Change % damage from traps to flat damage in lab already.
Don't abandon this thread OP, because a few known individuals decided to derail it into a git gud thread.
I've made a similar thread adressing the same problem when the playtime % were not known, but i took a more satirical approach. If the devs want to take pride in creating a hc game again, they need to fix the lab, no way around it. It's also really funny that it's always the sc people saying hc players need to git gud when in fact hc players are way better than sc players, hence they play hc. Madness. I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
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I was specifying 3 words when it whould be 4 because there was no quote ( someone could have told me in a trolly way "it's 4 words" if I had said 3 or the other way around ), not a big thing tho.
In this case, "belong" with nothing after does not really sound proper, like .... it needs something after, English is not a language were you imply a a lot from the context and just can skip many words because ( there are such languages, English is not one of them ). But that's derailment already, sorry about that, I find it interesting so I wanted to answer. " Irrelevant, and it would be completely inconsistent, sorry. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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"but it is avoidable just like traps. ;-) |
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" Avoidable and optional. :D What is inconsistent is traps doing % damage where nothing else in game is doing so. |
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" Irrelevant, again. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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" Why do you think backtracking is the only 'solution' to have a real labyrinth? Be creative. Something like making it a circular map (but doesn't have to be). You start in the center and if you hit the outside and you didn't find the right way, you simply port back to the center to head out a different direction, NO BACKTRACKING. Or maybe all the paths loop back to the start except for the way you need to go. There can be little hints on the way to help you figure out what path to take, etc... Why do people always go for the suckers choice instead of trying to solve an actual problem? You can have a real labyrinth with 0% backtracking, just figure one of the many possibilities out. Last edited by Siochan#3258 on Aug 4, 2016, 3:25:34 AM
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" This is essentially still backtracking. looping back <=> backtracking. Besides, the difficulty in a real labyrinth is that you can get lost, with the minimap it's kinda impossible, and with you proposed "solution" as to be port at the start, it's just not there, which basically means that there would be no point to such a "labyrinth", it would be a different thing. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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" Flat out wrong... Backtracking: "Retrace one's steps." -or- "to return over the same course or route." -or- "to go back over a course or path" ... There's no retracing steps on a single point like a small starting room. There are plenty solutions with no backtracking involved, just not everyone can think of such solutions. |
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There is no such thing as a maze that doesn't involve getting lost and backtracking. That's the whole point and challenge of a maze. Portaling back to the starting point is backtracking whether you physically retrace each and every step or just skip all the intermediate steps. You still end up back where you started.
So what are your other ideas besides a non-backtracking maze? You said there are plenty of them. Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN> Play Nice and Show Some Class Last edited by mark1030#3643 on Aug 4, 2016, 9:59:52 AM
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" Rofl, what an ignorant statement to make. You bitch about the lab and many "HC" players bitch about the lab content and its RISK. A hardcore player complaining about risk is not a hardcore player at all, its someone playing in a HC league because the game has gotten so fucking easy that bad players play in the one death league because aside from random 1 shots there simply is no risk in this game. GGG added the lab, which provides risk if A) you don't understand the mechanics and B) you don't do anything differently to prepare for the challenge and then people like OP want it changed because they don't understand how the lab mechanics work. Fucking hilarious. Then we have people like you that just constantly shitpost about the lab and about how you think you are better then SC players. You aren't stop acting like you are. " Nothing else in the game was designed to do % damage. Perhaps GGG viewed the only way to make traps threatening was for them to be % based. Meaning if you run with it, you die, if you don't plan to avoid the traps you die, if you play poorly you die.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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