Remove the chaos res penalty.

Maybe ya'lls builds and eqs just stinks, ool.
The problem with removing the penalty is that it would be too easy to get capped chaos resist. You could get like 3 items with 25% and be capped.

At that point you only take 25% more damage than a CI character, so what is the point of going CI then? There are already too many downsides to CI, and reducing the strength of its only remaining bonus would just make the skill useless.
Then we got back 50% more ES and circle is complete............
As long as boss dont do chaos dmg its fine.
noremac13 wrote:
The problem with removing the penalty is that it would be too easy to get capped chaos resist. You could get like 3 items with 25% and be capped.

At that point you only take 25% more damage than a CI character, so what is the point of going CI then? There are already too many downsides to CI, and reducing the strength of its only remaining bonus would just make the skill useless.

Why not just decrease the bonuses to chaos resistance from items slightly (by about 15~20%) and cap the resistance for it on 50% instead of 75%?

Sounds like a much better option than being at -160% from the point when you enter merciless. Especially now that the amount of monsters dealing chaos damage is increasing, and some of the later ones are in groups.
noremac13 wrote:
The problem with removing the penalty is that it would be too easy to get capped chaos resist. You could get like 3 items with 25% and be capped.

At that point you only take 25% more damage than a CI character, so what is the point of going CI then? There are already too many downsides to CI, and reducing the strength of its only remaining bonus would just make the skill useless.

solution to that is put back chaos resists at 0% like before,no penality with difficulty and remouve the new chaos resist nods/chaos resist on that we wont be able to get chaos resist at all and CI will still give a good reason to use it.chaos resist was fine before they made that change.

They don't have the ability to remove mod IIRC. This is why I said they fucked up by not testing such a game changing patch.
It seems that chaos damage is intended as the thing that's dangerous for endgame characters after all other things have become trivial (which they will once you have 3-4k life, 10k+ armor and all resists maxed). The problem with this is that chaos damage is then absurdly powerful before you actually get to that endgame. Chaos-dealing enemies like snakes and alchemists are deadlier than other mobs in their areas by many orders of magnitude, quite out of balance. You can build a character that can tank twenty physical mobs in A3 Merciless, but will get two-shotted by one alchemist.

Chaos resist is not readily available on gear and there are not enough passive nodes with it. In fact, out of the 40% total chaos resist located in the skill tree, 32% of it is centered around the witch area - the one place where it's least needed since this is the ranged/kiting area of the tree, and because it's where Chaos Inoculation is. While energy shield does have a weakness against chaos damage, the state of being a melee build is a vastly greater weakness since you have to just take most of that chaos damage while ranged builds can avoid much of it.

The chaos damage from the regular "campaign" needs to be toned down. It can be kept high for maps, that's where endgame characters belong. When just playing through the game, chaos damage mobs are so much harder than anything else that it just isn't right. You have no realistic access to chaos resistance while progressing through the difficulties, resulting in mobs like spiders, snakes and alchemists doing many times more damage than other mobs of the same level range.
Last edited by Jakabov#1183 on Jan 31, 2013, 7:38:47 PM
Jakabov wrote:
It seems that chaos damage is intended as the thing that's dangerous for endgame characters after all other things have become trivial (which they will once you have 3-4k life, 10k+ armor and all resists maxed). The problem with this is that chaos damage is then absurdly powerful before you actually get to that endgame. Chaos-dealing enemies like snakes and alchemists are deadlier than other mobs in their areas by many orders of magnitude, quite out of balance. You can build a character that can tank twenty physical mobs in A3 Merciless, but will get two-shotted by one alchemist.

Jakabov put it nicely and hits the issue right on the money.
I agree with this thought. Although I'm not quite at endgame where I'm feeling the full pain of this, and my other resistances aren't always capped, it's rough to deal or plan to deal with this at times.

Whenever I'm not capping and going against mobs I'd like to be, I switch in a resist ring. With Chaos Resist harder to come by, I can't quite do that as well, and the only passives are uselessly far away from the builds I am planning for my characters.

I could understand there being a penalty if it wasn't as harsh, as it would still pose some threats to certain players and builds. Maybe something softer like 10%/25% or 15%/35% penalties would work as a middle ground.
I have an aggressive play style and i can tell you even in normal mode a group of snakes is no joke. I can heard pretty much all types of mobs besides chaos damage mobs and flicker strike mobs as a ranger. I do not see why you would want me to slow down so much or be forced to try and find gear with chaos resist on it. I thought it was about the grind not the challenge of avoiding chaos mobs...

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