Remove MF completely from game
" Exactly. Read the message "I R A BUILD WHO NEEDS UNIQUES, BUT I R POOR !!!! REMOVE MF AND GIMME TEH UNIQUES !!!". Or read the message "blablabla REMOVE MF blablabla balance loots (i.e. more loots) blablabla". But I know the trick : let's spam pver and over the same false assumptions and wait for the "others" to leave and auto-congratulate "see, we are right". You want more loot ? Feel free to ask for it, but stop hiding behind the mechanics of the game and the word "balance". |
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" Are you saying we should all just play dual spark now? Let's use the same first grader logic: Every single player who like magic find are dual spark low life shavrone build that don't want to be nerfed. |
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" There's no way you could have deduced all of that just from a super high IQ. Are you also psychic? Is that how you peer into the minds of all of the other players to know what their thinking? Hovergame wins the thread for being a psychic genius. Everyone surrender the jig is up. Our conspiracy to trick GGG into giving us more free lootz has been exposed! Standard Forever
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" I'm a melee cyclone duelist running with 60 IIQ/100 IIR in Anarchy. It's my first and only character in the league. I just solo'd a lvl 73 map with 151 quantity and multiple damage mods with no deaths quickly and efficiently, after using only chisels and an alch. I've found a Lioneye's Glare, Marohi Erqi, 2x Divinarius, etc. Whether you're going on personal experience or not, YOU ARE STATING NON-FACTS AS ABSOLUTE TRUTHS. Everyone has been shafted by RNG at one point or another. This is just a heavily disguised form of whining, littered with inaccurate statements and calls to make the game easier. |
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"It's not like I don't want loot at all. But I definitely do not want more. All legendaries must be rare, it's not even a question. If magic find is removed and drops are even lowered than they are now for 0 magic find, I will find that fair. The game would become even more hardcore, and I like it. I know fo sure I would never be able to maintain even level 68+ maps, but neither will anyone else. We will play on a fair ground. It will equalize party and solo play in my opinion (and not only mine). I wrote all my arguments as constructively as I only could. As of right now, I personally don't see a point in playing anything else other than a build, that allows for MF stacking. The only reason I am still not giving up on the topic - is I still want to hear why are people still eager to leave magic find as it is. The only solid argument I heard was reference to other games that also traditionally have magic find mechanics (but have these same problems as well). Just to be fair, no other games have skill gems that are inserted into equipment sockets, so it is not a reason why Path of Exile should not get rid of problem mechanics. I am trying to encourage talking, not to shout out anyone. It's definitely not like whoever posts here the most somehow wins and GGG would be obliged to do someone's will. Obviously not. But I hope they still read this forum. "You found more than four legendaries in one run? That's an incredible luck you got there. Unfortunately, these cases are rare. Generally, the higher the map, the more IIQ/IIR you need for loot to even show, leaving you with less and less damage/survivability gear and in the end forcing you to either play full MF or play in a party with such character. |
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" First off, you read it wrong. Not in one run. Second, you're just making shit up again. You don't need more MF in higher maps for "loot to even show." Completely false, pulled from the air, and another piece of bullshit stated as fact. |
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" Congratz, I didnt find any high lvl unique so far, playing now for over 200h that char. And again, this is why we are calling out to remove mf: " Its is NOT about free loot, it is NOT about making the game easier. In my op it is just - as stated above - a useless and counterproductive design error, being copied from D2 (because it is THE reference for hack n 'slay games). Last edited by WUlf1337#0866 on Jul 3, 2013, 5:49:19 AM
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" Proof or it didnt happen. |
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"It is just amusing that you ignore almost everything to continue dismissing points.Came with 1 red socket, I spent 6 jewellers 1 fusing. RNG is RNG - is a correct statement in this context. But considering this item dropped for a sporker with culling strike while we were partied, and I was never able to get any such items soloing much more higher level maps afterwards - this just made me think it is not an option going for no MF way. Just note, that noone (even those who support magic find to stay) ever said that MF is fully optional. The only case where this holds true - is when you are in a party, and your party MF'er is someone else. Writing all these posts, all I've done was me stating my personal experience as my personal experience. And when combining similar experiences of other players, I analyze the situation trying to understand what's wrong, and what should be done to improve the situation. "I don't think we can get any use from this. This may be really great luck just as possible as to be a totally made up fact. It could be trusted as much as to my own fact about chest armor. |
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" Dod I say EVERYBODY ? No, I didn't. I was talking about the current spammers, 2 of them in particular. All my char are bow users with BM. Thy are basically saying : -You are forced to play with MF builds (which isn't true, many players played the game to the late levels without playing with a high MF). And, on top of that, they put meleee vs ranged in the balance (as if the problem was MF ....), group vs solo (as if the problem was MF ....), some builds (as if MF was the problem ....). Yes, they just want more drops, that's all. IF they didn't, they wouldn't even care about what the others are getting, since they would have their wonderful set full of uniques. You don't need to be a psychic to understand how a majority of the players are thinking. A few rules to understand them : 1) They think they are good and even amongst the best. 2) Based on 1), they think they should be able to do everything and drop everything. 3) Based on 2), if they don't, they whine about the drops/difficulty. 4) Based on 1) and 2), if someone does it and they don't, they ask for a nerf of that char/build. 5) If someone tells them to L2P, they'll bash him. I played enough games during the last 15-20 years. On every game, the players are the same, and that's why we went from "farm your gear" in the old MMO's to the "you killed this boss, take this best-in-game piece", but then they started to ask for more and more nerfs. |
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