EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

They are definitely way down. You aren't going to make them naturally for sure

b. add captcha to chaos recipe

....If you think Harvest is unpopular, look forward to the mayhem that will unfold if they add captcha to in-game mechanics.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
190:1 Breaking the record again.

It makes small trades so pointles so early in the League. Fuck dude.
Arrowneous wrote:
The shenanigans of exalt pricing is when it gets up to 200 chaos per exalt.

Trade bots are already buying ex 200c a piece. Thats about 10c above the market price. They are desperate

200:1 now, not even one week, nice work GGG
xunyi wrote:
200:1 now, not even one week, nice work GGG

How does that have to do anything with GGG? Compared to last league there are much less exalted orb drops, but they re-enabled Nemesis from the map device which means you can go play those Nemesis Currency maps so easily - and thanks to the league mechanic you can copy maps again and again and again

But sure, blame GGG for not giving you moar exults

The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
You aren't even playing a trade league
xunyi wrote:
200:1 now, not even one week, nice work GGG

This is possibly the dumbest response I've seen.
How is this any fault of GGG? They don't set the prices for trade.... the players do.
Johny_Snow wrote:
You aren't even playing a trade league

What kind of ignorance is this? I have been printing exalted orbs last season and I'll do that again this season.

I may not be playing Trade league now but that doesn't mean my knowledge of how a market works goes to shit. In fact, by the looks of it I have a much higher understanding of markets than you do.

Delirium was crazy on the drop rates from Simulacrums and Currency rewards from mapping, so naturally the price for them was much lower (150c at end of the league, and the price generally fluctuated between 130 and 140c during the league's progression). All factors included the medium price during Delirium was 145c.

One week into Harvest the Exalted Orb price is 195c. People always try to buy cheap Exalted Orbs at the start of a new league, because the price will be climbing. That way, they can later sell those Exalts and make a profit of it. That's perfectly in line with the market theory where there's a huge demand right now and people pump more chaos orbs into the market than Exalted Orbs can drop, with less of them being available.

If we're going a month in and the price stays around that number, then maybe the drop rate is too low since casuals don't know how to farm efficiently, but complaining to GGG one week into a new league is just ignorant. It's a free market and you all are being played by traders
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Jun 26, 2020, 8:12:28 AM
Gulch wrote:
xunyi wrote:
200:1 now, not even one week, nice work GGG

This is possibly the dumbest response I've seen.
How is this any fault of GGG? They don't set the prices for trade.... the players do.

They have the ability to change it.

But that means many tears because people would have to trade with players not whatever those things are.
Last edited by pifpep on Jun 26, 2020, 8:14:30 AM

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