The Plague that is GGG's "Trade" system. & the Predatory dance feeding its lowkey P2W mechanism.

Shagsbeard wrote:
They added premium tabs.

They added functional trade "API" what ever that means.

They added onsite trade listings.

You're wrong that they haven't changed trade in 5 years.

Yeah, you can polish a turd, but it's still a turd...

As I've always said, I get the existing set up for items & I don't disagree with it. The market would be flooded with items & it would devalue items in general though I doubt it would be as bad as the naysayers suggest. The large music/film/etc corporates have been saying for decades that piracy would gut their businesses but they seem to be doing just fine.

I still don't get why we can't have an AH for consumables (maps, currency, possibly fossils & essences).
Because the game is a success because you value these things. Put them on an easy to access market and you'll stop valuing them... they'll just be points on a video game. The reason they're valuable is based on the difficulty finding them. Easy trade would remove that difficulty. It's pretty simple.

The game thrives because people enjoy overcoming difficulty. Removing difficulty is the last thing a game wants to do.
Shagsbeard wrote:
The game thrives because people enjoy overcoming difficulty. Removing difficulty is the last thing a game wants to do.

That's not entirely true, GGG have added some QoL on some things like not having to net beasts, currency stacking ,etc. And using your logic, one could make the game more enjoyable by requiring the player to press a "left foot" & "right foot" button to move (I'm thinking of Track & Field on the NES I think).

You want to give the player challenges to overcome, but you don't necessarily want to make things difficult.
Last edited by Llama8 on Mar 2, 2020, 9:12:13 AM
One more time then. the hassle of trading that you describe and the difficulty of knowing the value of alot of items keep them off the market

alot of us currently have the lootfilter ping us when something good drops, we dont really know how much its worth but put it in the stash for later (never)
All my stashes are full at the end of the league, probably yours too

if its easy and quick, more items gets listed
if you can put your item up for auction with no b/o, it all hits the market

you increase supply, value goes down (and saturates demand). everything but the most rare items become worthless

other games gets around this with limits. they make items bind on pickup or equip. alternatively reducing droprates by alot
no game has pulled off free trade with an AH, there no reason to think PoE would be the first

PoE has free trade and its fantastic. you can buy, use and resell any item you find and even make profit when demand increases, almost everything you find has some value

its not good enough to say you dont believe it or lets try
all other game acknowledge the issue by limiting trade. the issue makes perfect sense. and the only similar game that tried it had exactly the expected problems and is a very good example (why they dont like hearing it)

All these people wanting an AH just wants it. they have no idea how and dont care, just GGG fix it

there is no conspiracy. they have created one of the best economies in any game. good for them if they sell some stash tabs and make money :)

I don't begrudge POE any MTX etc. I just want to be able to play without crashing. Seeing as this problems has persisted for years and years I hold little hope it actually will be fixed.
allionus wrote:
I've been here since 2012, seen the best and the worst of ideas been implemented and pulled.

Today I'll write here, about the worst of the worst (sinister, but profitable) ideas GGG ever had.

with over 4000 hours combined experience with this game, and tens of thousands of hours in other online games with ingame, "player-driven" markets, I have finally spent enough time analyzing PoE's "market system", and come to the realization that this is subtle predation at its maximum optimization to the point where it disgusts me.

They have not made a single change to improve how players trade within the game, how currency moves, the steps a player must take to sell any commodity ingame. They actually waited for 3rd parties to build a comprehensive system for trading, then just copy pasted it into their own site. (still making NO improvements in the game itself)

And I will write here why for some reason, the trade system just doesn't seem to be improved on. Almost as if they forgot it exists. But how they deliberately keep it this way to drown players in "pinch points", prodding and compelling them to make purchases of things people otherwise would have no need. Basically how GGG worsens situations, which inflate the NEED to buy ingame MTX (not cosmetics).

Let's begin :-

Trade system's been the same since the last 8+ years.
The idea's been (before premium tabs came around): You find an item, you wanna sell it, You put it up for sale by either Spamming $Trade channels with your items, or using a Third Party tool, such as "procurement", "acquisition" etc., then make a forum post, then link the post to the tool, and keep updating it as time goes by. Then you get a reply from a potential buyer, then you invite them, then they teleport to you (there were no hideouts early on), then you initiate a Trade with them, They put in the currency, You put in the item, then you count the currency, and both people accept the trade to finalize it.
And everybody is happy.

Except they're not. Here's why -

1-> Price Fixing. When the seller has total control over whether they give their listed item (despite having put it for sale). Or just hang it over the economy's head, in what is called "price fixing". Where a "seller" puts multiple items of a certain type, damage, value, and flood the market with those items, with NO INTENTION of ever selling the item. Instead, only using it to poison the economy, and forcing the prices to drop, then "Sniping" the newly listed items by other players, only to Poison the economy further. And once you have hundreds and thousands of people doing this, you really get a full blown economy poisoning orgy going.

2-> Tediousness. There are a ridiculous amount of hoops players have to jump through just to get a transaction done. Instead of the conventional, far superior method of ingame AH(auction houses) where you list an item for x Price. And the buyer can instantly pay for it, and the payment is delivered to you (sometimes with a minor "servie tax"), price fixing is non-existent, because the prospective price fixer has no choice, once the item is listed, it can be bought instantly.

3-> AFK MODE ON. PoE has an ingame timer of around 15 minutes, where if you are idle for 15 minutes, it will put you on AFK mode, meaning your name on trade sites will show as a Yellow AFK compared to the green ONLINE, which means players are already less likely to message you, predicting a non-responsive seller/price fixer (especially if you have more than 1 item in the same search criteria. And AFK is even worse for currency exchange than it is for item buying - You often have to First copy the info from the site, then message the seller ingame, Only for them to NOT RESPOND, or be straight up AFK (and even offline in some cases because of HOW SLOW THE TRADE SITES UPDATE).

4-> TIME ZONES. If you live in Texas, Good luck being awake when The Asian market is playing and looking for items to buy. If you are European, Good luck getting the Russians to respond to your item listings. If you live in South East Asia, all you'll meet are the nightwalkers from the states. Aussies, may god have mercy on your shops. Basically, There's no flipping way you are able to list your items 24/24 hours in a day. If you are a Person with a life and a job, Enjoy trying to sell your items in the few hours you get to play. The desperate option is to underprice your items by a longshot just to improve the odds of people who are awake that time buying the item, and often the "Flippers" can buy it off you and sell it for its real value in their time zone.

5(the big one)-> ARTIFICIALLY STUFFING/CRAMPING PLAYER STASHES. Obviously, to make people buy more stashes than they would of THEIR OWN 'FREE WILL'. The Slower and clunkier the whole trade process is, the More disparity there is between "Total Items in" VS "Total Items out" in any given timescale. Meaning due to having a worse trade systems than the Ancient Egyptians, you are Guaranteed to put in more Items into your stash, than the Incompetent trade system is capable of taking out for sale. This means GGG calculatingly keeps The Trade system so insultingly pathetic, that You are forced to buy More storage just so you don't lose out on the currency you worked hard to earn, or create an item worth keeping.

Here is WHY GGG is doing this (They have obviously not confirmed it, but doing that would make them look like $$ predators) but it can easily be concluded because they are the only ones who truly profit from keeping things this way lol.

It's all about that MOONEEEEY!

They introduced "Premium tabs", as a more Lucrative alternative to implementing an ingame Auction House/Marketplace, which are not "non-game-affecting cosmetics", but assets which give you a competitive edge to those without the same tabs (or same number of tabs). Everything from how fast you can list your items, to how easily you can modify the pricing, information, etc. Buying a stash tab that costs the same as an entire DLC of several games, on top of that you need to "UPGRADE" it to "Premium" just so you can list your items ingame, without having to rely on External tools(which you still end up relying on to find more details on the item, price check, etc).

Hideouts MTX are a thing - When a large part of Player2player transactions include you having to visit the seller's hideout(99% of the time), you can rest assured there's a good enough people who don't buy vanity MTX just because it pleases themselves (like real life), they often buy it to wow other people who are forced to visit their hideouts. and a "Mano a Mano" exchange also compels the same people to buy more player Cosmetics to wow the people who are forced to physically show up in their proximity simply because they have an item worth purchasing.

THE SOLE REASON why GGG never once bothered to Make an Ingame Auction House, was not because "it's too hard to develop it" or "it will take so much time out of their schedule and they have ImPoRtAnT things to do (like release new MTX every week, often twice in a week, or more), It's SIMPLY BECAUSE OF $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. They have realized their archaic system has so many holes that people have to bend over backwards just to figure out ways in which they can somehow try to make it less worse than it is. And a lot of solutions GGG provides, oopsie, but at a $$$ cost.

I'm sorry to break it to you
Ultimately, PATH OF EXILE is PAY 2 WIN. Where currency = advantage. And Not spending IRL money on Storage facility = You Losing out on CURRENCY. I.E - P2W. It would stop being PAY2WIN, SOON AS THEY IMPLEMENTED A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD. BUT that is not as profitable as forcing people to buy stash if they don't want to lose out. So let's see If they Manage to make an ingame equalizer marketplace, or Die out before that happens. Cheerios!!!!

I'll be adding more Points as I remember, some surely slipped away for now.

IF you have a valid Defense, I would like to see your take on it. Just avoid Base, impulsive "poo-flinging".

TL;DR "op wants an action house" lol
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thanks me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
Shagsbeard wrote:
Because the game is a success because you value these things. Put them on an easy to access market and you'll stop valuing them... they'll just be points on a video game. The reason they're valuable is based on the difficulty finding them. Easy trade would remove that difficulty. It's pretty simple.

Then GGG is going to have a hard time come PoE 2 when the 6L gear chase is over. I chase the Oni-Goroshi sword every league and always farm at least 1. Come PoE 2 that will all end. Chasing 6 socket skill gems will not have the same meaning as 6L gear. I understand that doing this will solve some problems but will definitely create other issues. And since we can have at least 4 skills I'm sure that 6S skill gems will be as rare as an Exalt orb since having 4 6S skills will seriously wreck balance. GGG will be walking on the high wire without a net. One wrong move and it'll mean their death. The same holds true for the current PoE economy.

However, any one defending the current trade chat mechanics doesn't see the problem clearly. Since any type of AH is going to foobar the item chase that isn't ever coming to PoE and that's good. The way forward with trade chat is to integrate GGG's own item search function into the game so that {ALt}TABing out to find an item isn't required. I've had way too many mysterious Metamorph crashes because of {Alt}Tab (PoE is being interrupted at just the wrong time) and GGG should have integrated the search into the game years ago. Then when we do find an item to trade for we only need to click a single button to whisper the seller. If in-game the seller should be able to respond without leaving the zone/map currently in. Streamlining trade-chat is what's needed, not replacing it.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Arrowneous wrote:
GGG will be walking on the high wire without a net. One wrong move and it'll mean their death. The same holds true for the current PoE economy.

This is (sadly) true when it comes to trading. One wrong move, be that AH or whatever, can mean their death. And that's the main reason why we don't see any noticeable changes to trade. It is what it is, and it's far from perfect, but changing it may be catastrophic.

Arrowneous wrote:
However, any one defending the current trade chat mechanics doesn't see the problem clearly. Since any type of AH is going to foobar the item chase that isn't ever coming to PoE and that's good. The way forward with trade chat is to integrate GGG's own item search function into the game so that {ALt}TABing out to find an item isn't required. I've had way too many mysterious Metamorph crashes because of {Alt}Tab (PoE is being interrupted at just the wrong time) and GGG should have integrated the search into the game years ago. Then when we do find an item to trade for we only need to click a single button to whisper the seller. If in-game the seller should be able to respond without leaving the zone/map currently in. Streamlining trade-chat is what's needed, not replacing it.

I agree. I'm not one of those people hating on the current system, because I understand why things are the way they are, and I understand that MUCH more than trading will change the moment they rework trading. But the fact that they haven't implemented the current search function into the game, is beyond me. I'm struggling hard to understand it. It should be implemented right away, and at the same time, close the public API, and get rid of live searches.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
allionus wrote:
HanSoloDK wrote:
Move to China and play PoE there so you get the AH you want. Problem solved. :=)

That only solves the problem at an individual level. Also, you did not read it entirely. The "problem" is predatory financial gain practices. and the Chinese only have an AH because of how eff'd their Internet access is.

They didn't do it out of some altruistic desire. They did it simply because what they do in the rest of the world, just doesn't work under "Chinese Internet supervision".

So telling me to move to China is a good joke, but it ain't no solution lol.

This is not correct and have nothing to do with China's internet connction.
They have an AH house (and other changes also) on the Chinese realm because the owner of GGG demanded this, so GGG DEV team made it.
Please understand who the Owner of GGG is now.
Last edited by HanSoloDK on Mar 2, 2020, 10:42:21 AM
I still think AH is right way to go, but:
1) With population split to small realms (less than 1K people probably)
2) With no trade available between realms (likely, or wait periods to be moved between realms and only if there is free space on realm for you)
3) With stored items knowing - realm ID, party ID and guild ID - this way each item can be always traded:
a) with people you have partied with when it dropped
b) with people in guild you was when it dropped
c) with people of your realm ID

This will finally solve the problem of too many people being able to get hands on the item listed in AH!

!!! Also note that even if some limited movement between realms is available this system will cut down the whole trading pyramid !!! So even if you made hassle to move often and be some wandering trader, there simply will not be enough currency from buyers as the pyramid is drastically cut in height!!!

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