Zombie´s suck since latest Patch - 135% resists... Endgame Summoner screwed. Help us Pls

Odoakar wrote:
I use 2H to boost my minions, and use only one spell with ele equilibrium to boost the damage even more, with 2 curses.

Please let me know what else I can do to be a more 'true summoner', by your standards.

:rolls eyes:

If you would read like 2-3 posts on this thread, you would see the answer, almost every 2nd post has things that you can do, ofc if you use Queen's Decree, your options are limited, but still. I don't think that OP even uses dual curse and auras, which is kinda lame.
IGN Macesaremanttofly
wow you complain about a build where you just sit there and wait until summons kill shit for you is too hard? fuck get over it, use nerco aegis, the support gem that gives your summons resists, purity and vitality (conduit doesnt work apprantely with summons so you cant spam endu cry, i never did a summoner)
I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: https://www.instagram.com/victorseiche/
World first Uber Atziri as 2h and 2h RT build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1058950
Highest level char in Closed Beta, Wytchfindergeneral
Last edited by VictorDoom#6290 on Jun 27, 2013, 12:47:50 PM

Requoted because the OP is so emotionally distraught he built his character around the bug, and once this was fixed, realized his minions doesn't have any resistances, going from 75% (or 1403%) to -60%, which are the base resistances in Merciless!


tuccos wrote:

I expect more from GGG than these 2 ways to increase Resists by a little. The Zombies were good as they were.

-60 % is to much

I think people are missing a point.


These resistances increase as their level increases.

At no point did anyone official say resistances were put to 0%. People just started jumping to assumptions.

Maybe the zombie resistances are TOO LOW. Maybe they are fine. But they do exist.

* I confirmed this be messaging Mark a few months ago.
Brutus. Do you even sync?
Last edited by AnnanFay#3468 on Jun 27, 2013, 11:53:32 AM
VictorDoom wrote:
wow you complain about a build where you just sit there and wait until summons kill shit for you is too hard? fuck get over it, use nerco aegis, the support gem that gives your summons resists, purity and vitality, use conduit and spam endu charges, they suck you say? well you havent got a choice, get off your ass and do it if you wanna play properly,

Conduit doesn't work with minions, they are classed as allies but not in the same party.

NA works well on SC-leagues, not sure why more people don't use it. Personally I really don't like the resistance support gem, though can't say how good it is. Would rather use Life Leach / LGoH.
Brutus. Do you even sync?
Last edited by AnnanFay#3468 on Jun 27, 2013, 8:58:29 AM
Not going to read all the pages but the simple fact is this is a buff if you have a shred of intelligence and can modify the build/items slightly. It appears to me most people who moan are the guys who follow builds rather than KNOW builds and understand the mechanics behind them.

The strongest zombie is an exploding zombie, resists countered this and if all you want is zombies to survive then there are ways to make up for this loss,although no idea why you would want that.

Point is it certainly is not a nerf, in some cases it is a buff
Last edited by eversorgod#5722 on Jun 27, 2013, 10:50:36 AM
VictorDoom wrote:
wow you complain about a build where you just sit there and wait until summons kill shit for you is too hard? fuck get over it, use nerco aegis, the support gem that gives your summons resists, purity and vitality, use conduit and spam endu charges, they suck you say? well you havent got a choice, get off your ass and do it if you wanna play properly,

You probably wanted to post this in dual sporkers build.

What you are suggesting is a gimped build, forced into unwanted choices just to make the minions survive the elemental damage. Shield is out of the way if you want Queens for +1 spectre. Conduit will not work. Vitality doesn't help against burst damage. If you want to link zombies to resistance support, then either MLife is out or MDamage (not everyone has 5Ls). Since the point is having them live longer, MDamage is out. Now you have zombies that live longer, but don't do much damage.

Don't get me wrong, I don't give a shit whether the build will be op or not, I have dozen other builds which I can have fun with. Summoner is already bordering on not fun when you minions get blasted with elemental damage, even when running purity. I haven't tried playing my summoner since the patch, so will give it a try tonight, but I'm not expecting much.

Edit: to post above, yes M.Instability is great and you want minions exploding therefore it's good if they are weak, but I wanted a pure summoner build that doesn't have to recast minions 95% of the time.
„I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“
No mod action. Business as usual.
Last edited by Odoakar#1827 on Jun 27, 2013, 10:56:14 AM
Would be nice if people would stop acting so smart while refuting the original poster with things that are factually WRONG (Conduit? Seriously? Couldn't you at least do a little research before you come up with your retorts and arguments instead of literally just making crap up?)

On that note, is it even confirmed that minions have -60% resist on Merciless now? Where was that stated? Where was minion resistance ever stated anywhere beyond the devs stating in this thread that minions were auto capped on resists for the past month and a half or so before this patch fixed that?

As an aside, to the dev member who posted here, maybe players didn't tell you about their high zombie resists BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T KNOW? It's not like you can get info on your minions' resists anywhere (Or info on ANYTHING regarding your minions besides their life total. We don't know their damage, evasion, attack speed, or armour ratings either!)

...this whole thread from all sides is all arguing based on assumptions that are either outright wrong (...seriously, conduit!?) or no one knows the answer (the biggest one in this case being what a zombie's base resists are right now).
Last edited by TiamatRoar#4443 on Jun 27, 2013, 11:41:29 AM
TiamatRoar wrote:
As an aside, to the dev member who posted here, maybe players didn't tell you about their high zombie resists BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T KNOW? It's not like you can get info on your minions' resists anywhere (Or info on ANYTHING regarding your minions besides their life total. We don't know their damage, evasion, attack speed, or armour ratings either!)

Or monster damage / health / resist data. WANT NOW

Odoakar wrote:
Vitality doesn't help against burst damage.

or anything, biggest joke skill ever ... 1.5% life regen for 40% reservation XD

holy crap I just QQ'd over something in the game for the first time O_O

@OP: Try today, the monsters were dealing tons more dmg yesterday due to a bug. Then if it still persists, open another topic using a more civilised and mature tone.

ty m3n
[quote="DirkAustin"]They can always make a loser league where Monsters do no damage and you one shot everything. Goodness, people, just don't play in the hard parts of the game if you cant handle them.[/quote]

Last edited by JahIthBerTirUmMalLumKoKoMal#2846 on Jun 27, 2013, 11:51:04 AM
Odoakar wrote:

Edit: to post above, yes M.Instability is great and you want minions exploding therefore it's good if they are weak, but I wanted a pure summoner build that doesn't have to recast minions 95% of the time.

generally i dont have to recast all that often as 1 zombie exploding is doing over 3k aoe damage at level 57, before this patch i was having an issue with even getting them to die in the 1st place unless i was in a +4 minimum area level. I see no reason why you cannot get a cheap 5 link chest and a decent shield to make zombies hard to kill without completely screwing over their damage.

I think if you are going into this never wanting to recast or do anything yourself then that is the issue not a bug being fixed, it would not be difficult to get those resists up

forget the helm, was meaning to link discipline inside it lol

i mean to me that sort of thing is what you will need, you can adapt to give them the resists needed and if you use the correct curses im sure its entirely possible to play as you want, regardless of if i dont understand why you would want to
Last edited by eversorgod#5722 on Jun 27, 2013, 12:09:42 PM
eversorgod wrote:
Not going to read all the pages but the simple fact is this is a buff if you have a shred of intelligence and can modify the build/items slightly. It appears to me most people who moan are the guys who follow builds rather than KNOW builds and understand the mechanics behind them.

The strongest zombie is an exploding zombie, resists countered this and if all you want is zombies to survive then there are ways to make up for this loss,although no idea why you would want that.

Point is it certainly is not a nerf, in some cases it is a buff

This right here. OP is the type of person who follows a build then cries when something doesn't work. People like him can't figure things out for themselves, so we get threads like these.
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