Remove the chaos res penalty.
" What is this extreme flexibility you talk about in normal? You can go random passive, random skill and random gear and beat it? I already gave an example of what is "flexibility", but you clearly either failed to read it or failed to understand it. The 2nd part of your post just proves my point, chaos resistances becoming an mandated stats and you can eventually gets 75% chaos with better gear. IGN QTCRZ
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What I told you is basicaly that your post was bullshit but nicely.
Everything is mandatory, try to go with 0% all res, try to go with bad def stats, try to got with bad offensive stats God. |
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" I'd like to know if Chaos dmg has actually changed. Yes there's a lot more of it in Act3 but it wouldn't surprise me if the big difference is that we now see our level of Chaos resists in the player window and are now able to counter it, (somewhat), with resists on items. Maybe your right though. Remove chaos resist items and hide our personal chaos resist level and we'd all be none the wiser. edit: I'm at -60% to Choas resists and it hurts like hell. OB: BazzVone - 83 Dual Spork Totem Templar /w CI and minions CB: BazzVfourteen - 80 Dual Spork Totem Templar /w CI CB: BazzVtwo - 73 Dual Spork Totem/LS Templar CB: BazzVseven - 76 Lightning Strike Mara CB: BazzVfive - 78 Lightning Strike Mara Last edited by BazzV5#2961 on Feb 1, 2013, 6:52:55 PM
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" With granite I have over 27k armour, my block chance is 52%, my elemental resists are 81, I have about 3.4k life, I can curse with enfeeble and have over 100 passive life per second without life leech (which I do use) all with the max of 6 endurance charges (which also improve life regen by about 40~ due to passive point). I can faceroll anything my level or lower that is not Chaos damage. Right now my chaos resist is negative 32% in merciless and chaos damage still hurts a lot. This wouldn't be so bad if Chaos resist on items didn't feel so rare. I'd use more and sacrifice other stats for it if possible. Last edited by Lionguild#4990 on Feb 1, 2013, 7:30:26 PM
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"No it isn't! They made a small change to in regards to a single keystone and in turn forced every melee build to now have yet another manditory stat on their gear beyond defenses, life, and all three resistances. In other words, they added a slight bit of diversity for some ES builds, and a huge amount of homogeny for all melee builds. |
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That one item alone can get you almost halfway to 0. One more, and the games difficulty the same as before. Another one, and its easier. Str builds, as I've said. Already have a built in chaos resistance. You don't even need 0% Don't stand in the poison cloud. It's poisonous. |
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"Technically inaccurate, as CI melee builds exist. But that's nitpicking. I get your point; it added yet another defense to stack for those life builds. And I guess that is a bit of a drawback, because the more "standard affixes" you're expected to stack, the less affixes you get to be creative with. But I don't think it's entirely a bad thing to make tanking in this game harder, I want to add rings to help with chaos resist for those characters, and the ES builds needed the extra diversity very badly...] in other words, justifiable expense. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Feb 1, 2013, 9:55:54 PM
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" A str build can pick up several item like that. Then you will see them run around with 80+ elemental res, 75 chaos res and 3k+ life. This should not be the future direction of PoE. " Lol. Are you seriously this stupid or playing dumb. If everything is so mandatory, why are we praising PoE for its versatility, flexibility and diversity? This is not fucking D3, our char are not bunch of numbers, our char are more than res, def and dps. IGN QTCRZ
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I read some of the post, not all, and I have to disagree about the chaos damage being too much.
Playing currently a lvl 70 Ranger on HC with only 2 gear pieces with chaos res and on 8% passive. With those I'm at -10 Chaos Res. I have about 2.5k life and while I was in the sewers in act 3, a rare poison bomber dude with added crit/crit dmg had to crit me twice to get me donw to 50%. If the chaos damage would scale like the elements, I would agree. I mean having -10 resist to some element would be suicidal. This however is not the case imo. With just one or two gear pieces with chos res you can take the hits. If you play more melee class, you'll prolly have a lot more health that I do, so it should not be that bad. Surely I could be wrong, but I just can't see this being that big of a problem. ign: AlecVonBoldwin
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Yesterday I played through the end of act 2 on merciless with a group. The group consisted of me (duelist), 2 rangers and 2 witches. I was able to make several interesting observations, the first of which was that non-CI witches don't need chaos resistance due to their heavy CC. These witches were sitting at -60% and breezed through the entirety of Pools and Streams without taking any damage. I'm sitting at -17% chaos res, took some damage but was manageable with that kind of crazy DPS coming from my group.
Inside the pyramid, one of the rangers went "how are melees even supposed to do anything here", and all I could say was "I don't know either", because even with 75% lightning resist and +2 levels (the witches/rangers were on equal level to the dungeon I believe), I can't tank a room filled with 15 casters and an "allies can't die" totem. The solution? I went into /follow-mode and just waited until my party cleared everything with Rain of Arrows and Spork/Totems. At Vaal, my group insta-CC'ed and subsequently killed the adds without any problems, then ranged the boss to death. 2 of the ranged players died to rocks a few times, I died to his slow-ass overhead-attack twice due to EU-gateway-lag. Advantage: no one. TL;DR: Playing a melee in this is retarded AF. Oh wait, I think the point was that chaos is too strong? Yeah, I changed my mind on that, but it does seem like a nerf to melee mostly. Why don't the seasons fear the reaper? Last edited by FluffyMeowington#6563 on Feb 2, 2013, 1:43:09 AM
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