Zombie´s suck since latest Patch - 135% resists... Endgame Summoner screwed. Help us Pls

Out of curiosity, isn't AoE damage kind of supposed to kill hordes of minions? I mean, that's what I use AoE damage for as a player. Why should it do something different on monsters?

(non-summoners spend plenty of time complaining about things like Puncture, Flicker Strike, and charging Rhoas... when's the last time your summoner worried about one of those?)
I have wandered through insanity;
I have walked the spiral out.
Heard its twisted dreamed inanity
In a whisper, in a shout.
In the babbling cacophony
The refrains are all the same:
"[permutations of humanity]
are unworthy of the name!"
Elynole wrote:
grepman wrote:

personally, I can spam resummon them

And this is how you play a necromancer. You zerg shit. That's what a necromancer does. I have crazy mana regen due to me running so many auras and having support gem multipliers out the ass on my minions - which is a bit overkill.

Not expecting to continuously cast summon on a full-spec'd necro is ridiculous.

so there is only one fucking way to play a summoner in high level, spaming minions like an idiot? sounds like a lot of fun!
why GGG added support gems like minion life and minion elemental resistance? for cosmetic reasons?
Last edited by naughty#6579 on Jun 30, 2013, 6:08:14 PM
Skivverus wrote:
Out of curiosity, isn't AoE damage kind of supposed to kill hordes of minions? I mean, that's what I use AoE damage for as a player. Why should it do something different on monsters?

(non-summoners spend plenty of time complaining about things like Puncture, Flicker Strike, and charging Rhoas... when's the last time your summoner worried about one of those?)

do you think that summoners dont have any issues with puncture, flicker strike and charging rhoas? :D
please, just level a summoner till lvl80.
Last edited by naughty#6579 on Jun 30, 2013, 6:20:32 PM
naughty wrote:

so there is only one fucking way to play a summoner in high level, spaming minions like an idiot? sounds like a lot of fun!
why GGG added support gems like minion life and minion elemental resistance? for cosmetic reasons?

There's probably multiple ways to play them, obviously the way you're playing them is bad though.

I'll continue spamming my minions "like an idiot" and enjoy steam-rolling end-game. It's possible if you complain hard enough they'll rebuff them and make the game easy-mode for you.
Elynole wrote:
grepman wrote:

personally, I can spam resummon them

And this is how you play a necromancer. You zerg shit. That's what a necromancer does. I have crazy mana regen due to me running so many auras and having support gem multipliers out the ass on my minions - which is a bit overkill.

Not expecting to continuously cast summon on a full-spec'd necro is ridiculous.

the problem is even with spamming they work less of a meatshield

the problem right now, as Ive tried to say multiple times in this thread, is that zombies became really weak.
at this point a skele totem is >>>>> zombies

crap, summon skeletons without totem is >>>> zombies now

if you spam resummon then skeletons serve as better distractions, at least there are far more of them than zombies.

it just becomes a weak skill.

also, like others have said, you shouldnt be required to have high mana regen to use raise zombies. personally, I can run level 20 arctic armour, spam arc with blind/ele prolifer and double curse while under tons of auras. that doesnt mean my playstyle is for every summoner

domov wrote:
eversorgod wrote:
grepman wrote:

not trying to be rude, so Im going to try to say it the most gentle way.

please get into endgame maps before talking about zombies. using zombies as a main damage source compared to good spectres is usually severely gimping yourself if you're not using MI.
and if you're using MI, in endgame maps it becomes extremely unpredictable to deal damage.

ok so did a map for you, although im sure you will now say a top level map.

66 rare dried lake, not bad mods but considering its lvl66 and im lvl63 and i tore through it like it was nothing including the boss surrounded by about 30 spork skeles and animators i would say yea it was easy and only at the boss did i lose more than 2 zombies in a go.

im completely sure top level maps are impossibly hard solo like i said, pretty sure they are meant to be.....

you need AoE elemental Maps like Incinerators Mobs then you can watch your minions get destroyed.

sure if a summoner has some luck and gets some weak crap enemies that do little damage they can do it.

but whats that if i can do 1 out of 5+ maps that i loot ??????

try a Sewer Map, Dungeon or overgrown Ruins or better a 71+ then come back. Dried lake is not what we are talking about.

We are talking about endagme MAPs not n00bish L66 maps.

Why cant the low levels summoners here in cruel or merciless be quiet and just keep playing until they get stuck ?

yea so in other words it is as i said, 1st maps, now high level maps. So your basis of wanting to buff minions is for 1 tiny piece of the game which likely isnt meant to be either balanced or complete until act 3 is finished, great idea when the rest of the game is already too easy as a summoner

you guys make me laugh, oh no i cant do a lvl 3947374938 map with the worst mods in the game solo because my zombies die.... help.... buff them nooooooow

i have a

now if i go do that, someone will still moan.. likely you and yes im blunt, if you cant hack a general idiots call i suggest leaving the internet
Last edited by eversorgod#5722 on Jun 30, 2013, 7:27:43 PM
grepman wrote:

no one said they cannot clear merciless. clearing merciless is more or less trivial nowadays.

You clearly havent read the thread then, the bloody op said he has issues in docks and with lvl66 maps, i guess you didnt even bother reading....

which is why i did a lvl66 map underlevled and with shit gear to prove a point that it is infact builds and set ups, i never said anything about the highest possible most difficult maps other than they are likely designed with groups in mind.

like anyone would want to solo the best maps anyway, makes no sense like half of the guys crying about summoners being weak

grepman wrote:

so you do have issues with zombies dying as well. good to know that you wrote like 5 posts about nothing then. no one said its impossible to clear merciless with zombies dying.

I can clear most of endgame maps with 0 zombies. so what ? thats not the fucking point.

and the MI point was if you take off MI, go to a map which has spikes of elemental damage and count the amount of zombies that die per run, it will be a fucking ton.

I said i have/had issues with them NOT dying, considering that is where at current the main burst dps comes from.

clearing most endgame maps with 0 zombies is EXACTLY the point, you and these other guys are completely clueless when it comes to balancing. the last smallest part of the game is too hard on minions due to their bug fix, lets buff them but hey dont worry that we have already admitted steam rolling the rest of the game as summoners

you can say what you want about me, but you guys are hilarious
Last edited by eversorgod#5722 on Jun 30, 2013, 7:46:03 PM
eversorgod wrote:

clearing most endgame maps with 0 zombies is EXACTLY the point, you and these other guys are completely clueless when it comes to balancing.
the last smallest part of the game is too hard on minions due to their bug fix, lets buff them but hey dont worry that we have already admitted steam rolling the rest of the game as summoner

you can say what you want about me, but you guys are hilarious

you are putting words in my mouth here. nowhere did I call for a buff or even a fix of the current situation in this thread. NOWHERE.

all I'm saying is zombies are much weaker now and the gem raise zombies has become weak.

in fact, I've posted that several times, yet you chose to ignore it.

are summoners completely viable and powerful in maps without zombies ? yes

is the raise zombie skill much weaker now (and probably absolutely unusable by a non-summoner for utility purposes) to the point where its not terribly useful ? YES

please do not confuse me with the OP. I dont post in this thread to QQ or to say summoner is not viable. I'm lamenting zombies becoming so weak that dominating blow-raised monsters last longer than them.
Skivverus wrote:
Out of curiosity, isn't AoE damage kind of supposed to kill hordes of minions? I mean, that's what I use AoE damage for as a player. Why should it do something different on monsters?

(non-summoners spend plenty of time complaining about things like Puncture, Flicker Strike, and charging Rhoas... when's the last time your summoner worried about one of those?)

good question. yes it is, and big aoe damage killed zombies even when they were bugged. I have no problem with that. problem is now they die from sneezes.

but zombies are designed to be a skill - like spectres - that kinda keeps zombies with you for a while. unlike summon skellies, dominating blow or conversion trap, where the summons are only with your for a period of time.

if I can use dominating blow (30 sec timer or so) on a minion and it stays alive longer than my zombies do...thats not a good design imo.

about other stuff, a summoner has to worry about all those kind of things- not to say we arent very good already but we do worry about those things. rhoas are/were extremely dangerous for a summoner, especially back when they couldnt be evaded. puncture can kill a summoner as well as any kind of character. flicker strike is a bit annoying because my spectres always miss the targets with their fireballs, and when you get a dual widow boss it becomes scary.
grepman wrote:

please do not confuse me with the OP. I dont post in this thread to QQ or to say summoner is not viable. I'm lamenting zombies becoming so weak that dominating blow-raised monsters last longer than them.

Then its adviced to practice what you preach and not put words in other peoples mouths ;-)

I am not confusing you with the OP, but for sure i dont get some of your reasoning
grepman wrote:

is the raise zombie skill much weaker now (and probably absolutely unusable by a non-summoner for utility purposes) to the point where its not terribly useful ? YES

zombies as a support for a non summoner is not meant to be anything, they are highly dependant on good gem set ups and passive tree nodes to the point where of course they are useless unless you specialise in them, just like nearly every other thing in this game requires specialization.

just as pulse would be useless for me, doesnt make it a bad skill

grepman wrote:

are summoners completely viable and powerful in maps without zombies ? yes

yet you want to buff them, dont say you dont again as i dont think you understand what you are saying
grepman wrote:

you are putting words in my mouth here. nowhere did I call for a buff or even a fix of the current situation in this thread. NOWHERE.

by saying they are too weak you are in fact saying they should be buffed otherwise whats the point in saying they are too weak and posting in a topic which is calling for buffs, you wonder why i say some things lol

grepman wrote:

all I'm saying is zombies are much weaker now and the gem raise zombies has become weak.

I do not agree, but then thats fine. what would you suggest doing to them then? they stream roll everything but some bosses for me.

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