Change % damage from traps to flat damage in lab already.

Last edited by Entropic_Fire#0222 on Oct 26, 2016, 8:35:29 PM
Entropic_Fire wrote:
Fruz wrote:
Shagsbeard wrote:
Evasion should grant damage mitigation from traps. Currently it does nothing.

It helps against darts, more than armour I believe ( not tested a lot tho, just noticed ).
Armour on the other hand only work a little on darts, and on floor spikes.

It does make sense, I mean if you are stepping on a floor of spikes like this, how could you possibly evade it ?

Every lab thread I read has a different idea of which stats affect trap damage. Some people think armour does nothing, some think it helps with some traps not others. Same story with evasion. Same story with %phys reduction.

I think we could have a much more informed discussion overall if we had real information on what mitigation works and what doesn't for each trap. Has anyone tried to test it themselves?
Given that armour and evasion only applies to hits, and the only traps that hit are darts and spike traps, I don't see how there can be any confusion about this. Damage over time has never been considered a hit and blade sentries, buzz saws, and spinning spike poles do damage over time, and thus don't hit and don't get mitigated by things that mitigate hits.
Guild Leader The Amazon Basin <BASIN>
Play Nice and Show Some Class
Last edited by mark1030#3643 on Aug 4, 2016, 1:47:54 PM
% dmg doesn´t fit arpg concept but we miss basic balance in this game.
Last edited by Rakiii#5559 on Aug 4, 2016, 3:10:40 PM
Rakiii wrote:
% dmg doesn´t fit arpg concept but we miss basic balance in this game.

I already know the answer, but why doesn't it fit the "ARPG" concept.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
Rakiii wrote:
% dmg doesn´t fit arpg concept but we miss basic balance in this game.

Don't care about "arpg concept", at all.

Just care about PoE, and it fits in PoE.

SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Traps are hardly a threat. I rarely die from them. Know that an instant recovery flask pretty much saves you from screw ups.

Thing only thing I really want addressed is Uber Izaro hitting you like a bus full of lead without being buffed while rolling an evasion/life build.
Self found and solo (mostly)
Maybe add some ? boxes to lab so we can earn 1 ups to play Super POE Lab Bros
As I see it, people are much more likely to fail the labyrinth on a battle with Izaro than on the traps (I often help people on one of the three first lab, and the reason they require help is because they can't survive against Izaro).
People just dont know what real hardcore game is. They think they are good players, all they do is pick fotm build, stack load of defense (with just prove that they do to many mistakes as players otherwis they wouldnt need it) and are afraid of mechanics that require bit of skill and patience.

Hardcore should have innate -30% all global defense mechanism penlty(including life and life regen) and auto-death when alt+f4 is pressed. Then you can write "git gud" all you want.
Brockston wrote:
Traps are hardly a threat. I rarely die from them. Know that an instant recovery flask pretty much saves you from screw ups.

Thing only thing I really want addressed is Uber Izaro hitting you like a bus full of lead without being buffed while rolling an evasion/life build.

On evasion builds I usually slap a decoy totem or some form of blind+totem, typically flame totem.

The thing is his backswing or various harder hitting attacks are telegraphed, like other bosses, they are designed to be avoided.


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.

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