IMPORTANT: Everyone playing on Windows 7 or 8.1 immediately stop and upgrade to Windows 10.
" would you use a chinese operating system that sends data home and shares it with russia? or mordor? it doesn't matter with whom, it's a trust issue and i don't trust oligopols, either russian or american. if you got nothing to hide, just your name and address here, gandalf! age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
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You honestly think that a company like Microsoft couldn't find out who you were if they wanted to? I bet they could find out what I had for lunch and the net difference between the weight of that and the shit I had this morning was if they really wanted that data.
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" So your argument for staying on an unsupported OS is so that you can protect you data? Come on; you have to appreciate the irony in that :) Thanks for all the fish!
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" Also those kind of persons should remove their sheets from windows or even better live in glass house. I hate "i have npthing to hide" garbage argument because it is stupid. Also advertising Win 10 is like: "Hey! All normal restaurants are closing, thats why McDolans is the best and you should eat there. It tasty food and nice surroundings!". I dont buy it. And im glad that there are ppl who still use their brain. " So what You say is this: just because OS i use can be breached and my data can be stolen i should give it for free, just because? Yeah... thats the spirit and mentalset that corpoworld wants. Also very neomarxists. Last edited by de99ial#0161 on Feb 4, 2020, 1:47:25 AM
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If you run PoE perfectly on Windows 7, no lag, stuttering, crashing, etc. then there really isn't any urgency/need to immediately upgrade to Windows 10. It's entirely up to you to choose if fyou want to and when (maybe never... it's your computer to use the way you want). If, on the other hand, you are like me with steadily deteriorating QoP over 2019 (massive amounts of stuttering with large mob packs and even with Metamorph creatures and their ads, then now is the time to upgrade to Windows 10 1909 (latest edition).
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: |
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" Those who stays with w7 are just normal people who dont give a shit about upgrading to diffrent OS. Those people who believe you NEED to change w7 to w10 beause "THEY WILL GET US!" should just shut the fuck up and let me live however I want. Last edited by Aynix#7757 on Feb 4, 2020, 12:32:33 PM
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" The decision to upgrade to Windows 10 should be solely based upon whether PoE performance sucks (bad QoP) and nothing to do with personal opinions about Windows security (that is your own personal choice). Since I had no idea that PoE performance on Windows 7 Pro was so much inferior to Windows 10 Pro I went on for years suffering major stuttering when the quantity of creature exceeded the maximum that my hardware could handle. Since I upgraded to an 8 core cpu and PoE performance stayed the same or got slightly worse (I was taking a 400 MHz hit making the jump to an 8 core cpu) coupled with Microsoft ending normal support for Win 7 on January 14th, these factors finally motivated me to upgrade to Win 10. Security (going forward) was only a very small part of my decision to upgrade. Little did I know how much better PoE plays on Windows 10 or I would have made the jump to Win 10 years ago. Windows 10 reads/writes to my NVMe drive so much faster that it's stunning to see the PoE login screen pop up in under 2 secs from starting it, picking a build loads in 2 secs also to Oriath, TPing to my hideout is equally shockingly fast (close to 1 second), and after activating a map entering through a portal to it is also only about 1 second. Gone are the 5+ second load times. But running all Metamorphs, all temple runs, any map that has large mob packs (all rare yellow/red maps or higher), delving, etc. without any stuttering is the reason to upgrade. Even the Syndicate Ambush encounters don't freeze up PoE anymore. I don't care for the Windows 10 start menu and the cruder simplified look of a window frame that makes Windows 10 less visually pleasing than Windows 7. But playing PoE is why I threw in my 2 cents and posted about my upgrade results to inform others how much better Windows 10 is for playing PoE (at least with my hardware config). Personal bias about Win 7 vs. Win 10 is same as the Coke vs. Pepsi debate and isn't relevant to getting the best quality of playing PoE that I can. "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: |
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" For example : - the horseshit GUI design overall ? - How windows tried with W8 first to shove their "app-friendly" crap down into everyone's throat, how it backlashed significantly and they had to mask it and turn it into W10 ? - How many of the users settings aren't accessible the way they are in W7 ( if at all ) ? My computer is not a ******* smartphone or tablet, it's a computer with pieces of software in it, not a phone with smartphone-like "App" to be managed in an obscure way, I don't want that crap and will never want it. I want to have simple access control, install the shit that I install where I want it and manipulate it the way I want it, not my OS taking care of everything while actually accessing stuff gets trickier and trickier. F Windows 10, period. " ^ That's what I'm talking about. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Feb 10, 2020, 3:51:47 AM
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Even 7 does this lately, though not to the same horrible extent. But this fact alone demonstrates the dangers of giving any one for-profit corporation carte blanche regarding your OS's security. (A sentence which should give any rational and security-minded individual with even a modicum of knowledge regarding United States corporate law the willies.)
Linux is getting closer and closer to being the best gaming OS, in part no doubt due to Win10's various violations, priming the market for compatibility efforts. Valve has also been supporting this movement, for reasons which should be obvious to anyone familiar with their business model. I don't think it is there quite yet, to be honest. But moving ever closer, every year. Relevant: Wash your hands, Exile!
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" I think this thread is more about not staying on Windows 7 rather than moving to Windows 10 for performance reasons. If there is an OS out there that is supported and can run POE, go for it. Last time I checked (which was years ago), POE on Linux required the use of Wine, which was not the best performance for the game. That may have changed; someone else should chime in on that. The perspective of who gets your data needs to be how a corporation, a group of people (open source development) or a hacker will handle your data. Say what you want about MS, Google, FB, etc. but they are obligated to adhere to the laws of the various countries they operate in. If they violate those laws, they open themselves up to class action lawsuits that are not trivial. I actually don't know how you would hold an open source product accountable in court; that's worth exploring further. A hacker on the other hand almost by definition does not care about laws and protecting your data; quite the contrary in fact (I'm not referring to ethical/white hat hacking of course). Windows 7 is not that far from it's most recent patch and they still offer extended support to those that pay for it. That tends to mean the worst of exploits will still be released to the public as they have to patch it for the extended support and it's a goodwill offering to the public. Once extended support ends, any hope of getting the most critical patches are mostly gone. With each passing day, Windows 7 will become less secure and more equatable to Windows XP/NT/etc. in terms of security. Thanks for all the fish! Last edited by Nubatron#4333 on Feb 10, 2020, 7:23:25 AM
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