Zombie´s suck since latest Patch - 135% resists... Endgame Summoner screwed. Help us Pls

Why not just make some passive skill nodes that add, say +10% to all res, for zombies then? Then people can invest in those to boost endgame survivability just a bit..
Last edited by crashh#3434 on Jul 4, 2013, 8:42:47 PM
Rhys wrote:
I had a look at your build, and I'm not really surprised that your minions (not just zombies) are fragile. You have absolutely no defensive support gems at all other than a Life Leech on your Spectres. Also, you don't need to support every minion with +IIQ and +IIR. Currently, the only non-magic-find support on both your Raised Zombies and Summoned Skeletons is Multistrike. If you feel your minions are dying too quickly, why not investigate the +Minion Life and +Minion Resists support gems?

As always, a child crying about something he have no idea how to do.... like every game out there. Why can't children just get banned from the internet already.
Galadedrid wrote:
Can you actually just tell us what the Zombies' base resistance is?
Based on breakpointing the code as a zombie is created, it looks like a level 20 raise zombie gem currently creates a zombie with 32% fire and lightning resistance and 64% cold resistance (0% chaos). That's subject to change with future balance tweaks.

A level 20 minion/totem elemental resistance gem adds 23%/22%/22% respectively (more with quality), bringing that to 55%/75%(maxed)/54%. Necromantic Aegis or the purity aura can be used to further enhance them.
Galadedrid wrote:
I suspect it's somewhere around 30% at level 20, which means in practical terms my Zombies are taking around 280% the elemental damage any (sensible) player at that level would.
Two points out of three, I guess? They're actually taking a lot less damage than a player at that level would if said player didn't invest in resistances (because players have the -60% penalty). If you want the zombies to keep up with a player that does stack resistances, then that should be being compared to zombies that have been built to augment their resistances too - comparing a player with lots of resistances stacking to a zombie with no bonuses applied to it's resistances should make the player look much more resistant. There are fewer ways to raise their resistances, but they start with a lot more base (32%/64% compared to -60% across the board), so need fewer boosts.
Looks like you can max the resistances with just two of the three following options: Resist Gem, Purity, Aegis+resist shield. That's good to know. I'd hate to be forced into all 3 options just to get max resist zombies.
Thanks for the response. Around 30% felt right for Fire/Lightning (it's nice to know they have more Cold Res, but Fire and Lightning are very much where the massive AOEs on bosses seem to be), but I'm basing my 280% more damage reasoning on the assumption that the damage dealt by map boss abilities is balanced on the assumption that players will have at least 75% resistance to the respective elements and the reflexes to move out of area effects - neither of which is applicable to Zombies. I don't know of anyone except dual sporkers routinely running around maps without essentially capped resistances and surviving, so I would maintain it's fair to say that Zombies take massively increased damage compared to a player at that stage of progression.

I appreciate your responses in the thread though, even if you disagree totally with the 'Zombies shouldn't be mowed down like flies when they encounter elemental AOE' thesis it's nice to know devs are aware of a concern, even if they don't think it's a valid one.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Makivante wrote:
Not really. Gimped doesn't mean "completely useless", it's an offensive slang term for handicapped. Saying a build is gimped in this context means it's (offensively) not as good as it could be/used to be).
In this case it's exactly as good as it "used to be" except for the relatively short period where they had +1403% all resistances at all times.

This made the purity aura, the resistances support gem, resistance shields with necromantic aegis, all of which should be reasonably options for palyers, as well as the zombie's own base resistances, completely useless.

Mark, does that number (1403%) mean that zombies were completely immune to ele damage during the duration of this bug ? If understand it correctly, it does. Kinda weird I still had Piety and Kuduku destroy them, but I guess they deal some damage in physical as well...
I assume they respected the effective cap (75%), but things like Flammability reduced them to 1352% (still effectively 75%) instead of -something.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Galadedrid wrote:
Can you actually just tell us what the Zombies' base resistance is?
Based on breakpointing the code as a zombie is created, it looks like a level 20 raise zombie gem currently creates a zombie with 32% fire and lightning resistance and 64% cold resistance (0% chaos). That's subject to change with future balance tweaks.

A level 20 minion/totem elemental resistance gem adds 23%/22%/22% respectively (more with quality), bringing that to 55%/75%(maxed)/54%. Necromantic Aegis or the purity aura can be used to further enhance them.
Galadedrid wrote:
I suspect it's somewhere around 30% at level 20, which means in practical terms my Zombies are taking around 280% the elemental damage any (sensible) player at that level would.
Two points out of three, I guess? They're actually taking a lot less damage than a player at that level would if said player didn't invest in resistances (because players have the -60% penalty). If you want the zombies to keep up with a player that does stack resistances, then that should be being compared to zombies that have been built to augment their resistances too - comparing a player with lots of resistances stacking to a zombie with no bonuses applied to it's resistances should make the player look much more resistant. There are fewer ways to raise their resistances, but they start with a lot more base (32%/64% compared to -60% across the board), so need fewer boosts.

in merciless substract - 60 % from each of these resists...... ??? or not ?

also tell me how to raise a zombies/skeletons CHAOS resist........

the whole minion defensive game design has huge flaws as everyone here can see now.......

Minion passive Nodes should also Add +Resists , all Elememental + Chaos like +6 - 10% per + Minion Node

Or Minions share Resists/attack/hp with with the player stats, for example 50% of player also transfers to the minions.

Last edited by tuccos#0181 on Jul 5, 2013, 11:39:51 AM
Rhys wrote:
Just to clear one matter up: this change only affected Raised Zombies. Spectres and Summoned Skeletons were unchanged. So saying that "all minions" or even "summoner builds" are gimped is just an exaggeration.

High level map bosses are supposed to be a challenge, especially Temple Piety. The +elemental damage mod on maps is supposed to make it harder.

Tuccos, I had a look at your build, and I'm not really surprised that your minions (not just zombies) are fragile. You have absolutely no defensive support gems at all other than a Life Leech on your Spectres. Also, you don't need to support every minion with +IIQ and +IIR. Currently, the only non-magic-find support on both your Raised Zombies and Summoned Skeletons is Multistrike. If you feel your minions are dying too quickly, why not investigate the +Minion Life and +Minion Resists support gems?

2 things

Lifeleech + Minion Life + MInion Resists will up the mana cost to like 170 to 200 mana per Summon. Thats stupid high considering the minions still drop like flies....

All the Minion Gems have far to high Mana cost. They should never be above 110-120 Mana because they only affect Minions which we have to spam at high end game levels...

If i use Minion Resist and Minion Life the minions die 2-3 seconds later in AoE elemental dmg.... what a big change :)

So actually you took a look at my actual Docks farm build which i use because i cant do much more than that beside Lunaris. You think thats all i know about builds ?

I am not from the far side of the moon, i know how i can raise my minions defense a little , but the cost you want us and me to pay for it is far to high compared to other classes that just Spam one skill to clear whole Maps with some LA shots.

Multistrike is importand for DPS and Lifeleech or Life on Hit , i cant skip it because you created the Minions so incredibly slow and boring that it feels like playing on a slide show without MS.

Why Skeletons have to crawl so extremly slow even with alot speedbuff is also a mystery to me... and why they dissapear after 20 sec too... why do they have to dissapear at all ??

Take a LA Ranger L83 and a pure L83 Summoner with a build of your chouie and a map of your choice and explain me why the Ranger for example clears the Map 3-5 times faster than a summoner with his creeping defensless Minions. ranged Flame Sentinel, Tentacle, Arcmage or Voidbearer spectres are the only real possible DPS source we have and if one of these Spectres dies, we have to get a new one which again costs time and nerves..... while the ranger still kills on the map.

Summoners are very time intensive compared to other classes that just start to grind. We have to build up Zombies and we have to get our spectres 1st beofre we can start grinding. If the spectres die, which happens, we need to leave the map and get another.

The Zombie agro Range is also to close, they are glued to our characters, even with mobs close they still stuck at the player character like an invisible magnet holds them back from attacking.


you took a look at my docks farm build and think thats all i know about PoE Summoners.........
Last edited by tuccos#0181 on Jul 5, 2013, 11:33:27 AM
Kinne wrote:
Rhys wrote:
I had a look at your build, and I'm not really surprised that your minions (not just zombies) are fragile. You have absolutely no defensive support gems at all other than a Life Leech on your Spectres. Also, you don't need to support every minion with +IIQ and +IIR. Currently, the only non-magic-find support on both your Raised Zombies and Summoned Skeletons is Multistrike. If you feel your minions are dying too quickly, why not investigate the +Minion Life and +Minion Resists support gems?

As always, a child crying about something he have no idea how to do.... like every game out there. Why can't children just get banned from the internet already.

your diamond supporter status doesnt make you immune to bans either.

your diamond supporter status deosnt turn you into a mature, which you obviously arent

your diamond supporter status doesnt turn you into a judge or someone better than others either

overall your diamond supporter status doesnt change anything for you outside your Brain

you have to realize that before you post here like beeing the "Lord of PoE" and judge others calling for bans...

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