Nerfing XP grinding again 95-100?

Pyrokar wrote:
What they should have done is increase the xp gains instead to make the regular people want to reach max level as well. Or tie xp gains with difficulty of each map

They will be, pretty sure they already posted about monster density, and how they are buffing most maps, and that every mod on a map will add increased pack size (more mods, dangerous mods = more monsters to kill = more exp) but that one is conveniently forgot about.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

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imLuCaSsS wrote:
Chris wrote:
Experience changes for high-level characters
Each league, the race to 100 is over more quickly than the previous one, as players become more efficient and the experience available gets larger. We receive overwhelming feedback (including from top racers) that this process should be made longer. We're going to be careful though, and just adjust it a bit at a time. In 3.1.0, this takes the form of small additional experience penalties at levels 95-99 that have the following effect:

95 to 96: 6.5% more experience needed
96 to 97: 11.5% more experience needed
97 to 98: 18.7% more experience needed
98 to 99: 28.25% more experience needed
99 to 100: 40% more experience needed

LOL dude really? It was going all right til I see this.... I want leave this game now. What a completely disaster.

You are nerfing xp grinding again from level 95-100 because of Zizaran, Steelmage and havoc?

The stupidity of balancing shit around 3-5 players is unbelievable.
I really liked everything about 3.1 so far but with this shit it's another no supporter pack time for me.
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
100% agree!
There is a great solution -- just reduce the XP gaining speed during the day. E.g. you start earning XP in the morning normally (100%), then after playing X hrs, you get an XP penalty of -10%. After next couple of hours -- another penalty etc. After playing all day long (let's say, 22hrs out of 24), you end with getting only 10-20% of normal.

What that leads to:
0. Global happiness increases -- players sleep more, have less stress from "tired gaming" in HC (you know it dramatically increases % to die), all playing nations become healthier
1. By tweaking penalties, you're able to limit the overall amount of XP that could be potentially gained during the league (3-month lasting or even 2-week ones) -- no more abuse because of 1000s of players reached lvl 100 during race league
2. No-lifers still have a chance to reach lvl 100, they just need to play every day of league instead of every hour a day -- as a result, streaming every day and resting better between them
3. Normal players' chances to get lvl 90-95 and even 100 are increased -- the game benefits them for playing every day and they don't need to spend all their time in it
4. Last, but not least -- much less feeling of slow and boring leveling and insane grinding on higher levels

What do you think GGG guys and forum community?
666lol666 wrote:

The stupidity of balancing shit around 3-5 players is unbelievable.

Funny thing is that Cutedog and Zizaran already said that they did NOT ask for it!
And nobody asked them.

Even more Zizaran said that he is strongly against it and the balance should not be around top no-life players.

on Zizaran's stream he asked Steelmage about exp nerf.
Steel said that it was not him as well.

So, GGG, tell us, WHO DID IT!

Last edited by Apachy#6365 on Dec 5, 2017, 6:20:42 AM
Have 3 lvl 100 on account, and i can say that 99-100 was already a hellish grind - feels like game devs are just waging some kind of war on you and like to see you suffer. More xp nerfs is just unnecessary.

Please allow normal players to opt out of ladder and gain xp at normal rate, to get satisfaction from completed character.

And impose on those racers who gave you feedback that level 100 is too fast, -10000000% xp penalty :)
Last edited by nebel#5997 on Dec 5, 2017, 6:16:58 AM
lagwin1980 wrote:
Pyrokar wrote:
What they should have done is increase the xp gains instead to make the regular people want to reach max level as well. Or tie xp gains with difficulty of each map

They will be, pretty sure they already posted about monster density, and how they are buffing most maps, and that every mod on a map will add increased pack size (more mods, dangerous mods = more monsters to kill = more exp) but that one is conveniently forgot about.

So GGG goes and "buff" the lacklustre aspect, and then suddenly decides to "nerf" the EXP gain to "conveniently" bring back the "status quo" or a similar state (+/- a few %), just because the community complained that the danger/reward ratio is askew? Great change!

Why not nerf several interactions between shaping and sextanting instead and encourage the playerbase to play the game and have "fun"? Oh, everyone became addicted to "moar" damage, "moar" monsters, "moar" shinny new stuff? Then their path was the wrong one from the start...

Maybe tomorrow's patch notes will make some sense out of their so called "buff vs nerf" idea, but I don't have high hopes, as "balance" is further than before regarding the way you gain EXP and levels in PoE...
PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...

Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days...
Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Dec 5, 2017, 6:39:29 AM
Devonor wrote:

Clearly, you guys don't give a shit about your more casual player base. We are like 95 % of the player base and you still design the game around a few players.

666lol666 wrote:

The stupidity of balancing shit around 3-5 players is unbelievable.
I really liked everything about 3.1 so far but with this shit it's another no supporter pack time for me.

ok heres a statement:

"only a handful of players can 1 shot shaper and guardians. This means GGG is balancing the game around those handful of players and they dont give a shit about the other 99.99% of players."

Do you see the problem with this statement? That it presumes 1 shotting shaper and guardians is the intended state of the game and if you cant do that then you are being fucked over by the balance team who isnt respecting your right to 1 shot these endgame bosses. It fails to see that the intended balance is for you not to 1 shot them, and actually the game IS being balanced around the 99.99%.

This is the mistake a lot of you in here are making, that you think being able to grind to 100 in a "realistic" (by your standards) time frame is the intended balance and hence the balance is only working for the 0.01%. Its not, its not intended that most players can get there.

The xp system is like the gear system, its designed to keep giving for as long as you want to play, you are not supposed to max it out. How many of you have played a physical crit attack character in a league? How many of you in that league had a weapon with 259% inc phys, 27-49 flat phys, 27% inc attack speed, 38% crit chance, 38% crit multi? How many of you had that weapon on your physical crit build? Are you gonna tell me that the game is being balanced around AXN, Scalpo and Doeboy in standard league and GGG only give a fuck about the softcore elites because they are the only ones able to reach max gear levels? No, somehow you actually understand and accept that you are not supposed to be able to max it out, that you reach your level, theres levels of gear above that you cant reach, but thats fine. The game is not designed to max it out, the item system is the way it is so that theres always a next upgrade no matter how hard you push it in a league, but eventually it takes more than you have to give and you say ok, this is where I got to and Im happy I got to this point.

Thats how lvl100 xp used to be, and the problem you lot have is that they ever let you get there to begin with. Now you expect it, its like they let you craft literally perfect gear and now you cant take it when they say u know what, its gonna take you another week of grinding to get that gear now. You can still get it and you are still outraged somehow. Back when it was just off the cards all together it wasnt a problem. Even tho youve gone from a point where it was impossible to a point where you can do it you are not happy because its gonna take you a little longer to do it today than it did yesterday, even though you were happy enough to play the game 2 years ago when it took you 10x as long and 2 years before that when it was impossible to get there.

The problem isnt GGG nerfing xp, the problem is that despite the nerfs the buffs have been way bigger, the problem is they have buffed xp again and again and again and again its gone from taking many months to a couple of months to a month to a few weeks to simply a week and if they try and undo even 10% of the buffs they have added to xp you all cry about how hard done by you are and how ggg dont give a fuck about their players. Serious, get real, get your heads out of your delusions and see what the actual deal is, that xp has been buffed a ridiculous amount over the last 4 years and grinding to 100 in 3.1 will be easier than it was a year before, and that was easier than the year before that, and that was easier than the year before that and so on. If you want it to be easier wheres you love for GGG for having consistently made it easier to reach level 100 every year? Are you that clouded in your ability to think that you cannot see that is the reality of the situation?
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
It won t change much if the next patch get some The Beachhead map again.
Weird thing to nerf Xp but creating op maps like those.
Forum pvp
_Saranghaeyo_ wrote:
sofocle10000 wrote:
And GGG fails to understand that "quality is more important than quantity" especially in this aspect...

"Players enjoy a harder grind"


Still waiting for Chris to grow a spine and answer anyone in that thread. To this day, the only response he gave was about shitty Frog MTX

Harder grind ?

i mean a quit is easier !
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