games.
denistalalae wrote:
Nubatron wrote:
I'm worried mostly because I like a 4-month cycles to recharge and for the health of the releases. Now I feel like I'm going to need to pick one or go full tilt to play both constantly. This isn't a POE problem, it's a me problem. I know that.

But it doesn't change how I feel about it.

I'm happy for the group that only plays 4-6 weeks. They'll be getting new content constantly.

You do not really understand this group of players. This players play for 4-6 weeks not because they're starving for a new content but because they need this 2-3 months to take a rest from POE gameplay loop and check out updates in other games. This is how most of my friends play, and there's a lot of them. This people physically can't play POE more, and giving them more frequent content forcing them to play would just raise their fatigue, not interest. This part of playerbase NEEDS rests between leagues and I'm worried of FOMO taking over leading to throwing both POE 1 and POE 2, just because people have not enough energy to take part in everything going on in both games.

This is a general problem with the wrong approach to the game

"No need to tell myself that in 4-6 weeks I have to play so hard to the max and then I need a lot of rest" this is unnecessary stress

Rather, you have to think about whether the league in general that comes out is good or not? if so, how long can i play it?
That's how you should think about the game
Yeah, I'll wind up skipping entire leagues after a particularly heavy run just because I'm done with Path of Exile and don't want to grind more. Heh, ironically I always seem to skip the 'good' leagues and decide "y'know what, I'm itching for some monster slaughter, let's try this league" for the leagues that people declare total disasters after they conclude. Didn't bother with Ultimatum, didn't bother with Sentinel, didn't bother with Sanctum, totally came back for Lake of Kalandra. Hueh.

Admittedly I actually enjoyed Lake of Kalandra and thought the core mechanic was fun and pretty fluidly woven into the core game (unlike fuckin' Grifball League coming up here), but everywhere I go people are telling me LoK was the worst Path of Exile league ever. Bweh. Oh well.
When GGG releases POE2 and sucks the remaining ARPG players from all other games its great to see them finally winning the arm wrestling match between them and Diablo series. Me personally I will play both reguardless. I will get my ruthless fix on POE1 and run around mindless, or if I feel like using a brain cell and trying to use strategy... ill play POE2.
Murmuüre wrote:
Split games = split playerbase, so trading will be harder, and new leagues will die much faster.

Yeah that's not how that works. The vast majority of trades are in commodities and currency which are all easily supplied (they drop in every map) and are always in demand (everyone wants currency and scarabs to craft, trade, and juice with).

If there are 'usually' 1 million chaos orbs for sale on day 14 of the league and half the players go play PoE2, there will be 500,000 chaos orbs for trade and half the demand will be gone as well. It will still shake out to the same end point when it comes to buying and selling them.
No it's not. It's the worst thing the game has done to date and I'm including returning Harvest to core in that state here, so you know I'm serious.

PoE should be PoE and should not be afraid to change things as long as it keeps the same content and progress we've already done.
"PoE should be PoE and not afraiod to change, so long as it never ever ever changes."

Yeah. How 'bout no.
Murmuüre wrote:
Split games = split playerbase, so trading will be harder, and new leagues will die much faster.

Trading being harder is a good thing. There's a reason so many people ditch trading altogether. Having it land somewhere between the too is a positive in my book.

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