Remove the chaos res penalty.
" Gonna have to butt in again. That's the thing though, I am now level 60, and so far I have had exactly 2 items with chaos resist on. Both I crafted myself. Is that the catch- we have to craft ourselves gear constantly and reforge drops, because the drops don't do what we need? Is this where the longevity is supposed to come from? Why don't the seasons fear the reaper? Last edited by FluffyMeowington#6563 on Jan 31, 2013, 6:18:17 AM
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i have to say i also struggle myself as a headon melee Marauder with chaos dmg. that might depend on my personal skills as a player, aswell as itemisation early after OB release and general disadvantage being melee and Mara on top ( no reasonable reachable chaos resist nodes) things went fine through normal and act 1&2 cruel, thought i was well doing until i hit the slums in cruel with all the smal pathways and snakes shooting at me while i was busy finishing off close range mobs. die'ed a lot :) then runned back in fury, thinking wtf iam gonna show die again miserably hahaha after doing that a couple of times i adapted and used more of my toolset especialy totems. now iam about to finish Piety (if disconnects will allow to pass the cage area after 4 try's now^^) anyway point is for me, even it's all doable with caution and planing ahead, the gameplay lost a bit of its fluidity it had in CB as a Melee char. to be constructive, i'd suggest to change the new introduced prismatic rings in a way that they provide chaos resist in the inherit (right word?) stat , that ranges from 8-12 all res, aswell. maybe prevent that you can roll random additional affixes/prefixes with chaos resist on that type of ring, just to have an item that has the buildin ability to give a granted smal ammount of chaos resist. all other rings can have much higher fixed resi values atm plus can roll all res and additional resis aswell, so i think it won't be OP to have that small ammount and will help to lower the pain a bit. cheers |
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Also came here to see this new chaos resist system is a complete joke.
I am playing a ranger and I kite physical while stacking res so i can at least take damage from hard hitting mobs like lighning arrow(with no res this hurts!) spark, frost skeletons and even the fire monsters(go into a zone without fire res and explosive monsters and you are done for) Then I come to these snakes... I have 0 resist and as a duelist not a single chaos node around me... Not to mention I already have to waste points to get my other res up(fire,cold,lightning) so i am wasting 3 x 3 for just 45% to res get that wonderful +%15 all rea node and i have the 60% ok 10 points just to have 0 resist in merciless that's fine I have to get life nodes for survivability I should also get resistances. but then you throw in an x factor and say hey we don't want you to build strong characters then can farm fast so here we will throw in a mob that does mass damage and you can barely resist it. Well I hate this, My fun is grouping large amounts of mobs and mowing them done or maybe even a challenging boss fight... Now I am pussyfooting around because if I agro too many snakes I am getting downed in 1 shot(cumulatively) |
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" You're lvl 52. I don't think anyone in my group complained about the chaos damage until act 2 merci and maps. You guys who are just entering merciless/maps are lucky to not have to deal with the poison bombers with -60 res. The problem with the chaos res mod on gear is it isn't common and it's usually not a very high roll. It's max is 30% while other res go to 41%. Generally the majority of rolls I've seen are around 10%. Just to be at 0 I'd need 6 pieces. I recently traded for a helm with chaos res and it's my first usable piece (high life with chaos res, res by itself is useless) and I'm lvl 79 ffs. Oh, then there's the issue that you have 3 other res to worry about too, which all seemed to have been scaled up. CB I never worried about fire res, shit I remember having negative fire res and max light/cold at like 75 on my last CB toon. Now, no fire res and you can expect a quick death, hell with 80% the flaming boulders still do 1-2k DOT very quickly. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - |
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BLOOD RAGE: 4% of max hp per sec as chaos damage
-60% chaos resistance means 4*1.6 = 6.4% of max hp per sec I'm not sure if this was intended but this make it almost impossible to use the skill outside of CI builds at the moment. Sure I could get higher chaos resistance to balance it out...but forcing a player's choice of gear in order to use a gem is kind of limiting don't you think? |
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I don't think the need to remove it but they sure as hell need to move all the resist nodes for it towards the center of the tree to allow everyone the chance to take it if they want
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi
He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1 |
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" Moos, I think you summoned it up pretty well. While you can farm for it. It should never be must have. One of the best things PoE offers is its extreme flexibility. If you are a mara, you can pick up the entire diamond skin node and use items with little to no resistance, or you can heavily favor resistances on gear and use those passives on something else. There isnt any freedom with chaos resistances. You can only get it from gear. So all the sudden it becomes gear check. This is really bad in the long run as well. Lets fast forward a couple years. There will be many awesome items with chaos resistance around, players like Moos will acquire multiple godly piece with chaos resistances. So now the chaos damage is extremely weak against those elite few. Is this GGG's intention? Make chaos damage irrelevant at certain point? Or GGG can buffs the chaos damage, then the Chaos resistances becomes even more of a must have. Either way, I dont see a winner here. IGN QTCRZ
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We took a fun, playable level of difficulty, then we DOUBLED IT. ~ GGG
All joking about d3 set to the side, I really feel like they're scrambling to make things better. Poor guys probably have so much on their plate right now..... unless people are going crazy with the microtransactions and they're taking a vacation sipping cocktails in the Carribean. Hmmm.... these types of things are such a crap shoot. |
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They're clearly trying to find a balance point with Chaos damage of it being less like it was but not also just a fourth element. They'll probably take the feedback here on board.
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Just a response so that I can easily find the topic for the discussion.
In Act 2 Cruel I am running into large packs of adders. Not just the regular ones either that can be taken out with some guerilla tactics. These are large packs combined by hero's as well as archers with poison arrows. Try and survive that while you're at -20% chaos resist. Even with the 35% chaos resist flask I found it won't do me any good in such fights. Kiting, throwing all doesn't matter in the end. You'll run out of flask charges before the group thinned out sufficiently. As for the Weaver he takes me out in a mere 3 hits. How am I to take him out as a melee dual wielder duelist? There is a limit to what player skill can get you and no matter how much skill you have. These are the fights that can't be won. Fire - 75% Cold/Lightning - 45% Chaos - -20% Now add the 60% penalty when going into merciless. Some things can be balanced out by those measily and rare nodes. Some accesoiries and gear give resistances if you're lucky with the RNG. But chaos resistance? The 8% I've seen on a chest piece won't suffice at all. You can't even break even at 0% with this specific resist. With my Templar it is possible to use Fire Storm with extra burn. I can even avoid attacks and position myself in the middle of a group and use Ice Nova. It keeps the opponents almost constantly stunned so they can't hit. If that doesn't work there is always Ice Spear or Lightning Arc to attack multiple targets safely. As a Melee you're basically fucked. A Cleave or Sweep combined with cold stuns, life leech and bleed effect won't do you a world of good. Last edited by Gibly#7847 on Jan 31, 2013, 3:45:43 PM
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