EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

Its not the bots. This league makes chaos orbs all but useless. Except in the very very end game when people start to run high tier maps. For all intensive purposes chaos orbs have no value when it comes to crafting.

Now add to the fact that there are less mobs per map to kill this league which means overall drops should plummet (Less supply)

So making chaos almost useless + Lower exalts in the market in a heavy craft league means super inflated prices for base gear and high tier currencies. SSF this is great. For all other leagues its going to suck. Wouldn't be surprised if exalts peak well over 200c
Last edited by Zonraz on Jun 26, 2020, 8:23:42 AM
how are people possibly using bots as an argument? its not like bots became a thing this league
Zonraz wrote:
Its not the bots. This league makes chaos orbs all but useless. Except in the very very end game when people start to run high tier maps. For all intensive purposes chaos orbs have no value when it comes to crafting.

Now add to the fact that there are less mobs per map to kill this league which means overall drops should plummet (Less supply)

So making chaos almost useless + Lower exalts in the market in a heavy craft league means super inflated prices for base gear and high tier currencies. SSF this is great. For all other leagues its going to suck. Wouldn't be surprised if exalts peak well over 200c

This man gets it
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Zonraz wrote:
Its not the bots. This league makes chaos orbs all but useless. Except in the very very end game when people start to run high tier maps. For all intensive purposes chaos orbs have no value when it comes to crafting.

Now add to the fact that there are less mobs per map to kill this league which means overall drops should plummet (Less supply)

So making chaos almost useless + Lower exalts in the market in a heavy craft league means super inflated prices for base gear and high tier currencies. SSF this is great. For all other leagues its going to suck. Wouldn't be surprised if exalts peak well over 200c

This man gets it

A couple ways GGG can fix this
1) Increase mob density on yellow + maps
2) Increase drop rate of exalts
3) Some combo of 1+2
*4) Drop the exchange currency seed to Tier 1 and tinker with the exalt option some way

Think 4 would likely be the best option and would be in line with the league mechanics.

Needs to be fixed asap other wise its going to be impossible for casuals to play this league and likely will see their numbers drop
Last edited by Zonraz on Jun 26, 2020, 8:41:42 AM
Chaos is dirt cheap this league
cause you have free chaos doing harvest stuff in garden

i dislike new league, garden is boring.
and delirium burned me out
wont be farming currency and trading

Last edited by Zebedin on Jun 26, 2020, 11:51:06 AM
190:1 after just 1 week, now thats funny.
Last edited by DasName on Jun 26, 2020, 12:03:12 PM
DHShadows wrote:
how are people possibly using bots as an argument? its not like bots became a thing this league

I explained it earlier, but I'll explain it again. Bots print chaos 24/7. Bots generally means RMT. These bot farms, and sites, need exalts to sell. Which means, they will pay anything to get these exalts; because chaos are free to them. Whats another 10-15 chaos for those exalts that fill an order? And when you take how poor the drops are this league, this leads to a lack of supply, and these bots will run the exalt prices to the moon to purchase these things. Not only that, I would also argue that since this league is so barren, RMT exalts are probably in much higher demand than a league like Delirium that rained currency.

I mean all you have to do is watch what happens when a ban wave finally hits. You could see them hit in Delirium. Once a ban wave hit, exalts would drop 20-30chaos. Then those bots farmed back up, and started pushing the price again. They need exalts to sell, and they dont care how many printed chaos it takes to get them. Chaos are basically worthless to 100+ to 1000+ bots running 24/7. Your average player cannot keep up with their production, and therefore cant keep up with the chaos costs.

Last edited by Destructodave on Jun 26, 2020, 12:41:19 PM
Exalts are needed for some more end game crafts like blocking sufixes, prefixes, etc. Craft in a crafting league, of course their price would explode.

Past leagues exalts were basically to buy expensive uniques like Ryslata's Coil. Chaos spamming was easier and cheaper way.

Now chaos are worthless for crafting since you get free crafts from Harvest.

Como 1 + 2 = exalt prices skyrocket. Good for crafters, awfull for players like me that need some uniques.
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
Do you really think exalt prices are skyrocketing because in 7 days people are happily slamming gear with them in trade league? Just when we were promised exalt slamming would possible and affordable thru Grove bench? When exalt drops are the worst since ..ever? Imho, exalt prices are a result of inflation due to shortage, drop nerf and massive RMT demand.
Last edited by ArisFuser on Jun 26, 2020, 12:56:55 PM
ArisFuser wrote:
Do you really think exalt prices are skyrocketing because in 7 days people are happily slamming gear with them in trade league? Just when we were promised exalt slamming would possible and affordable thru Grove bench? When exalt drops are the worst since ..ever? Imho, exalt prices are a result of inflation due to shortage and massive RMT demand.

For whatever reason, people like to be in denial in this game and act like RMT is not a big deal. Its the driving force behind all in-game economies, and its been that way since D2.

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