Zombie´s suck since latest Patch - 135% resists... Endgame Summoner screwed. Help us Pls

I dont understand why people keep bringing up vitality

that 1.65% regen (with IF) isnt anything against bursts of elemental damage. it'll take more than secs to regen 20% of a zombies HP. realistically hes gone by then.
As i think minion damage and resistance is still not correctly shown in the character window am i right? =(
What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything:
A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones.
Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings.
What am i?
Mark_GGG wrote:
(no-one came running to tell us that their zombies had initially been massively increased in resistances, oddly enough)

Only because my zombies run at 78% resists anyways. This fix is no skin off my back!
Last edited by OverUsedChewToy#0953 on Jun 27, 2013, 1:59:40 AM
OverUsedChewToy wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
(no-one came running to tell us that their zombies had initially been massively increased in resistances, oddly enough)

Only because my zombies run at 78% resists anyways. This fix is no skin off my back!

I've only tried a summoning witch in the past two weeks... so tanky zombies are all I've had experience with. They certainly feel like paper now. So I have to ask. How do you get your zombies to 78% resists?
grepman wrote:
I dont understand why people keep bringing up vitality

that 1.65% regen (with IF) isnt anything against bursts of elemental damage. it'll take more than secs to regen 20% of a zombies HP. realistically hes gone by then.

Zombies aren't effected by IF nodes.
Brutus. Do you even sync?
AnnanFay wrote:
grepman wrote:
I dont understand why people keep bringing up vitality

that 1.65% regen (with IF) isnt anything against bursts of elemental damage. it'll take more than secs to regen 20% of a zombies HP. realistically hes gone by then.

Zombies aren't effected by IF nodes.

Like in many other games Minions should have parts of the players stats.

Pets/minions should have either the same stats than the player or a % of it.

If a player has 75% resists then the Minions should have for example 50% of that.

If a player has 8000 Armor then the Minion should have 4000 armor etc etc

Its shown to work well in many other games and its fun for the player when he pgrades his gear and his Minions get better too.

Why we must have Endgame Minions with crap - 60% resist in this game which we can up a bit with a GEM and an Aura is a mystery to me.

Why not change the Quality stats for Minions so that a Quality +20 Minion has for example 35% resist in Merciless ?

Its already expensive enough to get Skeletons, Spectres and Zombies to Quality +20 with 60 GCP´s

Max Quality for Minion could be a Solution for them


Sharing player stats on a % base mith Minions

But with the current Minions that just lose 15.000 HP in under 3-5 seconds to Elemental Damage in low Level 66 Maps its just unbelievable annoying.

I am not willing to continue to play this game anymore with such gimped Minions that just get destroyed so quick even with 10k - 15k HP

I had so much fun until 2 Days when this patch appeared that 1st accidently removed Multistrike and then left my Pets as -60% resist crap....

Summoners were good with Tanky Zombies ...

p.s Why are some here talking about Spectres ?? did i say something about them ? You can take Ranged spectres yes but what about Melee spectres ? We are forced to use Ranged because Melee spectres die in 4 seconds like the other minions.

- 60% Merciless Minion resists is the pure shit and we cant even get it higher than maybe -20 % with Aura and Totem. No option to ever get it up into positive % areas....

Templar retired
Ranger retired

and now sadly my almost L82 witch will be retired and theres nothing left i am willing to play

in a few days i will give away all my Items an Orbs to n00bs in ACT1N

tuccos wrote:
AnnanFay wrote:
grepman wrote:
I dont understand why people keep bringing up vitality

that 1.65% regen (with IF) isnt anything against bursts of elemental damage. it'll take more than secs to regen 20% of a zombies HP. realistically hes gone by then.

Zombies aren't effected by IF nodes.

Like in many other games Minions should have parts of the players stats.

Pets/minions should have either the same stats than the player or a % of it.

If a player has 75% resists then the Minions should have for example 50% of that.

If a player has 8000 Armor then the Minion should have 4000 armor etc etc

Its shown to work well in many other games and its fun for the player when he pgrades his gear and his Minions get better too.

Summoner's probably one of the least gear-intensive builds. Why change that?

Also: PoE is pretty different to other games, last I checked

Summoner's probably one of the least gear-intensive builds. Why change that?

Also: PoE is pretty different to other games, last I checked[/quote]

I just want a GGG developer play a L80 Summoner. I want hiim to go to a simple L66 map with Elemental Dmg enemies and try it out.

I want to see him chain spamming zombies and skeletons until his finger hurts and hes pissed enough and can see how fukkin horrible crappy the Minions are now with - 60% .

Then i want to see this Developer move to his Statisics table and change Minions Resist values to at least ZERO or +25% resist so that we can up it a bit with Aura/Gem in to positive values.

I cant imagine that any GGG developer has played this shit before changing the resists by -135%

If a GGG employee ever tries out a L71+ MAP then he must be a liar if he claims Minions would be well and balanced...

tuccos wrote:
Its already expensive enough to get Skeletons, Spectres and Zombies to Quality +20 with 60 GCP´s


/wipes tear from eye.

Thanks for that.
I really think there is a l2p issue here, i mean using matua tapuna, socketing zombies in there minion life, minion elemental resistances, using purity and having it benefit your zombies even more because of matua's IF passive, i think even WITHOUT the bug they will be tanky as fuck.

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