The Plague that is GGG's "Trade" system. & the Predatory dance feeding its lowkey P2W mechanism.


I have come to terms with the fact that some people "defending the current system", here, are not actually trying to defend the "system", but more, they are trying to use that as a cover to defend how they manipulate the current system to profit themselves, and don't want ANY CHANGE, not because "it will ruin the game", but more that it will ruin their "habits" of abusing the clunky system to their advantage, by making it virtually impossible to Flip or fix a single item once it all gets integrated ingame.

My prefrontal cortex will hunt your genjutsu like a wild dog!!!!
Nidal wrote:
how are your taxes going to work? estimate value by your set b/o? because the game doesnt know your awesome rare helmet is 10ex. tax 1ex when sold? its now 11 ex, im still not hesitating putting it up.
tax when listed? how about those really expensive niche items that could go for a mirror but you need to be patient waiting for the right buyer? how do you tax 10% of a mirror or 10% of an exalt? in chaos? what rate, the one that fluctuates everyday by supply and demand or is GGG now setting the rates for us?

There are many ways how trading NPC can be set by the devs to tax items that your selling, but one example would be for instance if you are pricing an item with a mirror price and with 5% tax, 1mirror=300ex that is 15ex tax, the game would reserve your 15ex from the currency stash tab and if your item gets sold then those 15ex are gonna be used to pay the tax, if item is not sold your 15 ex will just be returned to your currency stash tab.

Minimum item buyout would be a complex and sophisticated thing and you would need to be using a lot of game item statistics and data in order to make it work, but in basic terms you would use item mod values and put a price on it. It would require a lot of work actually XD.

If the trading NPC is a threat to economy I would say as well put him only in temporary leagues. Make him cost few chaos as an upkeep and or the bigger the item count for sale the bigger the upkeep.

How big threat to economy would trading NPC or AH be that can answer only someone with a lot of statistics on Path of Exile and that is GGG themselves.
Last edited by Hukas on Mar 5, 2020, 8:23:18 AM
GGG claims its bad because it will make ppl who trade more stronger and people who dont weaker....

But making trader easy will in fact be the oposite, the reason why such a high percentage is not trading at all, is they have no fancy to get to the trouble of searching on a website and stuff..

If there be an auction house (not saying there should be) but it will sure as hell increase the odds every1 will trade equally...(it wont do this fully) but it will come more closer
I would love to see an AH but we all know it will never happen. I am curious on what the results would look like if everyone was polled on the subject. you even play your own game!?!?
PS: Not my real player account, just one use for posts n such.
allionus wrote:

I have come to terms with the fact that some people "defending the current system", here, are not actually trying to defend the "system", but more, they are trying to use that as a cover to defend how they manipulate the current system to profit themselves, and don't want ANY CHANGE, not because "it will ruin the game", but more that it will ruin their "habits" of abusing the clunky system to their advantage, by making it virtually impossible to Flip or fix a single item once it all gets integrated ingame.

Now you're putting "everyone" disagreeing with you into a box. Don't be that guy. Just because you can't understand why people would be opposed to an AH, doesn't mean they have bad intentions.

I've read through the thread, and I can't hardly see anyone defending the current system. They might be defending what it's trying to do/preserv, or they might be opposed to an automated system. But no one in their right mind would call the current system "good". That does not mean that an automated AH would be better. A Winston Churchill quote always comes to mind when I discuss this:

No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…

No one saying that the current system is perfect. But everytime an AH has been tried in this genre, it has failed (on one or more areas). Actually, an AH has NEVER been successful in this genre. And developers in this genre are ALWAYS having truoble finding the "right" balance when it comes to trading.

Why? Because the equation is larger than just "I want easier more efficient trading". Player types, play styles, solo play, party play, guild members, no guild, trading players, non-trading players. The game has to have room for everyone within the same ecosystem. And whether you like it or not, an automated AH would change a lot more than just you spending less time on trades. If not in the short run, then in the long run.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:
allionus wrote:

I have come to terms with the fact that some people "defending the current system", here, are not actually trying to defend the "system", but more, they are trying to use that as a cover to defend how they manipulate the current system to profit themselves, and don't want ANY CHANGE, not because "it will ruin the game", but more that it will ruin their "habits" of abusing the clunky system to their advantage, by making it virtually impossible to Flip or fix a single item once it all gets integrated ingame.

Now you're putting "everyone" disagreeing with you into a box. Don't be that guy. Just because you can't understand why people would be opposed to an AH, doesn't mean they have bad intentions.

I've read through the thread, and I can't hardly see anyone defending the current system. They might be defending what it's trying to do/preserv, or they might be opposed to an automated system. But no one in their right mind would call the current system "good". That does not mean that an automated AH would be better. A Winston Churchill quote always comes to mind when I discuss this:

No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…

No one saying that the current system is perfect. But everytime an AH has been tried in this genre, it has failed (on one or more areas). Actually, an AH has NEVER been successful in this genre. And developers in this genre are ALWAYS having truoble finding the "right" balance when it comes to trading.

Why? Because the equation is larger than just "I want easier more efficient trading". Player types, play styles, solo play, party play, guild members, no guild, trading players, non-trading players. The game has to have room for everyone within the same ecosystem. And whether you like it or not, an automated AH would change a lot more than just you spending less time on trades. If not in the short run, then in the long run.

You misunderstand the meaning of "SOME PEOPLE" as "ALL PEOPLE". Please no conflaterino

edit: Also, automated system already exists, aka trade bots.

The problem isn't with valid defenses like "it's possible that it can make the economy shaky when its implemented" (of course it can do that. But if new economic machinery was never implemented, we'd still be selling rice for goats and so on, change isn't smooth, but it is a better end).

It's only foolish when people say things like "AH will destroy game pace or 'feel'", "The market will be buried under an avalanche of items", "it gives people more of a "challenge/added utility" in getting the item/making a trade", "all items will lose value" etc.,etc.

edit2 - Also, MOST AH in this genre failed because of lack of care or oversight into botters and exploiters, some just straight up abandon their trade system and let toxic players ruin the whole system. Something's one model failing in the past is not an accurate model to predict that another, better iteration will fail. They're not the same design, nor in the same game, nor with the same community, etc.
Last edited by allionus on Mar 5, 2020, 12:39:08 PM
Ajo wrote:
Nidal wrote:
tax when listed? how about those really expensive niche items that could go for a mirror but you need to be patient waiting for the right buyer? how do you tax 10% of a mirror or 10% of an exalt? in chaos? what rate, the one that fluctuates everyday by supply and demand or is GGG now setting the rates for us?

Why not just lock that mirror in the AH after a successful buy. If the seller want to unlock his mirror for collecting he needs to pay up the 10% in order to do so in a tradewindow.

This can also work. But taxes are just a hypothetical seasoning to the whole thing. It's not even necessary.

But imagine if something like it does get implemented, they can use the market trade rates of currency over not just current listings, but an average of some days to auto-deduct the selected currency type from the player's storage(which stops people from price fixing to manipulate the "auto-taxation system").

There's many approaches to it.

I personally don't think it's necessary, or adds an impressive amount of fun/value to the whole process. It's just something that officiates the whole trade process a bit more, and makes people price their items with a little more thought I guess.
jdilly23 wrote:
Business attempts to make money, profound.

They didn't make a life-saving vaccine and charge sick people for it.

They made a video game for people to enjoy recreationally and monetized it. This shouldn't make you upset or drive you to write up some big rant on how you're the victim of predatory tactics. This shouldn't even be a conversation. It is totally expected and acceptable for them to make some money.

Well said.
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019

"It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020
allionus wrote:
jdilly23 wrote:
Business attempts to make money, profound.

They didn't make a life-saving vaccine and charge sick people for it.

They made a video game for people to enjoy recreationally and monetized it. This shouldn't make you upset or drive you to write up some big rant on how you're the victim of predatory tactics. This shouldn't even be a conversation. It is totally expected and acceptable for them to make some money.

You are firstly assuming that i am "upset or ranting". You are doing this to give you "advantage" in whatever you are going to say next. Which was "me being a victim". It's not about me. It's about what THEY(GGG) are doing.

You still haven't refuted a single point.

You simply went on a Reflexive Defending stance. Which I already asked you not to do in my sidenote.

They're not your friends. They are not your tribe. They are not your herd. You have a pseudo-attachment to them. And it is clouding your ability to make an actual refutation to my points.


Edit: oh yeah you also tried derail the whole argument by throwing in the "life saving vaccine" thing. You should avoid being compelled so hard by your unknown mechanisms.

I probably dislike GGG more than you, for what its worth.

They've never made it a secret that they intend to take your money and they've never said you shouldn't toss them 5 bucks to properly enjoy their game.

Be grateful that people without disposable income can login and make a character and experience 90% of the game, but don't carry on moaning about GGG creating a situation where players are encouraged to spend a few dollars.

They're not my friends, but they are a business, and as such, they are expected to monetize what they do.

If you can't wrap your head around something so simple then whats the point in having a conversation?
"just for try, for see and for know"
i really don't understand the problem with trade. maps? open live search, get item. i almost always get an invite. currency? i open my own store. for example, good luck if you have a couple thousand chaos to trade for exalts and look for sellers. last league at one point i traded 7k chaos in bulk - took less than an hour by listing myself as a buyer of exalted orbs. it also gives people an idea how many whispers you will get even with poopy exchange rates. there is no way you can respond to even some whispers while trading.

what really bothers me, though, and is hinted by OP: the amount of garbage i'm supposed to hoard so they can sell stash tabs. the worst offender was definitely synthesis. i only have 6 or 7 unspecialized tabs and i deliberately keep it that low. about 2 for selling, one for gear swap and one for random junk. i don't even use them all. whatever i don't immediately find useful or doesn't sell fast enough gets vendored.
Last edited by dachoppa on Mar 5, 2020, 9:27:57 PM

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