OP mechanics: cast on crit, vaal pact, surgeon flasks [2 boss, vuln Vaal Temple DEATHLESS]
Cheers nait.
Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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Well is realy Op, if you can accept to play solo, have eye cancer and have no intrest looking in the monitor... |
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This raises an interesting opportunity to set some basic benchmarks for the community to look at when trying to decide whether a skill is OP, Balanced, or Working As Intended.
Might be a chance to have a good conversation, if anyone is keen on moving to GD and opening it up? I will work on a few basic points later on, and we can put our heads together. == Officially Retired 27/02/2019 ==
Massive thanks to GGG for producing such a fun and engaging game, it has taken up faaaaaaar too much of my life over the last 5 years. Best of luck in the future! |
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" Well here's a video of a CI reaver doing p2 of core malachai with almost entirely mirrored gear, one of his rings isn't mirrored but it has T1 Phys, Wed, and Accu. Reaver 2:02. Here's a video of me doing p2 in 2:28 CoC discharger 2:28. My entire gear is worth about 1/2 of his dagger (well it would be if my voll's wasn't +1 curse). Yet I have almost the same EHP as him (15% less), and almost the same single target damage as him (15-20% less) with him using conc effect. Overall his gear is worth over 1k exa, over 10x what mine is. In terms of effectiveness per cost, it's a complete joke. I think that is a good way to measure over-poweredness. All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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Well, OP wants some specific stuff in his build to be nerfed (cause he's able to kill hard bosses) WITHOUT posting his GEAR/tree. Character section set to private. Interresting, but makes the whole post meaningless.
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I do wonder how your clearspeed would be if you had his level of gear? You take 25% longer to kill, maybe it just evens out?
On the other side, what would his clearspeed be with your "crap" gear worth 100 exa? How much would it suffer? Would he lose more than 25%? Not bitching, just wondering since mirrored gear isn't really needed afaik. CliveHowlitzer wrote:
I am now too addicted to that feeling of being kicked in the nuts when you die. |
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" You can see my gear by following links in my signature to my build guide... " There is no point investing more into my gear. I could probably get 30% more DPS with a mirrored dagger, and a +1 voll's, but it's not worth it. OTOH for a melee attack build, dropping just the mirrored dagger from 535 pdps/8.69 crit to a crafted 300pdps/8.0 crit would already reduce his DPS well below mine. Further dropping mirrored shield, amu, and ring would bring his DPS to about 1/4 of mine. Still enough for maps, but nothing special. All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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" Ok, just haven't seen that link. Sorry. |
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Stop fucking around and just call a spade a spade.
The build is broken. This bullshit has been around for over a year, and should have been balanced way back. Voll's should have been nerfed at least by 2.0. But PoE has never been balanced correctly and players are so used to this that an imbalanced game is now considered the "norm". You know it is bad when someone who is playing the build posts on forums that it is broken. Super high damage, superb defense, all at a fraction of the cost of other high-end builds. That's what people here call perfect balance. Props to Matrix for the post. I would be trying to get rich as fast as I can off runs with this build until GGG finally wakes up and fixes this bullshit. Last edited by Ceryneian#3541 on Oct 23, 2015, 1:55:36 AM
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i've been always playing crit ES builds and i've never used surgeon flasks just because i use different flasks which are better to me
the only surgeon flask i use is the quicksilver surgeon flasks are good mainly for life based builds where you can heal life and pump insanely armor or evasion, not really great for ES, so instead of removing surgeon, there should be a rework of all the advantages life builds have Last edited by InAshesTheyShallReap#0055 on Oct 23, 2015, 2:31:30 AM
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