EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

Vendetta wrote:
Destructodave wrote:
kikeuy wrote:
LALALALALA no bots here influencing the economy of the league.

Yea, anyone here believing its the league mechanic and not RMT/bots is really deluding themselves.

At this point, I think GGG need to get rid of the chaos recipe. That might curtail some of the inflation.

So bots weren't a problem before, they are just now ...

Why would you remove the only thing that is actually worth while for players that just enjoy the game, and don't really like crafting for profits and so on.

Bots have always been a problem. Why do you think exalts are in the 150+ range every league? Just this league compounds the problem by being incredibly barren on drops. So there are still mass bots, mass bot farming, and less exalts to boot.

What league have you played that 150+ c exalts werent something people complained about?

And I beg to differ on the chaos recipe being worth while for players. If you vendor those same items, you earn anywhere from 50-100% of a chaos in alts and alch shards. The only way its profitable to your average player is doing 2c Unid recipes; thats what the bots do. The chaos recipe is a noob-trap. It really is. In past times, where you didnt have bot currency exchange, doing it was pretty good because of the hassle of converting currency. Nowadays, you can easily convert all your currency to chaos or exalts if you want. So the amount of time you spend sorting, storing, and playing with the recipe, I dont think makes up the small difference in just vendoring it and running more maps. This has been true for a long time.

And on your other point; a handful of chaos spams every 6 maps is not destroying the economy. It takes 6 maps for seeds to grow, most of the time you barely have 1 set of farms full and ready to harvest, too. I mean if thats considered crafting, you could do way more chaos spamming in virtually any ohter league, since you earned more currency mapping than the 10 or so chaos spams you get every 6 maps from harvesting. Couple that with the fact you are most likely storing the juice anyways, and I dont see how anyone can believe this medicore league crafting mechanic is the reason exalts are so high.

They are 100% high because of bots, lack of drops, and RMT.
Destructodave wrote:
Vendetta wrote:
Destructodave wrote:

Yea, anyone here believing its the league mechanic and not RMT/bots is really deluding themselves.

At this point, I think GGG need to get rid of the chaos recipe. That might curtail some of the inflation.

So bots weren't a problem before, they are just now ...

Why would you remove the only thing that is actually worth while for players that just enjoy the game, and don't really like crafting for profits and so on.

Bots have always been a problem. Why do you think exalts are in the 150+ range every league? Just this league compounds the problem by being incredibly barren on drops. So there are still mass bots, mass bot farming, and less exalts to boot.

What league have you played that 150+ c exalts werent something people complained about?

And I beg to differ on the chaos recipe being worth while for players. If you vendor those same items, you earn anywhere from 50-100% of a chaos in alts and alch shards. The only way its profitable to your average player is doing 2c Unid recipes; thats what the bots do. The chaos recipe is a noob-trap. It really is. In past times, where you didnt have bot currency exchange, doing it was pretty good because of the hassle of converting currency. Nowadays, you can easily convert all your currency to chaos or exalts if you want. So the amount of time you spend sorting, storing, and playing with the recipe, I dont think makes up the small difference in just vendoring it and running more maps. This has been true for a long time.

And on your other point; a handful of chaos spams every 6 maps is not destroying the economy. It takes 6 maps for seeds to grow, most of the time you barely have 1 set of farms full and ready to harvest, too. I mean if thats considered crafting, you could do way more chaos spamming in virtually any ohter league, since you earned more currency mapping than the 10 or so chaos spams you get every 6 maps from harvesting. Couple that with the fact you are most likely storing the juice anyways, and I dont see how anyone can believe this medicore league crafting mechanic is the reason exalts are so high.

They are 100% high because of bots, lack of drops, and RMT.

How exactly are you going to pull 90% of the value in alteration since the price will shift up considering chaos will become less common without the recipe...

Please think before you post.

RMT and lacks of drops are indeed a problem, but has nothing to do with the recipe
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
198:1 Record ratio soon?!

Such a bad time for casuals. Oof.
SunL4D2 wrote:
198:1 Record ratio soon?!

Such a bad time for casuals. Oof.

why is 200 chaos a bad rate? what are you comparing it to? you know how much easier it is to get chaos now?

it isn't like chaos ratio should be the same from leagues ago or years ago. things have changed. chaos are MUCH MUCH more common than they have ever been, and they're being used for currency more and crafting less. chaos are devalued, thus it takes more to get the real item of value - an exalt

but sure, its only bots. bot bot bot RUSSIAN bots. only bots. only ever bots.
price goes up BOTS
price goes down...well bots must have crashed or must have had a ban wave or something
Last edited by xMustard on Jul 2, 2020, 11:05:32 AM
xMustard wrote:
SunL4D2 wrote:
198:1 Record ratio soon?!

Such a bad time for casuals. Oof.

why is 200 chaos a bad rate? what are you comparing it to? you know how much easier it is to get chaos now?

it isn't like chaos ratio should be the same from leagues ago or years ago. things have changed. chaos are MUCH MUCH more common than they have ever been, and they're being used for currency more and crafting less. chaos are devalued, thus it takes more to get the real item of value - an exalt

but sure, its only bots. bot bot bot RUSSIAN bots. only bots. only ever bots.
price goes up BOTS
price goes down...well bots must have crashed or must have had a ban wave or something

Shhhh. The snowflakes NEED something to be outraged about.
Gulch wrote:
xMustard wrote:
SunL4D2 wrote:
198:1 Record ratio soon?!

Such a bad time for casuals. Oof.

why is 200 chaos a bad rate? what are you comparing it to? you know how much easier it is to get chaos now?

it isn't like chaos ratio should be the same from leagues ago or years ago. things have changed. chaos are MUCH MUCH more common than they have ever been, and they're being used for currency more and crafting less. chaos are devalued, thus it takes more to get the real item of value - an exalt

but sure, its only bots. bot bot bot RUSSIAN bots. only bots. only ever bots.
price goes up BOTS
price goes down...well bots must have crashed or must have had a ban wave or something

Shhhh. The snowflakes NEED something to be outraged about.

Yeah, sorry we woke you up...Go back to your cave please.

Trade league = Skyhigh prices.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Vendetta wrote:

Yeah, sorry we woke you up...Go back to your cave please.

Trade league = Skyhigh prices.

Oh I'm sorry, did I offend you?

Feels like End of the League.
It was 80:1 or so for a while. GGG did something with bots so we enjoyed healthiest economy in years. Then like 10-20 hours Exalts risen to 95:1 because bots started counter-attack. Then GGG did something again? And Exalts are back at 85:1. Interesting. I wonder how that back and forth will turn out. 85 chaos for 1 Exalt is just too good to last. T_T
what is this 2015? i just bought an ex for 84c. i almost feel like im playing in hc trade economy in a sc league. almost

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