Zombie´s suck since latest Patch - 135% resists... Endgame Summoner screwed. Help us Pls

Alfabetica wrote:
Fixed a recent bug where Raised Zombies had 75% resistance to all elements.

1. It was a recent bug, not something that's always been going on with Zombies.
2. This note makes no mention of the frequency of the bug.
3. Monster damage is currently bugged and higher than it should be, so that's coming into it too.

tuccos wrote:
so i played 3 month with minions that were bugged ??

Mark_GGG wrote:

No. This bug has only existed for just under a month and a half (in our codebase, probably slightly later on beta, as it wouldn't have been deployed as soon as the change was made, but in the next patch).

This was a bug where a mistaken implementation of a new stat resulted in all zombies always getting +1403% to all resistances, which obviously put them at the cap at all times, regardless of any amount of available reduction. We only caught this bug recently (no-one came running to tell us that their zombies had initially been massively increased in resistances, oddly enough), and fixed it.

Fixing the bug puts the zombies back to the correct resistance values they had before it was introduced (on the 15th of May to our code, and sometime later in a patch to beta). Three months ago, or even two, this bug didn't exist and zombies had the same correct resistances they do now.

Requoted because the OP is so emotionally distraught he built his character around the bug, and once this was fixed, realized his minions doesn't have any resistances, going from 75% (or 1403%) to -60%, which are the base resistances in Merciless!

Like a dwarf in DF throwing a temper tantrum, and then going into a melancholy, babbling incoherently, he is thus unamendable to reason!
POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL!
tuccos wrote:
KibaArtist wrote:
There's a reason they added Minion and Totem elemental resist support gem, also there's Necromantic Aegis. Please consider using either of these or both if you want to play a "summoner"

The Support GEM sucks

Necromantic Aegis sucks

Both solutions suck

I expect more from GGG than these 2 ways to increase Resists by a little. The Zombies were good as they were.

-60 % is to much


Stop acting like a fucking child who got his toy taken away because he's throwing a tantrum and learn to play the game properly, if you want everything automatic,easy and no skill required. go play fucking runescape.
tuccos wrote:

i know exactly why i want +20 quality on my Gems, if you dont then thats your problem...

I know why, I just didn't want to make the effort to do it because I don't need to, but if I did I definitely wouldn't spend 60 gcp's to do it.

tuccos wrote:

Honestly i am sick and tired of smartasse´s like you... the whole planet is covered with your type of human and watch the daily news to check the result....

Excuse me for trying to have a discussion in your thread. Instead of getting all bent out of shape you could respond to my questions/statements. I did say I understood your complaint so chill out.

All I was trying to say was summoners aren't ruined or anything so calm down.
Standard Forever
mattc3303 wrote:
You need to learn to adapt. Hell the damage bug is a giant buff to spectre

tentacle miscreation + gmp + chain + remote mine + life leach

zombie + multistrike + faster attack + life leach

retarded tentacle miscreation damage even with GMP + Chain (less multipliers)

I like how you micro-manage your several skill gems in the field.
tuccos wrote:
Not to mention that Purity and Vitality each takes 40% of mana and there will be no room for such things as Clarity or Discipline unless you start using blood magic support gems,

Or reduced mana .....


but gear to build that will probably not be obtainable for a casual player (with average luck) in a reasonable time...

But funny how some folks think their (copied) build is the ONLY build available for "casuals". Hint : Ele cleave, Lightning Arrow, etc don't require great gear/DPS passive and they work great.


You can of course bash me if you don't like my opinion, but they really NEED some resistances and I agree with the author of this thread.

And I don't. I will never understand why we should spend 90% of our tree and gear to survive while people complain when they have to spend a few more points too.
Last edited by Hovergame#7060 on Jun 27, 2013, 6:38:23 AM
tuccos wrote:
its pointless, i am surrounded by a horde of brainless retards....

Coming from the guy who is complaining about having to actually invest some resistance (Purity + Gem + aegis) in letting his brainless zombies do all the work for him.
Herpy_Derpleson wrote:
You are QQ'ing that a bug was fixed. I don't even...

/shameless self-quote
What shield, summoners are using Queens for one extra spectre. At least I am.

Seeing as I don't have 5L, my zombies will not have Minion resistance support, so the only thing they'll have will be Purity aura (having them 3L+resist is not fun. Sorry, but it's not). Somehow I don't think this will be enough in merci, so will probably give up on this character.

It doesn' matter if it was bug or not. Bugged zombies were ok as they were, they would still die against elemental damage (burning dogs in act 1 would decimate them) but they were tanky enough.
„I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“
No mod action. Business as usual.
Last edited by Odoakar#1827 on Jun 27, 2013, 7:35:30 AM
Shut up. You are not a summoner. If you were one, you would be able to keep playing normally. If you are a summoner, you pretty much sacrifice all your survivability and dps for your minions to be stronger. Seems like you are not really doing that = your minions suck and you do too.
IGN Macesaremanttofly
I use 2H to boost my minions, and use only one spell with ele equilibrium to boost the damage even more, with 2 curses.

Please let me know what else I can do to be a more 'true summoner', by your standards.

:rolls eyes:
„I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“
No mod action. Business as usual.

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