EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

Yes, in fact, the nerf tendency in this game has made POE a RMT driven game.
You can always tell how much bots are messing up sc exalt prices by looking at hc exalts.

1 hc exalt is only 60 chaos. Let that sink in for a second while sc exalts are going above 1:200
ArisFuser wrote:
Do you really think exalt prices are skyrocketing because in 7 days people are happily slamming gear with them in trade league? Just when we were promised exalt slamming would possible and affordable thru Grove bench? When exalt drops are the worst since ..ever? Imho, exalt prices are a result of inflation due to shortage and massive RMT demand.

I disagree that exalt drops were nerfed, but I do agree RMT is a big problem and an even bigger problem when you don't have extra sources of currency drops.
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
There is only so much that can be done versus RMT other than a small paywall for each new account and GGG is never going to make poe cost money to play.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
kikeuy wrote:
LALALALALA no bots here influencing the economy of the league.

Yea, anyone here believing its the league mechanic and not RMT/bots is really deluding themselves.

At this point, I think GGG need to get rid of the chaos recipe. That might curtail some of the inflation.
Destructodave wrote:
kikeuy wrote:
LALALALALA no bots here influencing the economy of the league.

Yea, anyone here believing its the league mechanic and not RMT/bots is really deluding themselves.

At this point, I think GGG need to get rid of the chaos recipe. That might curtail some of the inflation.

Either doing something with the bots (they are not interested) or improving the trade (being more profitable for them) already understands me ;)
"Sorry for my bad English"
possible solutions
a. delete chaos recipe from poe
b. add captcha to chaos recipe

What ?

How is that a solution.

In the later leagues about now we would have a 90c to 1ex ration and the chaos recipe was still in the game.

Since crafting is more accessible now and we have a RNG option of transforming 3 c to 1 ex , of course the price for an ex sky rocketed.

They should raise the drop rate if GGG added all this...powerful new crafts.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Destructodave wrote:
kikeuy wrote:
LALALALALA no bots here influencing the economy of the league.

Yea, anyone here believing its the league mechanic and not RMT/bots is really deluding themselves.

At this point, I think GGG need to get rid of the chaos recipe. That might curtail some of the inflation.

So bots weren't a problem before, they are just now ...

Why would you remove the only thing that is actually worth while for players that just enjoy the game, and don't really like crafting for profits and so on.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Last edited by Vendetta on Jun 27, 2020, 2:44:00 AM
kikeuy wrote:
LALALALALA no bots here influencing the economy of the league.

I saw that, it's crazy. The game is sinking.

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