EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

i put up 50 ex for sale just to see for 46c 1hr ago. and i got instantly spammed by weird names that wanted to buy all 50.
DiabloImmoral wrote:
Makes you wonder why ex was so high in Harvest. They were 100% worthless then too.

Exalt is like gold. It's quite rare and people believe in its value. It worked because most of the good items traded for exalts and people stored their wealth in exalts. What we see now is what happens when people stop believing in the value of something.

It's a downward spiral because since most of the popular mid-tier items that are usually 2-4 exalts are now traded for 2-400 chaos so people don't really need exalts to trade so they buy even less exalts which drives the prices further down. Since the price has been decreasing pretty much from the initial spike people stopped investing in exalts.
Last edited by cyberthopp on Oct 20, 2020, 3:12:58 PM
Hey, we are up to 707ex to 1 c. And Trade is dying. :D
i think somebody broke something

So exalts are now 1c. Hum. Definitely no market manipulation.

Either people drop more ex than chaos in heist since the patch, or the bots are back and getting their revenge on ggg.
It's cutedog's fault as usual.
I don't feel like playing this league anymore when something like this happens
Look at poe ninja, its dropped to 1Ex = 1c...

Some bogus accounts are flooding the market with these stupid prices.
Look at poe ninja, its dropped to 1Ex = 1c...

Some bogus accounts are flooding the market with these stupid prices.

In fairness a decent argument could be made that Chaos is more valuable that Exalts at this point.

I mean what are people actually doing with exalts other than using them as some sort of trade currency standard (which is non-sensical)
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
1c is 1 ex so how much mirrors will cost now? hehehe

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