Remove the chaos res penalty.
" Once you are in maps that doesnt really work. There is a great variety of mobtypes in a map. I even had a map that had all 3 elemental damage types AND chaos damage aswell. |
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" When I was playing Diablo 3, one of the things constantly heard people complain about was that there was only 6 viable affixes, and that meant that since you had 6 affix's on gear, the only usable gear was a piece that had 6 of 6 affixes being those modifiers. If you compare that to here, we have more affixes then possible gear, forcing the player to balance rather than just stack all the same stats on the same gear. The real problem is the rarity of the Chaos Resistance stat. IMHO chaos shouldn't have had any resistance modifiers in the first place. It's either 0% resistance or 100%. Clearly GGG has a different idea though. |
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" The elemental resistances max at 45, which means you can cap at 75 with as few as three each of the elemental mods (60+75=135,135/45=3.0). Considering that some of the offense mods can't appear everywhere, concentrating the elemental affixes on the defensive gear makes a lot of sense. Fitting chaos resistance is still possible... ...although, once again, I'll say that ammethyst rings with 12-20% chaos resist are a good idea for a new item. (inb4slurms) When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Feb 3, 2013, 11:41:54 AM
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Wow after reading this thread, hardcore sounds extremely scary for the melee 2h marauder. And I thought I was cool figuring out life, armor and normal resist balance.
Vipers were the hardest enemies in Cruel so far. A rare group with few with increased damage mods almost took me from 1.4k to 0 in 1 volley. Makes sense that they would be even more difficult on Merciless I guess I will be farming act 1 Merciless until I have 0 chaos resists. And use flasks just in case. Or if I somehow get up to 10k hp... Well assuming that I get to Merciless in the first place. Guess they're the new FELE. Ranged never has to deal with this stuff XD |
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" True, but even then there are mob-types with certain damage-types that are more threatening than overs. A ranged char propably would not be afraid of Viper-Strike Spiders, even for Melees they are not much of a threat. The only real thread are some unavoidable AoEs, which are mostly a certain damage-type and of course rare-mobs which you seperate anyway if possible, so switching rings for a certain rare seems reasonable, and should be doable exspecially for a marauder. Considering resistances I also thought a lot about Oak vs. Kraytin, since getting +HP on Items is very easy, but +all Resistances is a lot rarer and exspecially as marauder you have access to a lot of +Resistance anyway, so you should be able to max out resistances easily with still having space for Chaos-Resistance. The problem with the mod is that it isn't very common, which is the reason why I would like to see a ring for it. I still haven't found a single piece of item with Chaos-Resistance, which is a bit sad, considering that (if I'm able to beat Piety^^) I'm in merciless soon that isn't that much. Speaking about Vipers I fear the physical part of their damage as much as the Chaos-Damage. Since I have ES and Life I can see the amount of damage eaten up by my Energy-Shield and compare it to the amount of damage which reaches my Life-Pool due to being Chaos-Damage. I think the ratio was turned to about 50/50 (before Constructs and Vipers had 100% Chaos-Damage which made CI too rediculous, so it was changed somewhen in CB). So only half of the damage will be increased because of the low resistance. But the Vipers aren't the real problem. Alchemists are. Vipers seem to be high-damage mobs in general, but they have very low HP, and should be easy to wear down with a Marauder (Heavy-Strike should even stunlock rares, if you attack fast enough). The Alchemist or Skeletons with Poison-Cloud create an area of very fast death if you don't have Chaos Resistance. For your interest. A good place to farm is Felshrine Ruins. Only Zombies, Skeletons and Stones. |
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Attempted to make a duelist bow class using blood rage and at first I was happy with the results. Going through the passive tree was able to make up 4% life regen per second, meaning that i could still make a non-ci blood rage class viable.
But then i did the maths and I can assure you now using blood rage = CI IS ESSENTIAL! Lvl 37 atm on cruel means -20% chaos resistance so i suffer 4.8% life lost per second. I can currently still sustain enough life regen per second to counter this, but then i thought about what would happen when my max life goes up. Currently 700 life means you only need to make up 33 life regen per second which is fairly straight forward given the +1.2 and 1.6 life regen gear that i am using, and with my passive tree having 2.9% life regen. But when i enter merceless it will be -60% chaos resistance. And lets say my health reaches 1500 by then, that's 93.6 life i will be required to make up each second to sustain the blood rage alone..... (3.9%*1.6*1500)...... so even if i am able to make up say 4% life regen on the passives, and pick up the +8% chaos resistance node by the ranger area, that is still 30 life regen per second i would need to make up from the gear...... which is basically impossible. This will only get worse the higher my life goes up. So by adding the -60% chaos resistance, what this game has now done is made a skill (blood rage) not viable with any other passives than CI-based builds.... So it makes it lack variety. Why have a skill in the game when the only way you can make it work is by picking up one passive? Either remove the chaos res penalty, or make more ways to counter it other than by picking up CI. whether it be more common chaos resist gear, or higher stats life regen per second, or even like others have been saying, include it on the other resistances even if its just for the gear and not the passives? |
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I really hate some mobs in the game, and when I do a bit of research on the mobs, I notice that all the mobs that I have trouble with are Chaos based damage. It just really annoys me that, there is no way to bump it up to a reasonable counter
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You know it is good sometimes to not able to come up with a solution, and it is that case now ;)
"This is too good for you, very powerful ! You want - You take" Last edited by BrecMadak#3812 on Feb 5, 2013, 1:10:22 PM
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What they should do.
Merciless: -30% chaos (-60% all others) Cruel: -10% chaos (-20% all others) See how it goes. |
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" This might be a good idea, especially since as it stands now using blood rage means you will need CI or you will die. Also it would make the low life bonuses useless... I have almost gotten my chaos resist to neutral in merciless but I that's on a witch and with 3 passive points spent in chaos resist, something the other classes don't have as good access to (except perhaps the shadow). Julius's path of exile wine bundle for mac here:
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