Remove the chaos res penalty.

So before the change, there was no way getting chaos res other than going CI, now with the change of getting chaos res, it all seemed well for normal hp melees at last, nope, they added a 60 res penalty to chaos res as well.

getting all res up is hard enough on merciless without sacrificing too much but having chaos res being a separate stat and in a league of it's own is just sheer insanity in my opinion.

you might as well revert to the old chaos res formulae because right now you fucked melee up even more, and melee were already in enough risky spots when it comes to safety vs ranged.

On merciless white trash snakes will rape you, dont even start on alchemists they were insane enough on cruel, on merciless they are outright a fools errand to go against.

Again unless you are CI....

GGG, please look at your changes and your thoughts behind them, because what they represent is not a solution but recreating the same problem as before, CI too strong in end game, the reason was chaos damage all along.

Either make chaos res penalty be less than the others or merge them in some ways to all res stat nodes in the melee trees.

or make endurance charges affect chaos dmg as well.

Thank you for your time, and if any other melee in HC feel the same way, please do add your reply and voice to this thread.

Regards, a melee dude.
I play games... shocked, i know.
Last edited by burgundy#7027 on Jan 28, 2013, 4:52:14 PM
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not had a problem with chaos damage on marauder at -51%, just gotta be very careful
Going to have to agree with OP. Keep it at 0% on all difficulties, leave the other res as-is.

I know the majority of closed beta players will disagree with this though.

RandallPOE wrote:
not had a problem with chaos damage on marauder at -51%, just gotta be very careful

It is safe to assume you went full tanky, max hp, max hp regen, etc? Marauders dominate the HC ladder I believe. I know my shadow tends to get 1 shot by almost anything chaos in late cruel and onward and he's definitely not built as a glass cannon. Chaos res really limits to what kind of characters you can build.

I actually just rerolled tanky 2H marauader and the game seems like a joke in comparison (currently A3 cruel).

Last edited by Tyrindor#5955 on Jan 28, 2013, 5:14:44 PM
RandallPOE wrote:
not had a problem with chaos damage on marauder at -51%, just gotta be very careful

what lvl on HC are you? just wondering. because your sig says default? This is more a HC thing, and about classes who don't go cI and the fact that chaos res nodes are up by CI, which makes no sense ect.
I play games... shocked, i know.
I currently have *no* chaos resistance in cruel difficulty (so I'm actually sitting at -20%) and I'm starting to feel the pain. I can only imagine how bad it's going to be once the -60% penalty kicks in in merciless....
Either Chaos needs to be taken out of the negative resists, or let all resist actually affect chaos.

It's not fair or balanced right now.

-All Includes Chaos
+All Excludes Chaos

I hate to say it, but I completely agree. As it stands, it's simply too much.


-lower the penalty in cruel and merciless

-include chaos res in allres

Meanwhile, GGG needs to decide exactly what they want chaos's role to be as a damage type before further massively game altering adjustments to it. As is, its inclusion in the penalty seeks to place it on par with other elements while clearly, it isn't. To leave it as it is for now is far beyond inconvenient, and hampers many builds to the point of not being much fun.
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it."
George Bernard Shaw
Yeah, I think this will hurt my character a lot when I reach Vaal Pyramid.
I'm mostly focused on ES, so yeah. Unless I get CI, which isn't really a good choice anymore.

It's a good thing I got the +16% Chaos Resist node though, I have -4% Chaos Resist in cruel.
I can still access the +8% Chaos Resist node whenever needed. My build is really flexible, just noticed it after Level 40.
Last edited by SenpaiTypeBeat#4068 on Jan 28, 2013, 5:40:50 PM
I'm pretty sure the penalty was made to give people a reason to use CI despite the "nerf", if they undo the penqalty they will have to buff CI some other way.
Nothing to see here.
ReZar wrote:
I'm pretty sure the penalty was made to give people a reason to use CI despite the "nerf", if they undo the penqalty they will have to buff CI some other way.

You mean getting resistance against it being next to impossible and bypassing energy shield isn't enough?

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