Nerfing XP grinding again 95-100?
I don't mind the road to 100 being longer. I don't mind it all, in fact I actually love that. Even if takes 30 days for the fastest player to reach lvl 100 so be it. At lvl 90-91 your character is usually already complete and anything after that is just a grind. But why they make no incentive to run harder maps? Why we still run easy shaped T11-T12s to 100 in 3.1? I can't help but being frustrated that they made it just as unchallenging as it was before. Getting lvl 100 is no longer an achievemnt, it's just a pointless grind. Especially once you get overpowered at 93-94+ and facetank/oneshot everything in maps, what is the fucking point to play further? Just shield charge from pack to pack to 100 and call it an achievement? Thats not an achivement anymore, it's just a time investment. Instead of running 2000-3000 maps to 100 now we run 3000-4000 maps. Maybe they hope to kill us by bears/volatiles/vaal dd? Coz sure there is nothing else that can kill you while running shaped T11s to 100.
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" At level 98, 10% xp takes me about four to six hours in tier 11+ content. Anything below that and I'm making a quarter of that. So lets assume I do optimum content. At 8 hours of playtime a day, it would take me about a week to hit level 99. Thats, 56 hours for level 98. If I recall correctly, level 99 is supposed to be double level 98, so 112 hours to go from level 99 to 100. That's 168 hours out of your max 200, and that doesn't count deaths, or getting to level 98. I think you underestimate how bad STANDARD is, and what it's like to not play the clearspeed meta. |
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And GGG fails to understand that "quality is more important than quantity" especially in this aspect...
I don't mind that they increased the EXP required to hit 100 (as I play for FUN my character that hit 98 in the most counter intuitive way possible, via making dailies you know, DAILY, and a few more maps just for "fun", all while playing mostly single target namelocking melee/semi-melee), but I am reluctant to see their continuous fear of actually requiring some skill from their players to hit 100... It's God damn ASININE to make reaching level 100 a God damn "snooze fest", with most dangerous mechanics toned down - this might be the time where even with all this increase, I might not experience an "unfair" death for a full level up post 95, so it will be smooth sailing, although it will take a "tad" longer... How about listening to the crowd that would be OK with a moderate difficulty grind to 100 to take longer than a higher difficulty "accelerated" grind? Why not add a further increase for your character playing ONLY those cool >T14 maps at 98/99??? GGG should be actually proud of their content, and place incentives for even casual players to reach end game and play at that level continuously for "fun", progression, loot, heck, even difficulty... Their current adjustment, and their motivation, is lacklustre to say the least. And with this statement, unfortunately, all playerbase should agree unconditionally for the moment... PS: I'm starting to think about a "impeachment vote" with my wallet if GGG doesn't stop and think about better ways to bring at least a semblance of difficulty via better danger/reward ratios of content in PoE... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...
Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... |
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" TFW "slow as fuck" is still somehow over half as fast as the fastest in the league. (it took around 120 hours for the first 100s in Harbinger and the 10-days) Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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I start to hate this game company a lot !!! not the game but the company !!!
wtf is wrong with you ggg, so you are going to nerf xp again, how many times have you done that now? I actually have lost count. Maybe you should take it easy with power creep. The players you are nerfing this for is literally not doing anything else than play poe and they do that every f..cking day 18-20 ish hours a day. Is it really that hard to understand that these guys get to level 100 fast no matter what? They play with a group that basically are all support characters and all they do is to support that 1 guy ( your beloved famous streamer ). Your nerf is not gonna stop them much anyway, maybe a couple of days. I think the guild they play in is even rolling maps for them, getting them gear etc, min-maxing every little bit they can so he can only be in maps and xp farm. These guys are actually playing hard content in easy mode because everything is handed out to them so they can do so. The rest of your player base is not having this luxury. A solo player getting to level 100 is the real achievement anyway. WHY NOT HAVE A XP NERF IN RACE EVENTS ONLY INSTEAD Or give the streamers their own server to play on let us other people have fun. Because that's exactly what you do, you make the game less enjoyable for so many others. Freaking hate it when a minority is going to rule everything like it is in poe. It's just not right. Imagine a country doing this treatment to its citizens. 1 % gets their way, other 99 % can go and f..k themselves. What a shitty way to treat your players ggg. What a garbage philosophy you have ggg. ( btw ggg=greatest garbage game company, there's your 3 g's ) Clearly, you guys don't give a shit about your more casual player base. We are like 95 % of the player base and you still design the game around a few players. You guys deserve no more money from us. And then it's us mortal players who pay the biggest price of them all ( as usual ). Today I had a lot of spare time, I played about 15 hours ( much to be me ). I played my marauder, he is level 96, I gained about 15 % playing solo, was highly motivated too since he is just about to become 97. Otherwise, I wouldn't play that much. This is how much xp a more casual player gets in a no-life day ggg. I admit it I want to get a level 100 character, at least 1. You just destroyed that motivation completely. Just imagine a lag rip at level 99, I would be so pissed that I don't know what I would do, probably something stupid and illegal and lol 40 % more xp to get from 99-100. wtf is this a little bit? What about players that like to play solo, f..k them right ok get it. So waste, this game could just be so good if the devs were good and if the game was another company's product. For white knights coming in and say they are good, they are not. They only care about the top-notch players with zero life outside of poe. Literally zero. They don't know how to balance the game properly at all, instead we get meta shifting, nerfing, 3rd party dependent, 1-shot fiesta and alt f4. That's the result of noob devs. And yeah designing a arpg like it was mtg lol, be prepared to never rest, because in mtg its always something crazy going on, well in poe too. No wonder you don't even play your own game. Though I actually like this idea, have thought about it years ago and your game came so that was cool. I seriously have problems to understand a game company that have such a stupid mindset . We have these two player bases in the game. base 1 is unemployed and young players who stream and play the game unhealthy amount of time every day non stop. they play in 6 mans parties and gets a lot of help from other people ( shit ton of xp ). They barely sleep and eat. Poe all day long. They have probably never seen a naked girl that is not from [Removed by Support] etc ( ask phox ), simply all their life is about poe. This is obsession and addiction and should never be rewarded by a serious game company. Base 2 : basically the rest of the player base, mostly adults and former d1+d2 players, some come from d3 because obvious reasons. They go to work/school and play poe when they come home. They live normal lifes for the most part but play poe i would assume more than casuals in other games, this is a arpg afterall. It demands a lot of playing. I call myself casual when i play about 6 hours most days. If i told someone on the outside of poe I play this much they would think I was crazy and a no lifer. Compared to how poe is balanced in xp gain i am a super duper casual. This is crazy and the games xp progression is based on player base 1. How the f..k can you make a decision like this ggg. It is unethically in its purest form. Not only that but ggg had this race going non stop, no timed event like a timing of allowed character playing in the league. Let's say 8 hours a day you are allowed to participate in the event with your character. My way here would be much better we would have more people participating most likely, we would see real skill and not who sacrifices the most sleep. Just a little fact but people have died because of stuff like this more than once as far as I know. But the moral of ggg is obvious. Either lack of intelligent way to arrange things or they don't give a damn. So what if some no-lifer on the other side of the earth is dying, he's the one that is stupid, not our fault that he is such a competitive guy. This is what I gonna do: 1. I will never ever buy anything from ggg , not even a single tab. And btw no way ggg is in support status anymore which the prices of mtx suggests, just no way, a game in support status would not deliver a x-box game in addition to its original pc version. Now its just greed and milking the stupid casuals that never gonna have a game company that has design philosophies supporting them. That " thanks for your support " after your damn commercials in-game is so annoying ( can this be turned off anyway? ). I would love to buy things if the company deserved it( only tabs though I have no intention to look like a power-ranger and lol pay for it ). 2. I will advice all my friends to not start to play poe. And I want them to tell this to others, spread it. 3. I will tell the truth about this game company to everyone relevant I know in all games, etc etc. IF ggg don't give a damn then I don't either. I honestly feel like ggg has bullshitted all their players for a long time. 4. Rooting for all other arpgs success and not poe, Celebrate like a madman when Blizzard steals all your players( milked cows ) when d4 finally becomes a thing. Poe never had the feeling of old Diablo anyway, that ghostly whispering in the background, scary demons ( real demons ), that feeling going into the unknown and being a weak HUMAN ( not a damn GOD ) facing the devil himself. Wtf is scarier than facing the devil. I suggest to all pissed people to stop giving this company more money that doesn't give a shit about you anyway. They gladly take your money and say " thanks for your support ". They are just glad to get money to make that game only a few chosen ones can enjoy. I am done with it that's a 110 % promise. If every one of you non zizaran level of no lifing do this, that would be something ggg feels in their bank account. Then they have to do important changes, start to listen to the majority of the community or rip poe. But don't give in, stay focused, stay strong and no impulse buying. Stay out of boxes they can make you develop a disease. I have a friend(a former friend I guess )that got addicted to gambling. It started with 1 impulse buying, then it was easier with two impulse buying, then 3 etc etc.He ended up with nothing ruined his life, and it all started with 1 simple impulse buying of something completely useless. living in the streets being a junkie now. Not the brightest guy but you get the idea. Well Chris does it look look you own my soul . I am rather a white knight for your neglected player base which is a crazy 95 % of the whole player base that you don't give a shit about. Lol gamer that made a game for gamers, lol yeah right, sounds good though doesn't it. "#¤%&""#¤/() Done ( for now ) Sorry was very long, but I am just pissed and hate the stupid priorities this noob game company have. Endgame is cool I agree but a never-ending grind is not. Last edited by Luca_GGG#0000 on May 8, 2019, 1:03:35 AM
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I think it's funny how bad everyone is at math. Claiming the top 5 players that brought about this EXP nerf to be 5%, or even 1% of the player base. Let's assume 100,000 people play the game, because it's obvious that there are more than 100 players(the top 5 would be 5% in this case), those top 5 players are actually .005%.
So the fact that they are making this change based on that microscopic sample is hilarious and very telling in that GGG does not give a shit about anyone if they are not one of those streamers. Until the majority stop buying from them, changes will not be made in our favor. |
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" Aren't they supposed? It is just a game for the Christ's sake! GAME. If you still don't understand I'll spell it for you - G-A-M-E! The goal of 99% of games is enjoyment, not frustration. Judging by the amount of posts on this forum and reddit GGG is moving in a wrong direction. Last edited by Apachy#6365 on Dec 5, 2017, 2:35:02 AM
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" You know for 1.0 there was 1 player and it took him 1 year... 23 in 5 months is a lot compared to 1.0 Forum pvp
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" And the avarage life expectancy in the Paleolithic era was 15-20 years! So what? Devonor +1 Last edited by Apachy#6365 on Dec 5, 2017, 2:55:45 AM
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All these people up in arms over 4 or 5 passive points... I never even reach the stage where these nerfs become relevant and every single thing in the end-game is on farm for me.
/shrug Set your priorities people, realistically. Getting to 100 should be an afterthought, not a goal. Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more. 'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league. Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave. |
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