Diablo Immortal is POE killer

awesome999 wrote:
One can be on probation while the other is not

Nah, but you can read the CoC and ToS a your leisure. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

Inb4 your ban if support investigates the accounts. That would actually be the coup de grace, in addition to being hilarious.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Jun 7, 2022, 1:55:16 PM
DarthSki44 wrote:
awesome999 wrote:
One can be on probation while the other is not

Nah, but you can read the CoC and ToS a your leisure. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

Inb4 your ban if support investigates the accounts. That would actually be the coup de grace, in addition to being hilarious.

So much prejudice. Nothing will happen. None of my accounts is on probation or banned.
awesome999 wrote:
Aynix wrote:
Yeah yeah, everyone knows skills with MTX deals more dmg to bosses and have more AoE /s

Such an unfair advantage!

Feeling insecure and having little confidence can be really disappointing and upsetting. I recommend that you buy more MTX.

Will do as soon some nice shiny pixels will catch my eye.

awesome999 wrote:
Each account is independent from each other. One can be on probation while the other is not. The moderators can only banned people breaking forum rules from using the forum

You can have multiple account, but if one is banned on the Forum, you cant use other ones. As soon you will post anything from second account while first one is banned, it will get banned as well.
(trust me, I know how it works, in those 10+ years I've been banned a lot of times)
Last edited by Aynix on Jun 7, 2022, 2:30:39 PM
Well this thread certainly took a strange turn.

Let's pull it back on topic, shall we?


If you allow yourself to become even slightly invested in the game past the genuinely free to play story (a handful of hours of light, easy fun), Diablo Immortal is evil. Pure fucking evil.

This article clarifies perfectly why Diablo Immortal is one of if not the most insidiously P2W game to ever hit the Western market:


The game deliberately uses multiple types of currency to obfuscate the scam (and it absolutely is a scam), but the only type that really matters is the Eternal Orb. That's your premium, cash-based currency.

But hold on, because that deliberate obfuscation only gets worse.

As for the power itself, it all comes down to one mechanic: Legendary gems. And to get Legendary gems, you need crests, which you equip before a run to increase your chances of getting Legendary Gems at the end of a Rift run (DI's version of Maps).

So in terms an Exile should immediately grasp, what we have is an item that modifies Maps to greatly increase your chances to get a decent drop, and you can buy that item for cash (in fact, it's the only way to get it).

Now, because this isn't messy enough, crests come in two forms: rare and (surprise) Legendary.

Referring back to that Forbes article:

Rare Crests only award legendary gems at the end of runs that are capped at 2 stars out of 5 stars total. And it’s a low chance to even get those.

And you only get one rare crest a day. You can get a few from the Battle Pass.

So basically, charity.


Legendary Crests are the only place you can get 3-5 star gems, where the more stars, the more power, obviously. Annnnd guess what? It’s absolutely, 100% a gacha/loot box system. Just replace attractive anime ladies in Genshin Impact with legendary gems. Check out the drop rates:

1 star capped – 75%
2 star capped – 20%
2/5 star – 3.75%
3/5 star – 1%
4/5 star – 0.20%
5/5 star – 0.05%

You don't need to be a PoE galaxy-brain Maplord to see how insanely fucked this system is. I said before that you can pay cash to increase your chances of getting a decent drop in a Rift run, but the truth is even worse: you HAVE to pay cash to even enable it, and even then the chances of getting the top tier Gem are utterly nauseating. 0.05% is really low. Like, really fucking low.

They've taken the gacha concept and used some seriously offensive black magic to fuse it to the ARPG staple of the boss run/area clear loot, with downright awful drop rates to boot.

I cannot stress enough how dangerous it would be for this to remain unregulated. I play pay to win gacha games. I've put several hundred at a time into rolling for characters I really, really want. And of course I've 'whaled' Path of Exile. Until Diablo Immortal, I thought I'd dabbled with both extremes of the free to play spectrum, but even to me, Diablo Immortal is unthinkably greedy and unfair. If this doesn't get some sort of official attention and legal restrictions for being an unconscionably manipulative gambling app cosplaying as an ARPG, there is something deeply broken in the system.
The name says it all.
Last edited by 鬼殺し on Jun 8, 2022, 1:12:20 AM
I just need to interject with the fact that PoE is a game you invest in, study builds, invent new ones even, and has endless extra content.

Diablo Immortal is a phone app I now play when I'm vacating my bowels.

'Nuff said....
I get some dank MTX at reasonable prices...unlike deeablow immoral
鬼殺し wrote:


Nothing to add.

This is more predatory than a casino slot machine.
There should be laws for developing and marketing "games" of this sort.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun
quin has spent over $8000 NZD on DI so far....is this true?

(it said on his stream but dunno if hes just trolling)
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Jun 7, 2022, 11:43:03 PM
It's like $4.5k to roll a 5/5 5-star on average and you can wear 6 gems. I don't know if you can upgrade lesser 5-star gems into 5/5 ones. Quin didn't get one in his first $4k spent I believe.

For F2P you get like ~5-6 chances/month from your freebie crests/ember conversions at a 1/2,000 chance so that's never gonna happen. You're stuck grinding 300 platinum/day and hoping the whales have enough lower rank 5-star gems to feed into the economy that you can get 6 lower rank 5-star gems in half a year or so. But they need to use those extra gems to rank up their gems as well....

鬼殺し wrote:

Couldn't agree more. When I hit the level wall at ~54 and the only feasible way to get to 56 without mindlessly grinding is buying the Battle Pass that was it for me. The lead dev literally said that you can't buy exp in this game yet the game is designed to force you to do so unless you knew ahead of time to save your level-up bonuses for the lull. I'm going to grind it out and finish the story but they're not getting a cent, even though I did enjoy the game.

Won't affect my Diablo 4 purchase at all but it might affect my willingness to buy MTX in D4 if they add pay to win on top of a $70 price tag.
I feel sorry for Dutch and Belgian fans who might have enjoyed the story but honestly I'm impressed those countries' authorities had the good sense to see that this absolutely blows past anything we've seen so far in the West. Blizzard's deliberately complicated system is designed to distance that cash purchase from the eventual in-game power but people aren't stupid. It might take a page of text to explain it, but once it's laid out, it's about as blatant as a pyramid scheme.

So I remain adamant: play the campaign, enjoy it for what it is, check out all the characters, get up to 'Rifts' (or that mid 50s wall) and then delete the fucker A fucking SAP.

And play literally any other game because honestly no computer game in history has had less respect for its players well-being or financial security than Diablo Immortal's endgame loop. Not even those shady AF korean MMOs like BDO or the equally shady Star Citizen. They pale in comparison to what Blizzard's trying to pull off here.

And I say 'try' because good god do I hope someone stops them. We sure can't.

PS if you REALLY want to lose all faith in humanity, go check the DI sub. My. God.
The name says it all.
Last edited by 鬼殺し on Jun 8, 2022, 1:34:25 AM

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