Zombie´s suck since latest Patch - 135% resists... Endgame Summoner screwed. Help us Pls

I am levelling a summoner in onslaught and I now am working my way to merciless Piety and I must say that I am really starting to hate it.

The levelling up to this point was quiet fun but my recent experience in merciless is starting to go nightmare.

I am level 67 and I have all the summon life node in the tree, raise zombie with life
and elemental resists, I use Purity and my zombie die within 5 sec without minion instability. Maybe it's because I am not using a +2 helm but I doubt 2k more life would change anything and a +2 helm being mandatory means the build is broken.

The fun part is that the zombies cost me 120 mana to raise with minion life and elemental resist when I have 300 left. How am I supposed to raise 8 zombies in a fight when they drop like flies? They also deal most of the time no damage, ok I am lying they can one shoot normal monsters but because they are slow and they have a very small aggro range and they act like stupid idiots (running forward/backward), they don't do any damage.

Also I can't walk forward 5m without having the aggro of the whole zone and the mobs totally ignore my 20 summons and go straight to me. This was ok in lower level but now this is INSANE, I spend my whole time running backward; I guess this is because of my playstyle I hate having to cast a totem every 2 seconds to advance. :/

The only good point is summon skeleton with spell totem. These guys are doing the job, I really love them.

In the end I do most of the damage with LMP fireball, I one-two shoot normal monster and I will slowly start to remove all the minion damage nodes to turn into a more offensive caster. Right now I don't know I will keep the summon nodes.
Last edited by kamoa#1648 on Jul 3, 2013, 6:12:46 PM
agree, only skeli totem is really good :D
kamoa wrote:

Also I can't walk forward 5m without having the aggro of the whole zone and the mobs totally ignore my 20 summons and go straight to me. This was ok in lower level but now this is INSANE, I spend my whole time running backward; I guess this is because of my playstyle I hate having to cast a totem every 2 seconds to advance. :/

Have you tried using Arc to guide your zombies/spectres/skellies? You can attract your minions attention by attacking something yourself. When a mob comes after me I just hit it and my minions will switch to that target. I also use Arc to apply lightning dmg because elemental eq is just too damn good for running minions, I always use fire based spectre's.

Oh yea and cursing mobs will also tell your minions to attack it.
VRShiva wrote:
kamoa wrote:

Also I can't walk forward 5m without having the aggro of the whole zone and the mobs totally ignore my 20 summons and go straight to me. This was ok in lower level but now this is INSANE, I spend my whole time running backward; I guess this is because of my playstyle I hate having to cast a totem every 2 seconds to advance. :/

Have you tried using Arc to guide your zombies/spectres/skellies? You can attract your minions attention by attacking something yourself. When a mob comes after me I just hit it and my minions will switch to that target. I also use Arc to apply lightning dmg because elemental eq is just too damn good for running minions, I always use fire based spectre's.

Oh yea and cursing mobs will also tell your minions to attack it.

Yes, in this case I start the fight with double curse temporal chain and enfeeble but because
I only have 2.5k life and 700 shield I am forced to run away and here is the problem; the zombies follow me without attacking. Only skeleton army totem can drop some aggro or kill everything myself.
tuccos wrote:
GGGs devs seem to have no clue what we are talking about here.

i bet they have not even taken the time to try it out.......... they dont care at all..

i expected more than that from GGG...... young people with a vision... hmm yeaaa sure...

Think of it like this: Zombies aren't worse, they are now the same as they always were (apart from the last month or so).

Though, it is pretty hilarious that when this bug appeared, no-one noticed at all.
Code warrior
Rhys wrote:
Though, it is pretty hilarious that when this bug appeared, no-one noticed at all.
That's over-optimistic. The truth is that several people noticed... and decided to keep their mouths shut about it.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
tuccos wrote:

for example Overgrown Ruin Maps are the suck now, i need the zombies and skeletons to help clear rooms. The ranged Spectres dont hit anything trough the walls so i need the melee pets to clear.


So in short this game is a Ranged game in every situation....... even for summoners

Cannot compute... Which is it you need melees or not?
No food in fridge... Beer it is.
naughty wrote:
grepman wrote:

you said high level maps are still pain in the ass, you didnt specify for whom :)
I was just commenting on the fact you are decked out in MF. obviously it has nothing to do with minions, but Id imagine its quite tough staying alive solo in gear that is so MF-heavy n high level maps. no need for insults.

where i said that im farming high level maps solo? o_O
and the whole thread is about minions and zombies, why i should specify for whom?
just open your eyes dude.
I assumed you were talking about high-level maps solo *shrugs*. not necessarily farming though.
thats what most summoners do, usually they dont group.

my whole point was that your survivability must be extremely low with MF gear on; ie, personally Id probably worry about that before minions, although obviously I agree that AoE ele damage is ridiculous against them on high level maps.
Rhys wrote:

Though, it is pretty hilarious that when this bug appeared, no-one noticed at all.

personally I havent really noticed it because a month or so ago was almost exactly when I switched from MI to non-MI. I noticed the zombies got tankier, but thought it was a natural progression of the gem at high levels. their HP and damage starts scaling extremely well at higher levels, especially with a +2 helm on.

Ive never noticed them being completely immune to elemental damage, however, which is what bugged 1000+% resists would imply.
Piety still kicked their asses...as did kuduku
Last edited by grepman#2451 on Jul 3, 2013, 11:15:20 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Rhys wrote:
Though, it is pretty hilarious that when this bug appeared, no-one noticed at all.
That's over-optimistic. The truth is that several people noticed... and decided to keep their mouths shut about it.

Code warrior

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