Zombie´s suck since latest Patch - 135% resists... Endgame Summoner screwed. Help us Pls

My summoner with purity and Aegis gives a damn about this.

The game is as easy as it was before.
TiamatRoar wrote:
Would be nice if people would stop acting so smart while refuting the original poster with things that are factually WRONG (Conduit? Seriously? Couldn't you at least do a little research before you come up with your retorts and arguments instead of literally just making crap up?)
QFT. Also less minion defenses is a nerf to MI not a buff. If minion health is brought with a single hit from anywhere above 35% to 0% the minion dies without triggering MI.

Minions do not receive penalties to resistances in higher difficulties.
Last edited by Atraps003#2749 on Jul 2, 2013, 2:30:11 AM
all the devs said in the patch notes was they fixed the bug were zombies had 75% resist regardless of anything else. Now it could be they have for example 50% res all at level 20, we dont know, and OP might be overreacting and it was a case of the monster dmg bug that was just fixed.
[quote="DirkAustin"]They can always make a loser league where Monsters do no damage and you one shot everything. Goodness, people, just don't play in the hard parts of the game if you cant handle them.[/quote]

Minions lost 6.4 times of their elemental survivability(how were we supposed to notice the bug btw?). I'm all for fixing bugs, but this raises a set of questions on how to adjust playstyle to that.

So, is anyone in hardcore/onslaught using Necromantic Aegis? This whole thread screams default, would really like to hear from an experienced hc summoner about the levels of his and his minions' survivability after the patch. I have an archon kite with +40% allres, and do run purity, we also get +20% allres from the passives related to shield, but this seems like a boost not worth investing in (still 3 times worse than it had been prior the fix). So, how do we go about it?
HC: fastpst / pstfast
Invasion: pstblast
Ambush: pstflick
I don't get why you can't just back off when you see minions dying and re-summon your army. Necromantic aegis sounds like a huge trap to me.

If your zombie dies so what. If your character dies than its GG. I would focus on making your own character as tanky as possible and your minions deal as much damage as possible with sustain.
Necronomicon: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617098
Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/409940
Summoner Dischord: https://discord.gg/XwWdSUa
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zhoukon
Summoners are one of the few specs that seem to plateau around lvl 70ish.... you get a couple of uniques and your basically as powerful as you will ever be, you can make your own spells slightly more powerful but generally nowhere NEAR the level of alot of the high power specs... (speaking from a HC perspective where you need quite a bit of passives in effective health nodes) - Would be pretty cool if there was more summoner passives than just health/damage

From a lvl 73...

I find that your basically screwed with zombies resistance, minion resist gem is a seriously expensive option (gem slot/mana cost/ect) that really gives very little noticable difference... before this fix i would lose 1/3 of my zombies to a pack of magic(blue) voidbears in merci docks (10.6k life in setup im using) - add in a rare and nearly all of them dropped, if one was left i would be surprised... if i casted zombies 100% of the time im in that fight, i could sustain most of them usually with 1-2 left to raise when pack was finally finished off with skele totem and spectres but was possible to do... SENSE the patch, a pack of magic voidbears basically eats the whole party and sometimes a spectre - if i cast zombies 100% of the fight time i will have MABY 2-3 up by the time the fight is over and could likely lose a spectre, losing a spectre gimps summoners in a pretty huge way, basically means you have to go grab a new one...

honestly, it felt more reasonable before the fix - it seems like a bit much to have you entire army taken out so quickly that you cant even recoup... sense the fix ive run into MANY problems where im in a map and i lose my whole army and run out of corpses to even summon more with becuase ive been losing them so damn quickly which usually results in loss of all spectres too, this has happened even towards the END of a map where there should be shitloads of coprses to gather from, but cause they die so easily and have to be replaced there just wasnt any corpses left...

Im surprised you can even say "noone came running to us to let us know they had resistance" cause it NEVER felt like they had it in the first place.... i felt like for my level i was clearing docks fairly slowly AND losing zombies at a fairly fast rate (anytime elemental damage was involved)

In the end, i think if 75% was considered overpowered, would it be to much to have 1/2 of that? and have the minion resistance gem and/or purity be the way to get them to fully capped? also purity cant be counted on cause of range, most the time they will be out of its range when dying...

I do exactly what mattc suggested when i start losing army, i run back and resummon and move back forward, but its just redicilous that they ALL drop instantly when elemental damage is concerned AND when you turn and burn away from your army MOST the time you leave your spectres vulnerable and extreemly good chance you lose atleast one before they "port" to where you quicksilvered off to, ive found your better off tryin to push the enemy down than tryin to run to recoup - atleast then you have a chance to keep yoru spectres (but when you fail you lose EVERYTHING, zombies and specs)

ALSO -- While bug was in effect, my minions dropped INSTANTLY on creamatorium piety, general, end game piety, ect... Is there any way to even fight endgame piety solo as a summoner? ive noticed minions go after her portals more than her, then die immediately... im curious if this just isnt ever suppose to be possible for us or if theres some tactics im missin out on completely... i rarely can break the shield let alone do damage before havin to refill flasks or even disconnect to save life - which would mean regathering minions but in the case of piety, they would die instantly anyways but you still want to grab something in hopes they hurt her a little!

Then another frustration is DC's and or wanting to logoff.... i literally NEVER want to logoff the game as a summoner, havin to go grab new spectres just cause you want to take a break is really crappy, specially if you hunt for good spectres.... it would be AMAZING to have our army saved upon DC/Logoff/Ect... When havin to stay online, all msgs sent to you also are hard to respond to becuase you MIGHT get a chance to see them for a few seconds before the msgs disapear (how or why they stick around until you click to turn off trade/general i dont know but once you do click they only display for a short time then they disapear on you anyways - why the messages to you dont just STAY i dont have a clue...)

Last edited by Obbes#5848 on Jun 27, 2013, 3:28:11 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:
No. This bug has only existed for just under a month and a half (in our codebase, probably slightly later on beta, as it wouldn't have been deployed as soon as the change was made, but in the next patch).

This was a bug where a mistaken implementation of a new stat resulted in all zombies always getting +1403% to all resistances, which obviously put them at the cap at all times, regardless of any amount of available reduction. We only caught this bug recently (no-one came running to tell us that their zombies had initially been massively increased in resistances, oddly enough), and fixed it.

Fixing the bug puts the zombies back to the correct resistance values they had before it was introduced (on the 15th of May to our code, and sometime later in a patch to beta). Three months ago, or even two, this bug didn't exist and zombies had the same correct resistances they do now.

If I wanted to read all your responses that are evasive as fuck and don't answer the main question at all, It'd literally take me days. Could you please ever adress the main point of the thread? :/
Old april 2012 account got stolen
Freeslana wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
No. This bug has only existed for just under a month and a half (in our codebase, probably slightly later on beta, as it wouldn't have been deployed as soon as the change was made, but in the next patch).

This was a bug where a mistaken implementation of a new stat resulted in all zombies always getting +1403% to all resistances, which obviously put them at the cap at all times, regardless of any amount of available reduction. We only caught this bug recently (no-one came running to tell us that their zombies had initially been massively increased in resistances, oddly enough), and fixed it.

Fixing the bug puts the zombies back to the correct resistance values they had before it was introduced (on the 15th of May to our code, and sometime later in a patch to beta). Three months ago, or even two, this bug didn't exist and zombies had the same correct resistances they do now.

If I wanted to read all your responses that are evasive as fuck and don't answer the main question at all, It'd literally take me days. Could you please ever adress the main point of the thread? :/

not his issue you can't read, it was a bug that got fixed...nuff said.
~SotW HC Guild~

scorpitron wrote:
Freeslana wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
No. This bug has only existed for just under a month and a half (in our codebase, probably slightly later on beta, as it wouldn't have been deployed as soon as the change was made, but in the next patch).

This was a bug where a mistaken implementation of a new stat resulted in all zombies always getting +1403% to all resistances, which obviously put them at the cap at all times, regardless of any amount of available reduction. We only caught this bug recently (no-one came running to tell us that their zombies had initially been massively increased in resistances, oddly enough), and fixed it.

Fixing the bug puts the zombies back to the correct resistance values they had before it was introduced (on the 15th of May to our code, and sometime later in a patch to beta). Three months ago, or even two, this bug didn't exist and zombies had the same correct resistances they do now.

If I wanted to read all your responses that are evasive as fuck and don't answer the main question at all, It'd literally take me days. Could you please ever adress the main point of the thread? :/

not his issue you can't read, it was a bug that got fixed...nuff said.

yes and this bug changes the game play for summoners by 1000 %

Zombies are shit and die in some hits even with 15000 HP with their stupid -60% resists with aura and Gem you have - 15% which is still shitty.

The whole summoner story sucks now, you cant have Tank pets all you can use is chain exploding skeletons and zombies if you can upkeep the mana to chain summon them.

i have never played any other game with such weak paper minions as they are currently in PoE since last patch .....

Zombies should be Tanky
Skeleton can explode all time, no problem with that

Spectres if ranged are ok but you can never use melee spectres because they also die in 3-4 hits against Elemenatl dmg.

for example Overgrown Ruin Maps are the suck now, i need the zombies and skeletons to help clear rooms. The ranged Spectres dont hit anything trough the walls so i need the melee pets to clear.

Its just bullshit how the whole resist system in this game works...

Normal mode zero resist
cruel - 30 ???
merciless -60 ???

why ?? dont you just make the mobs stronger instead of weaking our characters

also why do i have +20 runspeed in normal and in merciless i have to crawl around with +1 speed ?

in the upcomming ACT4 i will have -20 runspeed and -80 chaos resist ??? yea right ?? i think this is the worst bullcrap i have ever seen....

Minions in ACT4 - 80% resists and no way to really help them to get good resists....

No thank you, you can keep ACT4 for yourself GGG if you dont change this stupid Debuff system for every new ACT....

ACT 4 will destroy me and my minions in a few seconds if i dont have the absolute best gear... whats fun about that ?

So in short this game is a Ranged game in every situation....... even for summoners

AnnanFay wrote:

Requoted because the OP is so emotionally distraught he built his character around the bug, and once this was fixed, realized his minions doesn't have any resistances, going from 75% (or 1403%) to -60%, which are the base resistances in Merciless!


tuccos wrote:

I expect more from GGG than these 2 ways to increase Resists by a little. The Zombies were good as they were.

-60 % is to much

I think people are missing a point.


These resistances increase as their level increases.

At no point did anyone official say resistances were put to 0%. People just started jumping to assumptions.

Maybe the zombie resistances are TOO LOW. Maybe they are fine. But they do exist.

* I confirmed this be messaging Mark a few months ago.

they dont have any resists anymore. they have exactly -60% and no innate resists as they should have. GGGs developers should fit the resists of minions to the ACT we play.

but 20 paper minions in a L71 MAP are just disturbing and for almost 83 levels playtime i feel fukking cheated because 1 week ago i could somehow have fun and do normal maps. Now i can do shat without hurting my finger on the re-summon minion keys.... its just laughable how fast the pets die now

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