EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

do you think this guy with 60k+ chaos orbs in stock is just trader?
kind regards
drop rates in harvest are dogshit
so inflated
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yamface wrote:
anyone else remember the good old days whens exalts were worth 15 chaos?

WTB 1ex>5gcp
Forum pvp
Nephalim wrote:
Johny_Snow wrote:
If we assume that chaos orbs were replaced by garden crafting it makes sense. They are basically worthless now.

Were people really spamming chaos to craft items? They were mostly sunk via map rerolls.

Yes? Buy a conqueror base and chaos spam, what's the problem with that. I sell bases all the time
Nephalim wrote:
Johny_Snow wrote:
If we assume that chaos orbs were replaced by garden crafting it makes sense. They are basically worthless now.

Were people really spamming chaos to craft items? They were mostly sunk via map rerolls.

Yep. The rich and the bored. My friend spammed 1000s of chaos last league on cluster jewels for herald cluster jewels, or when he got bored.

Your average player might not be spamming them, but people do. Whether the plants have anything to do with it this league or not, I dunno.

I think its more that I havent noticed a bot ban wave yet, and I wouldn't be surprised if a league this barren/dropless has higher RMT sales(people are broke; cant afford their builds, buy exalts). The thing that drives these prices up, are bots buying up all the exalts, because they could literally care less about the cost; they print chaos. You think a bot sits there and tries to get a 2-3 chaos deal on exalts? They are trying to fill orders. And a league like this might have more people saying fk it and buying exalts. And, I'm sure there are just less being found, too, since drops are nonexistent.
Last edited by Destructodave on Jun 25, 2020, 6:31:09 AM
RitualMurder wrote:
drop rates in harvest are dogshit
so inflated

as simple as that !
lolozori wrote:
yamface wrote:
anyone else remember the good old days whens exalts were worth 15 chaos?

WTB 1ex>5gcp

I didnt trade back then, was afraid to use third party websites lol. I do remember the 1ex for 60c times though. Sub 100c was awsome. My first trade was for 6l Atziri's Disfavour axe. 9ex back then. Basically all my currency I had gathered playing ssf up until then.
No bullshit or any other "shenanigans". This is very typical for the early part of any challenge league. The shenanigans of exalt pricing is when it gets up to 200 chaos per exalt.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
It's almost like drop rates affect prices! Who would have thought??
Let's just say that on day 3 I was selling an item for 130 chaos and I wasn't paying too much attention to the currency rates in the league yet (wasting time trying to figure out the crazy farm infrastructure). The buyer put in an EX and I asked for a minute to check the rate. Being an experienced player I just couldn't believe that they were worth 130 on day 3. It showed 138 and I went down the list of ex buyers to figure out if this was just BS and that someone was trying to manipulate the market.

So, yes I was surprised in a league with basically no drops that exalts had risen so quickly. Remember that in a league without loot explosions the chaos recipe is very slow.....but I guess that natural ex drops are way down as well.
Last edited by MrWonderful99 on Jun 25, 2020, 3:32:56 PM

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