
Sorry if this has been suggested but for Bosses maybe you have to "loot the corpse" like a dead rogue in D2 or a Telkin Orb in Titan Quest. It lets people fight till the monster dies and gives ranged characters a second to close the distance.
I think the best way is to personalize loot. That way ppl with worse connections don't always come too late to pick up loot.

Load universe into a gun.
Aim at brain.
I loved to take items from under peoples nose in d2.. and it made me even more satisfied if item was really good.

And when that happened to me i just tought it a little like "what the fu*k was that item" but then the little rage turned away for more looting to do.
This is why I think the Diablo 3 way is better as well, simply put, no one I know plays any sort of games. My brother does but he is a console nerd and will not for the life of him drift over to the PC.

How do you expect to make "friends" as well? This is a beta and not a public one. People will be limited and how can you truly trust anyone?

I think Blizzard has the right of it to be sure, but I'm really looking forward to playing PoE, in the near future.
TJDK wrote:
play with friends then it dosent mater who picked up an item:P

Agreed, but your friends will not always be on :P.

I don't think that there will be a problem with this, because there is no in-game currency. So if an item isn't useful to someone they're likely not to pick it up.

I think the loot system is fine. No need to go the same way as D3, always holding the players hand so everyone can get "1337" loot.
^I sure that I'll loot all your elte items, like stalker. Are you scary =))
I'm waiting for a beta key. If you dont have anyone to invite, please just invite me.
Mail: bo.xaoxaot@gmail.com
Thank :)
I think loot in this game should be auto distributed... there is no reason to add more hostility in a game that is suppose to be group based, throw anything rare or above randomly in to a party members inventory and broadcast it in chat, if people want to trade/give it they can... but the current system is just dumb and will cause unneeded grief and infighting for no real reason...
This is what pushed me from wanting to player a Ranger to playing a melee class ><

I am fine either way. But I am not huge on trusting random people.
Come on guys, it's just loot.

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