Nerfing XP grinding again 95-100?

Snorkle_uk wrote:
Devonor wrote:

Clearly, you guys don't give a shit about your more casual player base. We are like 95 % of the player base and you still design the game around a few players.

666lol666 wrote:

The stupidity of balancing shit around 3-5 players is unbelievable.
I really liked everything about 3.1 so far but with this shit it's another no supporter pack time for me.

ok heres a statement:

"only a handful of players can 1 shot shaper and guardians. This means GGG is balancing the game around those handful of players and they dont give a shit about the other 99.99% of players."

Do you see the problem with this statement? That it presumes 1 shotting shaper and guardians is the intended state of the game and if you cant do that then you are being fucked over by the balance team who isnt respecting your right to 1 shot these endgame bosses. It fails to see that the intended balance is for you not to 1 shot them, and actually the game IS being balanced around the 99.99%.

This is the mistake a lot of you in here are making, that you think being able to grind to 100 in a "realistic" (by your standards) time frame is the intended balance and hence the balance is only working for the 0.01%. Its not, its not intended that most players can get there.

The xp system is like the gear system, its designed to keep giving for as long as you want to play, you are not supposed to max it out. How many of you have played a physical crit attack character in a league? How many of you in that league had a weapon with 259% inc phys, 27-49 flat phys, 27% inc attack speed, 38% crit chance, 38% crit multi? How many of you had that weapon on your physical crit build? Are you gonna tell me that the game is being balanced around AXN, Scalpo and Doeboy in standard league and GGG only give a fuck about the softcore elites because they are the only ones able to reach max gear levels? No, somehow you actually understand and accept that you are not supposed to be able to max it out, that you reach your level, theres levels of gear above that you cant reach, but thats fine. The game is not designed to max it out, the item system is the way it is so that theres always a next upgrade no matter how hard you push it in a league, but eventually it takes more than you have to give and you say ok, this is where I got to and Im happy I got to this point.

Thats how lvl100 xp used to be, and the problem you lot have is that they ever let you get there to begin with. Now you expect it, its like they let you craft literally perfect gear and now you cant take it when they say u know what, its gonna take you another week of grinding to get that gear now. You can still get it and you are still outraged somehow. Back when it was just off the cards all together it wasnt a problem. Even tho youve gone from a point where it was impossible to a point where you can do it you are not happy because its gonna take you a little longer to do it today than it did yesterday, even though you were happy enough to play the game 2 years ago when it took you 10x as long and 2 years before that when it was impossible to get there.

The problem isnt GGG nerfing xp, the problem is that despite the nerfs the buffs have been way bigger, the problem is they have buffed xp again and again and again and again its gone from taking many months to a couple of months to a month to a few weeks to simply a week and if they try and undo even 10% of the buffs they have added to xp you all cry about how hard done by you are and how ggg dont give a fuck about their players. Serious, get real, get your heads out of your delusions and see what the actual deal is, that xp has been buffed a ridiculous amount over the last 4 years and grinding to 100 in 3.1 will be easier than it was a year before, and that was easier than the year before that, and that was easier than the year before that and so on. If you want it to be easier wheres you love for GGG for having consistently made it easier to reach level 100 every year? Are you that clouded in your ability to think that you cannot see that is the reality of the situation?

Having 100 as a "chimeric goal" was actually a problem since the start of PoE.

You don't get to dangle an unobtainable carrot in front of the donkey and expect him to never eat again before reaching it, without dying...

And it's not always fair to modify the requirement for 100, just as it's not fair to always bring broken mechanics/items/skills or interactions and not addressing them on sight... It just shows that GGG doesn't have the capability to test things as well as a "small" community of 100K players can.

But this is life, right...

Why not have even a further 100 level increase, for characters that reached 100, with passive points too, but then post 100, you will be "forced" to enter a "hardcore" never ending descent style journey, and the monster level gets tuned for you current level, and you have 1 shot to make it as far as possible, solo or partied up, but also each further level post 100 would always require the double amount of the previous one.

Never adjust the "never ending journey" EXP gain, but make it highly enticing as a "new game plus mode" that removes the level 100 characters from Standard and enters them directly solely in that new "league". Tune things accordingly so everything that feels overpowered now, will be underpowered there.

Make ladders, provide prizes for those "hardcore" enough to be bent over by the new enticing "difficult" encounters...

Why limit people, be them even casuals to not reach level 100? Mind you, level 100 is just a TIME SINK on Softcore, as long as progress isn't properly linked to the end game content (like everything >T15 maps for example)... If you're stubborn enough, and have enough time at hands, you will reach level 100, no matter what, presuming you have a build "viable", have invested in items to not have glaring gaps in your defences, and do pay attention when playing... That's all it takes, even when using the most underwhelming skills, and not abusing anything...

PS: I always thought that a completed character in PoE requires reaching level 100, and contrary to my natural compulsion to do that ASAP, I preferred to do things in a special "slower than a snail" way... It'll take me a while before reaching that point (if I'll still be playing PoE and having "fun" further down the road, Star Citizen gets closer to a state where I'll prefer to sink instead my few hours of spare time solely there), but what I would do immediately then will not be to stop playing PoE, but actually start the same journey for another character - and we already have at least >19 options so it already takes an asinine amount of time when you play the game without overdoing it...
PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...

Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days...
Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Dec 5, 2017, 10:36:40 AM
Apachy wrote:
666lol666 wrote:

The stupidity of balancing shit around 3-5 players is unbelievable.

Funny thing is that Cutedog and Zizaran already said that they did NOT ask for it!
And nobody asked them.

Even more Zizaran said that he is strongly against it and the balance should not be around top no-life players.

on Zizaran's stream he asked Steelmage about exp nerf.
Steel said that it was not him as well.

So, GGG, tell us, WHO DID IT!

GGG are not only bad balancing developers, they are also liars.

Chris said he received " overwhelming feedback" about top racer to nerf XP grinding. But well, there is basically 5 players that really push fast the level 100, so from who comes this "overwhelming feedback" Chris? 0,005% of PoE players? ROFLMAO!!

Zizaran, cutedog and steelmage already said it was not them. They didn't asked any change.

Chris, you are just a liar. If you want to nerf XP grinding because all what you do in PoE is kill dummies in your hideout and never actually went for level 100, just go and do it. Don't say someone asked you to do it because they don't. -> go to 9:15 and listen to top1 streamer of this game saying was not necessary nerf xp grinding. It was hard and painful already the way it was.

Bad developers and liars. Balancing a 100k players base game around 5 streamers. And lying.

No more supporter packs here. I'm back to free player. I'm not paying you 1 more single dollar for the next year until you change how things work here. GL GGG.
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
Last edited by imLuCaSsS#6273 on Dec 5, 2017, 11:21:36 AM
meh, never really felt the need for 100 anyway

hell rarely do i feel the need for 90
I dont see any any key!
sofocle10000 wrote:
Pyrokar wrote:
Ok, you guys have never done this and don't care. Here is an opinion from someone who has and does:

Reaching 100 in this game right now is mindnumbingly boring! It requires you to shut off your brain and just chain "easy" maps that give high xp/hour. IT SUCKS. But getting your char to max level feels good. Constantly improving your char is one of the aspect of this game. Nerfing xp gain changes absolutely nothing. It's the same way to reach lvl 100, it just takes even longer.

What they should have done is increase the xp gains instead to make the regular people want to reach max level as well. Or tie xp gains with difficulty of each map and map mod. Right now map mods barely matter and because of the reduced xp percentages you get at 95+ levels, map tiers don't matter much either.

This sucks.

I will never understand GGG's fear of people achieving level 100. NEVER.

It would be A LOT better to encourage players to actually grind for 100 and have fun in ultra late-game maps instead of just completely removing any chance from 99% of players to reach 100 even in 3 months of league, specially in HC leagues.

What's happening here and it really pisses me off is GGG is balancing the game around 5 streamers. I can't deal with that.

Steelmage and zizaran will still get 100, they will need just +3 days without sleeping.

All the remaining 99,9999% players of PoE now will never reach 100.

I can't deal with that. Grinding to 100 would be a choice even casual palyers could make, even taking months, it is not anymore. The level 100 is now reserved for 5 streamers because we have a retarded balancing developer team that don't care with their 100k players but are all mad cause steelmage got 2x level 100 in mayhem race.
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
Last edited by imLuCaSsS#6273 on Dec 5, 2017, 11:35:59 AM
When I joined the game, maps went from level 66 to level 78 and level 100 was considered practically impossible. Now maps go from level 68 to level 82 and some people expect to reach level 100. It looks like the problem is they didn't merf top end experience every time they increased the level of endgame maps. The stated design of the game was always that reaching level 100 was supposed to be near impossible. They let people get spoiled by allowing it to be as achieveable as it is now.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
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imLuCaSsS wrote:
[Removed by Support]

you seem a little worked up....
I dont see any any key!
Last edited by Blank_GGG#0000 on Dec 6, 2017, 2:24:08 PM
k1rage wrote:
imLuCaSsS wrote:
[Removed by Support]

you seem a little worked up....

Creating a funny history to try to understand why someone reaching level 100 is so damn bad and a "danger warning" to GGG staff. I don't know what's the problem they have with this. Wish to understand why.

Also, it was not necessary to lie about this changes. It's clearly nobody asked them to nerf xp grinding, ziz and steelmage didn't, so who?

Things are kinda messed up here.
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
Last edited by Blank_GGG#0000 on Dec 6, 2017, 2:27:07 PM
Chris has lied about changes forever, he suffers from the same kind of reality distortion field Steve Jobs and many other leaders suffer from.
Fhark wrote:
Chris has lied about changes forever, he suffers from the same kind of reality distortion field Steve Jobs and many other leaders suffer from.

LMAO Yes I noticed. Poor Chris.

I still waiting his answer from where went the "overwhelming feedback from top racers" to nerf xp grinding. Zizaran, guccipradas, steelmage said was not them. Who's left? havoc?

Damn Chris you better ask help to havoc or the whole community will finally see how liar you're. Stop killing dummies on your HO and try go for 100 before nerfing it. Do it. I'm curious to see any GGG balancing member actually grinding level 100 in HC league.

GGG developers are a bunch of lvl 80 SC players with 3 challenges done balancing the game around 5 streamers. No way in this World this will ever work.

But well, here we go. D3 is dead and poe still the best ARPG game around even with this awful balance team. But poe could be a lot A LOT better.
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
Last edited by imLuCaSsS#6273 on Dec 5, 2017, 1:28:24 PM

do not insult the man in the cake!!!
I dont see any any key!

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