Zombie´s suck since latest Patch - 135% resists... Endgame Summoner screwed. Help us Pls

domov wrote:
Herpy_Derpleson wrote:
OP has uninstalled (good work guys).
Let this die plz.

why let this die ? summoner is no good to play now.

minions need some rebalance. they are to easy to die now.

summoner minions need at least some positive resists at merciless which is not possible with the game mechanics right now.

no reason to let this die

and i think its sad the OP left because he was right, to many here did OP bashing for no reason

Summoners were playable before the bug.

All you people that rolled summoners during this bugs existence, have been spoiled.

I said it a bunch of times already, a bug fix isn't a nerf.

[edit] If you can't kill 1:1 to losing zombies, you are bad and should feel bad. Resummoning isn't hard.

"Oh no, my minions die!"
"Dude, minion instability rocks"
Last edited by Herpy_Derpleson#6025 on Jun 30, 2013, 1:27:15 AM
Herpy_Derpleson wrote:
domov wrote:
Herpy_Derpleson wrote:
OP has uninstalled (good work guys).
Let this die plz.

why let this die ? summoner is no good to play now.

minions need some rebalance. they are to easy to die now.

summoner minions need at least some positive resists at merciless which is not possible with the game mechanics right now.

no reason to let this die

and i think its sad the OP left because he was right, to many here did OP bashing for no reason

Summoners were playable before the bug.

All you people that rolled summoners during this bugs existence, have been spoiled.

I said it a bunch of times already, a bug fix isn't a nerf.

[edit] If you can't kill 1:1 to losing zombies, you are bad and should feel bad. Resummoning isn't hard.

"Oh no, my minions die!"
"Dude, minion instability rocks"

you can say what you want for another five thousand times. your word isnt Law here mister. just because you repeat something a million times that is not fact and the world doesnt change just because you repeat yourself alot. you can repeat yourself another 2 billion times and its still not proven that you are right.

The minions with Bug were almost balanced, maybe a bit to much resists yes. The fix broke the minions because unfixed they are to weak. so they need another re-balance fix to get them back into game.

your opinion is just one opinion. here are enough players with another opinion than yours.

its not just about minion instability or resummoning.

minions are broken in merciless with such low resists never mind if you use an aura or support gem they die to fast

minion and player character should share resists like in other games. thats a good solution.

maybe 50% of player resists should transfer to minions that would make sense somehow. players that care about resists have better resists on minions too. the others not...

before you start to yell , that solution is base in other games too. so why not in PoE ?

Last edited by tuccos#0181 on Jun 30, 2013, 2:16:03 AM
I remember similar discussion from closed beta when negative resistances were introduced. I'm not sure but I think GGG stated that minions will not have negative res.

If it's still like that then capping zombie res is easier than before due to minion res gem: 25% from lev 17 purity, 25 from minion res gem + 24 implicit res on angelic kite shield with necromatic aegis keystone (don't even need any res mods on that)

But there was no level 77 maps so I don't know how zombies with 75% res would survive there, I've not played summoner since CB.
OP is still watching this thread :)

i am with you man , the minions received a big nerf and they were almost good before the bug fix. now they are worth nothing but to explode.

minion instability is the only option summoners have.

there is no way to get tanky minions anymore. they move a few meters then explode. often they dont even reach the enemies because they die before.

very limited game design !!!

gfurm wrote:
I remember similar discussion from closed beta when negative resistances were introduced. I'm not sure but I think GGG stated that minions will not have negative res.

If it's still like that then capping zombie res is easier than before due to minion res gem: 25% from lev 17 purity, 25 from minion res gem + 24 implicit res on angelic kite shield with necromatic aegis keystone (don't even need any res mods on that)

But there was no level 77 maps so I don't know how zombies with 75% res would survive there, I've not played summoner since CB.

dont you think its a bit to much to have to design our build just around resists for minions ?

a healthy base resist is needed. what happens when ACT4 comes like the OP mentioned ? - 80% resist for minions ???? that would be extremly disturbing !

you dont need to do L77 with these minions because you summon them and they explode one second later if you have elemental enemies.

its pointless. (we know, some here are super hardcore and think it should be even harder)

FAILED game design

domov wrote:
gfurm wrote:
I remember similar discussion from closed beta when negative resistances were introduced. I'm not sure but I think GGG stated that minions will not have negative res.

If it's still like that then capping zombie res is easier than before due to minion res gem: 25% from lev 17 purity, 25 from minion res gem + 24 implicit res on angelic kite shield with necromatic aegis keystone (don't even need any res mods on that)

But there was no level 77 maps so I don't know how zombies with 75% res would survive there, I've not played summoner since CB.

dont you think its a bit to much to have to design our build just around resists for minions ?

a healthy base resist is needed. what happens when ACT4 comes like the OP mentioned ? - 80% resist for minions ???? that would be extremly disturbing !

you dont need to do L77 with these minions because you summon them and they explode one second later if you have elemental enemies.

its pointless. (we know, some here are super hardcore and think it should be even harder)

FAILED game design

Why would Act 4 change anything? There will still be 3 difficulty levels without resistances changing.
grepman wrote:

not trying to be rude, so Im going to try to say it the most gentle way.

please get into endgame maps before talking about zombies. using zombies as a main damage source compared to good spectres is usually severely gimping yourself if you're not using MI.
and if you're using MI, in endgame maps it becomes extremely unpredictable to deal damage.

no one dies shortly following zombies unless they build around it

why are you calling people stupid when all your 'suggestions' are standard in endgame ?

your 5L zombie setup doesnt even work without MI as zombies will die like flies with no leech or minion health.

and using MI when your main source of damage is spectres is counterproductive.

TLDR: youre using MI, where the main purpose of pets is to die, not to live, and youre calling people who think zombies die too fast stupid; also, you havent done any maps yet.

who said i dont use spectres?

i am simply saying with zombies alone i can clear act merci under leveled with bad gear, while people including the OP said they can not because their minions die too quickly, i do not have this issue hence it must be THEIR issue not the game.

I also said i have not done high level maps, but will do a map in a bit just for you. If there is an issue solely with high lvl maps with insane mods and your trying to solo it then theres part of your issue, if it is just a complete issue then you cant just buff minions making the rest of the game easy mode for crap builds again just because its an issue at end game in a game which is not complete or deigned to be ended like this ie act 3 .

The plan is to stick minion life on the end, seems you guys think way to singular. oh if you dont have good spectres your trash, if you have alot of power in zombies your trash. I thought that mentioning that i was not in maps yet would exclude idiots such as yourself commenting about a lvl 63 build vs a lvl 80+ build, the op and others in this thread are complaining about way before then which is quite obviously wrong

oh forgot to add, if you check an earlier post i actually have issues with my zombies dying let alone getting to use their MI which is just the added bonus, the set up is for fire perlif from basic attacks as well as the MI, not either or

naughty wrote:

cool story bro, and now go back to cruel...
we have issues at the ENDGAME and not with lvl 40 characters.

i could clear maps solo before the patch/fix/whatever, it was not easy mode, but it was still possible.

RIP my dear summoner :(

lvl40? yea thats it clearly, cool story bro go back to school and learn to read and take me with you for some grammar and lets hold hands and go surfing

nice helm gem set up btw sure that helps with your issues loads...

unkempt wrote:

Why would Act 4 change anything? There will still be 3 difficulty levels without resistances changing.

just like act 2 and act 3 changed alot of the game so will completion of act 3 and additions on the way
Last edited by eversorgod#5722 on Jun 30, 2013, 4:32:19 AM
This thread is full of fail.

That is all.
grepman wrote:

not trying to be rude, so Im going to try to say it the most gentle way.

please get into endgame maps before talking about zombies. using zombies as a main damage source compared to good spectres is usually severely gimping yourself if you're not using MI.
and if you're using MI, in endgame maps it becomes extremely unpredictable to deal damage.

ok so did a map for you, although im sure you will now say a top level map.

66 rare dried lake, not bad mods but considering its lvl66 and im lvl63 and i tore through it like it was nothing including the boss surrounded by about 30 spork skeles and animators i would say yea it was easy and only at the boss did i lose more than 2 zombies in a go.

im completely sure top level maps are impossibly hard solo like i said, pretty sure they are meant to be.....
Last edited by eversorgod#5722 on Jun 30, 2013, 5:08:21 AM
Elynole wrote:
This thread is full of fail.

That is all.

you failed because you payed as supporter for a game that is in beta where everything shitty is possible, like it just happend to pure summoners.

i havent payed yet (only for 2 stash), and if i had payed a bunch of $$$$$ id surely would be pissed of even more now.

what if they screwed your build ?

then you would be the one asking for help here. until they nerf you you can have a big mouth but then when the day comes and your the nerf victim you will get some revenge here on the boards when you cry whine and yell about your broken build.

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