Zombie´s suck since latest Patch - 135% resists... Endgame Summoner screwed. Help us Pls

i changed my build + gear after the last "patch". my summoner is lvl 80 and as i said, high level maps with ele damage are still a pain in the ass.

my gear:

my passive tree:


i tried to stack so much minion life and stuff as possible and upgraded my zombie gem to 20%, the result is that they are still shit and my cleaning speed is to slow now.
dont think that i will play more with that character, its like wasting time after the "fix" ;)

edit: forgot to say that im using 5-6 auras: detemination, grace, discipline, purity, wrath and anger
Last edited by naughty#6579 on Jul 3, 2013, 11:03:29 AM
naughty wrote:
i changed my build + gear after the last "patch". my summoner is lvl 80 and as i said, high level maps with ele damage are still a pain in the ass.

my gear:

my passive tree:


i tried to stack so much minion life and stuff as possible and upgraded my zombie gem to 20%, the result is that they are still shit and my cleaning speed is to slow now.
dont think that i will play more with that character, its like wasting time after the "fix" ;)

edit: forgot to say that im using 5-6 auras: detemination, grace, discipline, purity, wrath and anger

the high level elemental maps are a pain because our minions all got negative %%% resists even with totem and auras....

our minions are outside the Aura range most of the time anyways ...

they have -60 to -15ish % while playing with aura and totem

which is a game breaker and failed design....

i think the 75% resist bug was intended by someone at GGG that felt minions were to weak.
It was no bug, some developer at GGG introduced the 75% to boost minions.

when they then fixed the bugged Multistrike /attack speed of Minions a week ago, they found the 75% Resist and simply changed it to our huge disadvantage to -60 % as without having any clue about what they did..

one developer set it up to 75% some weeks ago because he felt it was right, weeks later the other just removes it again because he thinks its a wrong value without having a clue about summoners..

the game design and values of PoE are the same RNG gambling than the so called "crafting" which is just gambling too..

compared to my L83 Ranger and Templar friends my Summoner has turned into a Piece of Crap overnight........

why do the Minion passive nodes not increase +Resist by 6-15% for each node taken ? wouldnt that make sense ??

so, bad path finding , stupid AI + idiotic low defense puts minion builds far behind anything.....

Last edited by tuccos#0181 on Jul 3, 2013, 1:05:52 PM
the fix was a colossally stupid idea i agree.

Anyone who disagrees really is missing big picture.

These zombies aren't melee characters that leech their entire hp pool every time they hit something or have 5% hp regen or 40000 armor from granite flasks.

These are zombies , they don't have aoe attacks they don't have huge amounts of life leech

and now they have no resists

how did ggg expect these things to work? think about how much of the minions attributes have been split up into gems.

minion life
minion damage
minion speed
minion resistance

and considering the minion helms can only fit three gems , you are kinda fucked arent you.

Where is the build variety if 100% of all the gem slots have to be used on making the zombies survive an extra second.

remeber these arent players who know how to kite an run , these are idiotic ia driven zombies.

i see this fix killing minion builds


back to spamming totems and traps ( for fucks sake)
I am a melee character and even i can see how retarded this change is.
Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Jul 3, 2013, 1:43:05 PM
eversorgod wrote:

I am not being stupid, however not even realising what you are saying is meaning something you keep denying is very stupid, that is enough stupid for me as its clear you can not read or understand what you have said or even what i have said im done with you, wash my hands so to speak
I never called you stupid either. you keep insulting me though.

lol at me not being able to understand what I have said,

all I said is...rz is weak. thats it. you went and made conclusions that I want it buffed. no. I just presented a fact stemming from my gameplay. whether or not to buff it is entirely a different question which I never addressed until you mentioned it.

thats like me saying that I dont make a lot of money is a cry for me getting a raise. it's not.
you dont need to read between the lines.
naughty wrote:
i changed my build + gear after the last "patch". my summoner is lvl 80 and as i said, high level maps with ele damage are still a pain in the ass.

you are decked out in MF gear though and use no granites...so I can see why.
grepman wrote:
naughty wrote:
i changed my build + gear after the last "patch". my summoner is lvl 80 and as i said, high level maps with ele damage are still a pain in the ass.

you are decked out in MF gear though and use no granites...so I can see why.

do u even read what the issue is? not my character is dying, THE MINIONS.
other rings wouldnt help the minions to survive longer...same with granite flasks (btw who said that i dont use granite flasks???).
are you trolling or really dat stupid?
Last edited by naughty#6579 on Jul 3, 2013, 2:30:11 PM
naughty wrote:
grepman wrote:
naughty wrote:
i changed my build + gear after the last "patch". my summoner is lvl 80 and as i said, high level maps with ele damage are still a pain in the ass.

you are decked out in MF gear though and use no granites...so I can see why.

do u even read what the issue is? not my character is dying, THE MINIONS.
other rings wouldnt help the minions to survive longer...same with granite flasks (btw who said that i dont use granite flasks???).
are you trolling or really dat stupid?

you said high level maps are still pain in the ass, you didnt specify for whom :)
I was just commenting on the fact you are decked out in MF. obviously it has nothing to do with minions, but Id imagine its quite tough staying alive solo in gear that is so MF-heavy n high level maps. no need for insults.
GGGs devs seem to have no clue what we are talking about here.

i bet they have not even taken the time to try it out.......... they dont care at all..

i expected more than that from GGG...... young people with a vision... hmm yeaaa sure...
grepman wrote:

you said high level maps are still pain in the ass, you didnt specify for whom :)
I was just commenting on the fact you are decked out in MF. obviously it has nothing to do with minions, but Id imagine its quite tough staying alive solo in gear that is so MF-heavy n high level maps. no need for insults.

where i said that im farming high level maps solo? o_O
and the whole thread is about minions and zombies, why i should specify for whom?
just open your eyes dude.
tuccos wrote:
GGGs devs seem to have no clue what we are talking about here.

i bet they have not even taken the time to try it out.......... they dont care at all..

i expected more than that from GGG...... young people with a vision... hmm yeaaa sure...

talked with the support couple of days ago and they saw the thread, but dunno why they dont post anything about that issue.

i rerolled a new character today because i love that game, but other people will just quit.
there are so many OP builds, summoners have never been OP, even not before the "fix". thats the thing what i dont understand.

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