Zombie´s suck since latest Patch - 135% resists... Endgame Summoner screwed. Help us Pls
The Zombies were good as they were.
Resist or not. Zombies with 12.000 15.000 or 18.000 HP die in a few seconds in L66 maps to Elemental damage. A simple Dock Voidbearer kills a Quality 20 Level 20 Zombie with 14k HP faster than i can see.... Was it really necessary to give Minions -60 >> MINUS 60 resists from one day to the other ???? Do you developers have an idea what a huge change for summoners that is ? I lose 7 15k HP Zombies in a simple L66 MAP in a few seconds to elemental damage enemies. i cant even re-summon them so fast they are dieing. My goodness Beta or not, such huge changes just suck..... from 75% resist down to -60% in one patch ???? would not at least ZERO resists been enough ??? Why -60% ???? Is anyone at GGG playing a pure summoner and tested Minions with -60% resist in Merciless before you guys did that ????? Its pure bullshit now ok... i am pretty pissed you just nerf the shit out of our builds without testing it by yourself before you deliver us this crap that breaks my interest in playing this game.. thnx Bring the Minions back to some state where they dont die from everything with Elemental damage in 3 seconds Last edited by tuccos#0181 on Jul 2, 2013, 5:13:12 AM
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" 1. It was a recent bug, not something that's always been going on with Zombies. 2. This note makes no mention of the frequency of the bug. 3. Monster damage is currently bugged and higher than it should be, so that's coming into it too. |
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" so i played 3 month with minions that were bugged ?? And why the heck did they have to reduce Resists from 75% to -60% ???? why not +10% or +20% ???? - 135% is way to much from one day to the next. Now the minions are broken again, they are like paper. They die to 30 level lower bullcrap in a few seconds. Bug or not, they cant leave the Minions at this state. They need to fix them somehow. Either they give them even more HP or some Resists back or they reduce Summon time 50% and mana cost by 50% because the only way to play now for us summoners is to SPAM minions that just die over and over to any Elemental damage. |
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There's a reason they added Minion and Totem elemental resist support gem, also there's Necromantic Aegis. Please consider using either of these or both if you want to play a "summoner"
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" The Support GEM sucks Necromantic Aegis sucks Both solutions suck I expect more from GGG than these 2 ways to increase Resists by a little. The Zombies were good as they were. -60 % is to much |
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" Your zombies were good because a bug made them EXTREMELY resistant? Being equivalent to a player but with two times as much EHP? Get real man, go cry somewhere else. Adapt, survive, overcome. LOOK for solutions, don't look for nerfs/buffs! |
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But purity + necro aegis + minion and totem res means you have to do it yourself...
God forbid you should have to actually have to use 2 whole gem slots and 1 passive point to protect your zombies. It's so much better when things are bugged and free. Last edited by Herpy_Derpleson#6025 on Jun 26, 2013, 7:39:49 PM
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You using purity + vitality? If you're not using vitality i'm not surprised they eventually die..
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" vitality has nothing to do with it.... before patch, zombies=freaking tanks with minion life. probably tankier than intended (Id lose maybe 2 out of 6 zombies on dual blacksmith in spider forest) after patch, zombies= wimps who die from a sneeze. went from being extra tanky meatshields to pretty much useless since they get one-two shotted by normal attacks. thats with high level auras of discipline, determination, purity and grace running as well.... |
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Nothing you say to this guy will convince him to adjust... just move along.
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