IMPORTANT: Everyone playing on Windows 7 or 8.1 immediately stop and upgrade to Windows 10.

Aynix wrote:
LegendaryMewtwo wrote:
Win7 isn't even supported anymore... do you fools willingly want to get hacked?

LMAO I love how people thinks they will suddenly get hacked because their OS stopped getting support.
I can assure you that milions people out there have old pirated version that is NOT SUPPORTED AT ALL and they are not getting hacked.

Lmao you're the definition of pure ignorance, try learning about cyber security.
LegendaryMewtwo wrote:
Aynix wrote:
LegendaryMewtwo wrote:
Win7 isn't even supported anymore... do you fools willingly want to get hacked?

LMAO I love how people thinks they will suddenly get hacked because their OS stopped getting support.
I can assure you that milions people out there have old pirated version that is NOT SUPPORTED AT ALL and they are not getting hacked.

Lmao you're the definition of pure ignorance, try learning about cyber security.

I dont need to. If you think you are important enough for someone to waste time on you... sorry, you are not.
Aynix wrote:
I dont need to. If you think you are important enough for someone to waste time on you... sorry, you are not.

Important enough?

Oh, you hear "hacked" and automatically thinks of a physical person breaking into your computer via a flashy, graphical interface like in the movies? You see this human being, thinking "ah, we have to hack this person, because he's important". And waste time? No time needs to be wasted. If you hook an XP machine to the internet, without a firewall, you have been "hacked" in seconds. And no, not by a human targeting your computer because you're "important".

Oh dear. Most hack these days, you don't even know about. There's code out there, presciently and automatically searching for weak computers, to either use their network position for illegal routing purposes, or their hardware for mining purposes. If you're not necessarily very "into" computers, you don't even know it's there.

"Important enough". I laughed a little. It sounded very naive.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz#3529 on Feb 1, 2020, 6:21:20 AM
Phrazz wrote:

"Important enough". I laughed a little. It sounded very naive.

Important enough is right, infection vectors for basic users can't be patched out they will frequently and consistently make the same mistakes.

they are only responding to the idea you are in imminent danger if you still run windows 7, you aren't. If you are the kind of person at high risk using windows 7 you will be high risk using windows 10 however if your lucky microsoft will save you from yourself with enough updates to stay roughly ahead.

Ironically here you manage to sound simultaneously pompous and naive yourself by simultaneously ascribing tools hackers use that aren't relevant to any but the most deliberately outdated users while ignoring the ones they do actually use. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To elaborate further if you installed a vanilla windows 7 right now with no service packs or security updates of any kind and you never touched the browser you'd be totally safe

again as i mentioned earlier i'm not saying upgrading to windows 10 isn't a good idea, keeping shit up to date is almost always a good plan but the idea that you are critically vulnerable on 7 right now is ridiculous.
Last edited by Draegnarrr#2823 on Feb 1, 2020, 7:08:57 AM
Draegnarrr wrote:
again as i mentioned earlier i'm not saying upgrading to windows 10 isn't a good idea, keeping shit up to date is almost always a good plan but the idea that you are critically vulnerable on 7 right now is ridiculous.

Even though I didn't mention W7 with one word, I'll play.

I mentioned XP. And XP is - today - a vulnerable cesspool. Why? Because it's not critically supported anymore. It won't take long for W7 to reach that state once the support goes away.

My post was solely directed towards the "idea" that someone has to be "personally selected" because of "importance" to get hacked, which is far from the reality these days.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
I think we should take a moment to honor the OP, who had diagnosed their problem as one thing for a long while then found the answer to their problem to be something else and publicly owned that and further brought it to light so others could benefit. A diamond in the rough of General Discussion.

As for the thread devolving to arguing over supported OS being better/worse than unsupported OS; well that’s what GD does. Might as well start discussing vaccinations....same ending.
Thanks for all the fish!
Last edited by Nubatron#4333 on Feb 1, 2020, 7:47:59 AM
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Phrazz wrote:

My post was solely directed towards the "idea" that someone has to be "personally selected" because of "importance" to get hacked, which is far from the reality these days.

It was never the reality for the regular users, you get specific targets ie businesses and you get general targets which is just w/e is available. Routers did more for the 2nd than every security update microsoft has done and tbh teaching people how to browse safely would do more for OS security than anything else.

I apologise if you were talking as far back as XP but if i'm guilty of putting words in your mouth you are probably guilty of the same with regards to the person you were quoting as I doubt they were defending XP here :p. I mean they might be, but if they are they were wrong. Windows 7 will get to that state but you've got several years at least until then as microsoft are still "unofficially" supporting it.

Nubatron wrote:

As for the thread devolving to arguing over supported OS being better/worse than unsupported OS; well that’s what GD does. Might as well start discussing vaccinations....same ending.

People are going to disagree that doesn't mean it isn't worth talking about. It isn't even close to vaccinations that is just used to quickly filter people out :p
Last edited by Draegnarrr#2823 on Feb 1, 2020, 7:59:15 AM
Arrowneous wrote:
vio wrote:
keep your american spyware for yourself

No spyware or other shit being done (just a conversion).

re-reading what i wrote it maybe could be seen as anti american. but i also wouldn't use a operating system that sends data back to china, russia or germany whatever.

there is no such thing as a free lunch. companies don't offer "free things" or "free conversions".

look at the last disasters that were free snakeoil antivirus scanners from avast, because they were able to break your encryptred network data they abused that to spy on your data and avast sold this info.

i would even pay for a better win10 version if it could be stopped sending data home in an ecrypted way. it can't and it is beyound me how such a OS can be used in european government computers.

sitll waiting for either vulcan support so i can run poe on linux or the european gov sueing microsoft to stop the telemetry shit they're collecting.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Draegnarrr wrote:
Phrazz wrote:

My post was solely directed towards the "idea" that someone has to be "personally selected" because of "importance" to get hacked, which is far from the reality these days.

It was never the reality for the regular users, you get specific targets ie businesses and you get general targets which is just w/e is available. Routers did more for the 2nd than every security update microsoft has done and tbh teaching people how to browse safely would do more for OS security than anything else.

I apologize if you were talking as far back as XP but if i'm guilty of putting words in your mouth you are probably guilty of the same with regards to the person you were quoting as I doubt they were defending XP here :p. I mean they might be, but if they are they were wrong. Windows 7 will get to that state but you've got several years at least until then as Microsoft are still "unofficially" supporting it.

It's 2020 and I still occasionally get idiots clicking on email attachments that they don't know what it is like "Here's your invoice for xyz purchase" when it's an obvious con to get you to open the attachment and infect your computer. Especially elderly people, in my tech work I still get comments such as "what is a browser?" or when I ask someone to double click they'll ask "is that with the left or the right mouse button?" or the worst is when I ask someone to go to their Start Menu and I here "where is that?". These happen weekly for me as a computer tech (I know, they shouldn't be allowed to operate a computer). There are lot's of Windows ignorant people in the world. Hell, people are still being duped by variations of the Nigerian Bank fraud con. Go figure why people are still dumb about these things in 2020.

So is Windows 10 more likely to be "hacked" than Windows 7 or 8? I doubt it. Am I at a greater risk? NO!, and as time passes with no more Win 7 security updates (unless you pay MS for this) Windows 7 will quickly be (if not already) more hackable than Win 10. But the hackers are going to target the largest quantity of computers they can, and that means Windows 10.

But the whole reason for my posting this is to inform all who are still running Windows 7 and complaining that "PoE sucks" in performance because it stutters badly as the client side processing gets too heavy (higher tier rare and up maps with large pack sizes) then they should upgrade to Windows 10. Of course "your mileage will vary" always applies so if you are running PoE on a super potato pc and Win 7 the upgrade to Win 10 may not get you as dramatic of a QoP improvement (or any) as I have experienced. But I certainly don't have a top cpu, a Xeon E5-2667 v2 cpu is an older generation from 2013, but at least with PoE (all my other games ran very well on Win 7) the upgrade to 10 has made playing PoE light years better. Even with the raw cpu speed hit I took going from a 3.7 GHz 4 core to a 3.3 GHz 8 core cpu, the fact that Windows 10 is load balancing PoE very well across my 8 cpu cores (can't tell if it's doubling up on any core with 16 threads available) more than makes up for the 400 MHz drop when all 8 cores are in use (I haven't gotten into the nitty gritty to see if the all core turbo of my Xeon works with PoE running to boost that to 3.4 GHz). Anyway I look at my upgrade I get a much higher QoP from PoE on Windows 10 and that was my goal so mission accomplished.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on Feb 1, 2020, 8:41:38 AM

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