The Plague that is GGG's "Trade" system. & the Predatory dance feeding its lowkey P2W mechanism.

Arrowneous wrote:

Yeah just putting the trade interface inside the game, and being able to remove the public API, would already do wonders to the overall enjoyment of the game.

And maybe even improve performance a little bit by allowing people to play full screen.
Arrowneous wrote:
While Allionus can say that GGG has not done much to improve PoE trading (in spite of other deniers saying "trade is fine" or listing a few minor trade tweaks as "see GGG has improved trading") and is right, he posts 5 talking points why everyone is not happy and then states the obvious reason for why GGG has deliberately chosen to not change the fundamental mechanics of trade-chat. I've used this picture in other posts and it speaks volumes as to why GGG has chosen not to make trading easier:

This pretty much says it all about what drives this game (and every other free to play game) and is the most basic of how any game company that gives away their game makes revenue. Everyone should immediately understand the message.

So why does Allionus feel the need to rant about how awful PoE trade-chat is? Most of us all agree that it sucks to the max (I don't know anything about ancient Egypt economy and trading but PoE trade mechanic is very bad) and has been this way forever with only a very few minor tweaks (I hesitate to call them improvements).

So let's cut through all of Allionus' 5 points and agree that this is just another "trading sucks" rant post. I agree, PoE trade-chat does suck to the max.


I watched Ziz's video of his first impressions of Delirium and he said he might do a 40 hour playing session at the start of Delirium. That's an extreme example of chasing "the carrot" to grind for better gear and to level 100 as I've ever witnessed in any game and trade-chat, as bad as it is, is the prime motivator behind this human desire to strive for "bigger and better." It's what makes humans want to do things that are bad for their health such as: How high we can go (tops of mountains), or how deep we can go (bottom of the oceans), or how fast we can go in a human engineered machine, etc. So going 40 hours and risk your health in the pursuit of a level 100 build in PoE fits right in with lot's of questionable/bad things that humans do just to stand out from mediocrity. That and the fact that Ziz is a PoE streamer and he wants as many to subscribe to his PoE stream as it's his job (again, for financial reasons). Trade chat keeps the GGG financial gears turning by pushing us to grind longer (there is no AH fast path to T1 gear, and that is as it should be).

But the one thing that GGG can do without implementing a hugely risky AH that could easily destroy the risk/reward balance of PoE that drives players to play way too many hours is to bring their own web based trade function in-game. GGG can keep the mechanics of trade-chat all they want but make the item search and whisper be from in-game and not require that we have to suspend the game to do an item search and then have to copy/paste a whisper (WTF is this shit GGG?) back into a chat prompt window. That's wholly and totally the worst method of trading in any game (short of the D3:RoS solution which is no trading at all) and for this we should convict GGG as guilty for not having put their item search function in-game from the beginning. By doing this we then eliminate the copy/paste and each item in the search list would have a button to whisper the seller directly and simply. End of the major hate of trade-chat. And I've had PoE crash many times when {Alt}Tab interrupted PoE at just the wrong time and foobar-ed it.

Trade chat trade chat, you repeatedly bring it up like anyone gives a shit about trade chat. No one uses trade chat for trading. If you do, you're doing it wrong.
I don't see the harm in Chris giving us auctions with no buyouts in addition to the current system. He directly stated he's ok with that being in the game. Let's have simple 12/24 hour auctions with no buyout.

This would not accelerate the gear treadmill like most other solutions and would not benefit bots. (You set a minimum increase per bid and have a bid at the end of the time period add another 5 minutes to the auction to avoid bot sniping.)
original post is a bunch of false claims, i don't even know where to start.

no improvement to trade?
trade api, premium tabs, their own trade site after failed horribly to support multiple languages, excluding half the world from trade...

claiming their resistance to hard thrash their economy by improving trade and allow automatisation interpreted as unwillingness to improve trade.

back to reddit quick, hush hush
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
This entire thread is stupid. If you've played enough PoE to have earned items worth trading then GGG has already earned the $12 or whatever it takes to buy a premium stash tab from you. If you don't have the money, there's a way to sell on the forum that isn't that hard to do either. An auction house would be nice for sellers, but not buyers. An AH would just lead to a flood of items that are worthless entering the market and then high level items that were underpriced being sniped and resold for profit. Sure, that happens now, but at least if I put an item up for 6 exalts and get spammed with 10 offers in 2 minutes then I know I've underpriced the item and will have the opportunity to reprice if I feel like it. That option wouldn't happen with an AH. Even without a premium stash tab I used the forum to trade items easily enough once I got the hang of it. Like most things with this game it was just complicated to figure out at first and then once you figure it out it's easy. Why fix something if it isn't open? Sure it sucks trying to buy a boutique item from a seller that is AFK sucks, but so does going to your favorite restaurant only to find out that they close early on Tuesdays. Nothing is perfect but an AH is way more of a liability than it's worth.
The trade searches we do in a browser, like on, should be in the game app itself. But that’s the only change I think is necessary to the current system.

There’s nothing nefarious about GGG realizing stash space needs to have value in order to sell stash tabs, nor is it predatory for them to be legitimately cautious about throwing a monkey wrench into the game’s economy. I’m cynical af about the gaming industry and even I don’t think this is worth the OP’s outrage.
We're all in this leaky boat together, people.
Last edited by demon9675#2961 on Mar 5, 2020, 2:04:58 AM
I think the best idea that is emerging form this thread(or the hundreds before this one :)) is to incorporate the api in game.
I don't think this would change anything or brake the game but it would probably be a very very good Qol !!
And you would still need to interact with players/bot to trade in the end.
I've to say that even if I'm a more casual player now, I had some good interactions from trading. Ok it's 1% of trades but still a lot of the players in my friend list are here from a good trade in the past !
Maybe if we have something similar like AH in the game but that automates our trading i believe would solve the trading issue. What is going on, I am in the map and i don't want to be bothered by other players while fighting the enemy, especially while I am in a party with other players. I would need to leave the party invite the buyer to a new party sell him the item and rejoin the mapping party and in the process pissing of other players for waiting on me and or losing progress in a map because other players are not waiting on me. Not just speaking about the eternal labyrinth or Delve where you cannot leave the area without losing all your progress and making your customer not to wait for you.

What i would suggest is a trading NPC in each of the players hideouts, you would assign him to sell your items in premium stash tabs automatically to other players when they interact with him. The NPC would also display all of your items that you have for sale to the buyer not just the one he needs, making all that good rare items that are hard to find on the search by its mods sellable. The game has expanded so much that I don't know all of the existing mods and how am i going to find that gg item if i can't find it in the first place.
Trading NPC would not replace current system he would be an addition to current trading system.

These will solve many issues like the thing that you would still need to buy premium tabs and other players would still need to come to your hideout where you can display your MTX decorations to them, win win for both GGG and players.

About the item inflation worry, what will happen, there will be more items for sale but because they are easier to purchase there will also be more buyers. I am not playing on the chinese servers so i don't know what is going on there if they have item inflation at all, if someone who plays there can say how is it would be good.
But if there is still threat of item inflation, then put a damn minimum buyout in trading NPC on items proportional to the item value, tax items when they are put on sale or when they get sold out.

Last edited by Hukas#2876 on Mar 5, 2020, 6:32:31 AM
having to tab out (we all want improvements and if anything could be removed without messing up the economy, id like it to be this), being inconvenienced while mapping, having to manually do the trade, pricing your item right, are all things that make you less likely to put most items on sale. doesnt matter if you call it AH or something else, if you make it easy and hassle free you get the same issues and yes you can get around the issues with limitations but thats exactly what alot of us dont want
we rather have the free market

there is more items, but where are these additional buyers coming from? its not like its all bought out at the market right now with less items available. the only increase of sales on an item will be as it gets cheaper and cheaper

how are your taxes going to work? estimate value by your set b/o? because the game doesnt know your awesome rare helmet is 10ex. tax 1ex when sold? its now 11 ex, im still not hesitating putting it up.
tax when listed? how about those really expensive niche items that could go for a mirror but you need to be patient waiting for the right buyer? how do you tax 10% of a mirror or 10% of an exalt? in chaos? what rate, the one that fluctuates everyday by supply and demand or is GGG now setting the rates for us?
Nidal wrote:
allionus wrote:
NIDAL ----> Sorry, but you are Missing the POINT, which is, SELLING STASH BY DELIBERATELY MAINTAINING A CRIPPLED TRADE SYSTEM THAT CALCULATEDLY, ARTIFICIALLY USES THE SYSTEM TO FORCE STASH SALES. It is not a "Vanity Item that doesn't affect the gameplay in any way". It's P2W. It's not a choice when it's a necessity. It's that simple.

edit: "Not everything about the current system is great but sniping, price fixxing, flipping, scamming is just people dealing with people." LMAO!!! PEOPLE DEALING WITH PEOPLE!!???ehehe!!DUDE You make these things sound like a non-issue, while going nuts over how bad AH will be for the game. Dayyyyyyyyyyyyyum!!!!!!

Not missing the point, i disagree.
I think they have a good trade system that performs well enough. its not perfect but its the lesser evil
There are issues, change the system and you get other issues. i rather have these

i do agree that you should be able to sell items in any stash, that being said, its free to play, the gameplay itself is completely unrestricted and while some buy mtx there is probably alot of people who doesnt want to buy anything and need a slight push to open their wallet and support the product theyre enjoying (and yes its ok for GGG to want to make money on them). Even if it is P2W, i dont find it very offensive. it just enables easier trade in a game that have no pvp and you can still complete the main objectives in a league without it

I understand now that your point of view towards this is more personal. Meaning you aren't specifically tying to see what is objectively good and bad for the whole game and playerbase, but more of how much you personally like or dislike different aspects of it.

And it is fine to hold subjective opinions on these matters. They're just not a good argument against the actual shortcomings of the system. Like what I wrote, has nothing to do with how i "personally think about the trade system". It's more "what is systematically wrong with it and why it is kept that way".

So my argument was never what I feel about it, but more what is factually wrong about it without adding my personal feelings on the system. And those can only be argued against using facts about the game, without adding personal likes/dislikes.

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